Chapter 20

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I'm so sorry for all the awful puns made in this chapter, blame the comments on the last chapter. I mean, they're not that bad but shhh

Mabel Pines shut her mouth, instantly regretting the words that had just come out of her mouth. She watched Pacifica raise an eyebrow and stare at the shorter girl with sudden curiosity. Mabel avoided eye contact, shoving a small piece of homemade muffin into her mouth and started slowly chewing.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Pacifica scooted closer.

Mabel started to sweat. She swallowed the food and turned away. Taking a deep breath, she shut her eyes, ready to let out all her feelings. Why was she acting like this? This wasn't Mabel. Maybe she could confess her love through terrible puns?

"Soo... I think its time I should" she paused and took another breath. Her heart was beating fast in her chest. Her hands were clammy. "Confess my Undyne-ing love for you???"

"Mabel..." Pacifica held a hand up to her mouth and chuckled.

"Uhh..." Mabel shuffled awkwardly.

"Mabel" pacifica repeated, grinning as she shuffled closer, wrapping an arm around the brunette.

"I love you a skele-ton!" Mabel turned bright red as pacifica planted a kiss on her cheek.


"Shut up" Mabel buried her face in the others shoulder, breathing in her scent.

"You do know I didn't understand that first pun, right?" Pacifica asked.

Mabel nodded "you'll understand it when I show you where its from".

"There's no way you're getting me into a dorky video game"

Mabel laughed "just you wait and see"

They sat in silence for what felt like hours but was probably just minutes, huddled up against one another, enjoying the others company. It was Pacifica who broke the silence with an awkward cough.

"So are we like, dating now or what?" Pacifica pulled away from Mabel and stared down at her.

"Do you wanna date?"

Pacifica started to nod but stopped. Her smile fell. "Yes I do, but my parents..." she ran a hand through her hair and bit her lip.

Mabel grabbed onto Pacifica's hands, ignoring how sweaty hers were. The blonde didn't seem to mind. "We can keep it a secret from them"

"But they've been trying to hook me up with a guy for years" pacifica sighed "I can't tell them I'm not interested, they'd flip out!"

"Okay, here's the plan" Mabel squeezed her hands "we don't tell them. If they keep getting you to date a guy, then keep rejecting them" Mabel paused before grinning mischievously "and if that fails, just fake date Dipper".

Pacifica let out a wheezing sound "no way! Your brother meets none of my standards"

"And I do?"

Pacifica did a half nod, half shrug before saying " yeah. I mean, he's so awkward and sweaty" she shuddered.

Mabel laughed, adding "and I can cook without almost setting the house on fire".

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