Chapter 2

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Mabel Pines had sat next to Pacifica's bed for two days straight and, now sleep deprived, was ready to leave when Stan and dipper burst into the room. After a quiet discussion of who's fault it was, pacifica had woken up, her green eyes clouded by pain but she managed to give them a small smile. Stan was on the phone again, trying to explain to her parents what was going on.

"Look, she's fine" the old man held out the phone arms length as audible yelling came from the small device "stop yelling".

Pacifica held out her hand, signalling to give her the phone. Stan handed it over and she leant back on the hospital bed, holding it to her ear.

"I'll explain what happened when I get back" she frowned "yeah I'm fine! Love you too, bye" she quickly set down the phone.

She handed it back to Stan before letting out a shaky breath. She sat up and pulled her legs over the side of the bed. She slipped off the bed, her bare feet landing on the cold hospital floor? Her arms and legs were wrapped tightly in bandages, as was most of her torso. Mabel stepped forward, holding out her hand and pulling pacifica closer so she could lean on the brunettes shoulders.

"Thanks" she mumbled as they walked down the corridor.

Pacifica was told to go back to the mansion, and as much as she wanted to go home with the twins, she had to go calm her parents down. Her parents didn't even like her that much, she was just used as a strategy to make them richer.

She knew they were faking the crying and worrying because when she stepped through the large wooden doors to the Northwest Mansion, her parents were standing in front of her, unimpressed looks on both of their faces.

"What did you do this time" her mother frowned, grabbing Pacifica's arm and observing the bandages.

Pacifica winced at her touch "sorry I was just.." She paused. She knew that if she mentioned the triangular demon that had attacked, her parents would freak. "I got caught in a fire. Yeah, I was walking though the woods and came across an abandoned shack full of science equipment. I was exploring when some jerks set it on fire with me in it".

Her father sighed and shoved her towards the stairwell "go to you room to change. You look awful".

Hurt, pacifica trudged upstairs, rubbing her bandaged arm. She changed into a purple hoodie and leggings then changed her bandages.

She carefully unwrapped the bandages off her left arm, grimacing as she saw her red, broken flesh. She looked away as she pulled the last of the fabric off her arm and threw it in the bin. Then she pulled out new bandages, that had been given to her by the hospital because her parents refused to buy any, from her shoulder bag and put them on, trying to ignore the stinging.

The Pines family had offered to buy her new bandages and painkillers which she gratefully accepted. It was all Mabel's idea and the others just went along with it. Pacifica smiled, her cheeks growing warm at the thought of the brunette.



She adjusted the bandages the ran downstairs, just as her parents were about to leave.

"We found out you were with those Pines twins" her mother said, angry.

"You're grounded for a month" her father finished.

"What!? I almost got burnt alive and you're worried about me hanging out with the Pines family?" Pacifica yelled, gritting her teeth and clenching her fists.

Without another word, they left, leaving the blonde with a handful of butlers to look after her. She stormed back upstairs, to her room.

Making sure she was alone, she pulled a small handmade photo album from under her pillow.

She hadn't known the twins for very long. And though the summer was almost over, she felt like it had been the best one she'd ever had, even if she had bullied Mabel at the start. Mabel had easily forgiven her and now they hung out and went on monster hunts together.

The photo album was made of light blue cardboard and covered in glitter. There were stickers all over the inside covers and stupid doodles Pacifica guessed were dippers. In her mind, Mabel was the artist and Dipper was the Monster hunter but he honestly wasn't half bad at drawing. On the cover, the words 'best summer ever!!' Was written in Mabel's cursive. Then, in the corner, was a gel pen drawing of a llama.

She opened it up and flicked through the photos, most of them were the twins being chased by a monsters, grinning and pacifica behind them, screaming.

If her parents were to find this she'd be grounded for life. She slid it back under her pillow and got out her phone, going onto Kik and finding mabel. Her name was, of course, 'shooting star' and her icon was her caticature she had drawn earlier in the summer so it wasn't exactly hard to find.

Pacifica: Hey Mabel, my parents found out that you guys were with me and grounded me so I can't pick up the bandages.

Shooting star: that sucks :( maybe we could sneak in, like spies!

Pacifica: That's not a good idea, maybe just send your servant handyman or something, he doesn't have anything against my family does he?

Shooting star: you mean Soos? No he doesn't. And can you not call him a servant, just say handyman or friend :/

Pacifica: sorry, sorry! Can you send him instead, I don't want you to get in trouble.

Shooting star: I'll talk to grunkle stan about it and see. Ttyl? Dipper asked me to help him find a unicorn!!!

Pacifica: okay, have fun :)

Pacifica waited but Mabel didn't answer. After a while, she set her phone back down and watched TV, nibbling on her secret stash of candy hidden cleverly inside her desk. Dipper had helped with that and she was very grateful.

"I wish I could see a unicorn" she sighed "that'd be so cool" she smiled to herself at the though.

Thanks for two votes already wow this is actually getting reads?! I can't blame you, you can't go wrong with Mabifica, its too adorable :3 I have one and a half weeks off of school so I'm gonna try and update once a day and when school comes back, the updates will slow down.


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