Chapter 40

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Mabel Pines lay side by side with Pacifica Northwest, her best friend and lover. Their hands were intertwined as they stared back up into the sky. It had been hours since they had saved the world though to them it now felt like days. It was growing dark, the sky, a deep purple, was lit up by a full moon. Somewhere deep in the woods the pair could hear a wolf howling but they chose to ignore it. Instead, they turned their heads, staring lovingly into the others eyes. For the first time in a while, it was quiet and they were making the most of it.

"So" Pacifica said, her voice cracking from the little use. They had been staring up at the sky for a while now. "What now?"

Mabel sat up slightly, propping her chin on the palm of her hand. The two were laying on the cliff overlooking gravity falls, hoping to catch some constellations that were said to have been spotted. Excited, the two had run up, leaving Stan and Ford to deal with Dipper and Bill.

Mabel stared into Pacifica's bright green eyes, a goofy smile on her face. She felt giddy but she didn't know why. Maybe it was because she was with her favourite person in the world. Pacifica.
"Well, we still have the majority of the summer left together" the brunette mumbled, stifling a yawn and dropping back onto her side.

"What about after that?"

"I'll come next year"

Pacifica turned towards Mabel, tears threatening to spill. She quickly wiped them away with her cardigan sleeve. "What if you don't? I don't want to be alone again..."

Mabel pulled Pacifica into a tight hug, running her hand through her blonde locks as the other sobbed into her chest.

"Hey, its okay, Paz! I can move out next year... Or in a couple of years" Mabel said "but either way, I'll never forget about you".

"Promise" came a small, muffled voice.

Mabel nodded "promise" she placed a kiss on top of Pacifica's head and broke out of the hug.

They both lay on the soft grass, staring up at the sky. Mabel blinked, eyes darting around. She shot up into a sitting position, pointing towards a line of stars tucked away in the corner of the sky.

"Is that the Big Dipper?" Mabel laughed and soon enough, Pacifica joined in.

"I wonder if Dipper and Bill are looking at the stars" pacifica whispered, not wanting to ruin the moment.

Mabel snorted "they're probably asleep".

They both chuckled again.

"The stars are so pretty tonight" Mabel said, breaking the peaceful silence they had been in.

Pacifica nodded, too tired to talk.

"Should we go back now?"

Another nod and a loud yawn answered Mabel's question.

Smiling, Mabel got up, helping her tired girlfriend up and getting into the golf cart. Mabel drove slowly back to the shack before running up to her room and dropping Pacifica on her bed. The brunette slid under the covers after her, breathing in the others scent. This was nice. This felt nice. It felt natural. Mabel snuggled closer to Pacifica, smiling in her sleep. The stars glowed through the covered window, illuminating the room in a white glow.

In the room below Bill and Dipper were fast asleep, in a position much like the other couple. Bill was hanging off the side of the bed, snoring slightly. Dipper held up him, his head on the demons chest. From his small window, the Big Dipper was glowing, the only light source in the room.

Everything was peaceful in the Pines household. That is, until another monster comes...

Finished! Wow this was so fun to write :D
Sorry this is kinda short, this is gonna be a pretty long authors note, I don't mind if you skip it tbh but there will be info on my new book at the end!!

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