Chapter 30

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Dipper pines knelt next to Bill's small figure, slowly wiping the blood off his cheek. He turned to Mabel, his eyes wide and scared.

"Do you know what happened?" He asked.

Mabel shook her head "nope, I just found him here" she was standing beside Dipper, hands in pockets and looking calmer then she had been a couple of minutes ago.

Dipper sighed, running a hand down his face. He stood up, turning to his sister. A tear rolled down his cheek. He was worried.

"We need to get him back to the shack" Dipper wiped his eyes with his sleeve and picked up the demon, slinging him over his shoulder.

Mabel nodded, following behind. She took out a bandage from her pocket, wrapping it around the large wound around his arm.

"Where did you get those?" Dipper raised an eyebrow.

Mabel chuckled, grinning slightly "I keep some spare in all my hoodies, just in case..." He grin faltered slightly. She placed a hand over her chest and sighed.

Dipper nodded, not replying, he just continued walking. Mabel licked her lips and followed once again. When they arrived at the shack, Dipper broke the silence.

"What do we tell Ford?" He asked, suddenly realising how bad this idea was. Ford would've left Bill to die but Dipper almost felt bad for him. Almost.

"We should just explain the situation, I'm sure he'll understand!" She suggested with a small shrug. Her gaze turned to Bill.

He looked awful, his clothing was ripped beyond repair and there was blood everywhere. It didn't look like human blood though, it was a dark maroon colour and it looked much thicker. It stuck to Dipper's hands as he set Bill down on the wooden platform outside the gift shop. He wiped down his hands on his jacket, hoping it wouldn't stain. Mabel had already gone inside to seek out Ford, and maybe Stan.

This was honestly the most Innocent Dipper had seen Bill. Like this, he looked like a helpless human, not a bloodthirsty demon. He chuckled but stopped as a though slid into his mind. Why was Bill here? Dipper grimaced and knelt down. He searched for pockets in Bill's clothing, looking in each one for the pin. By the time Ford ran out of the gift shop, nearly hitting both the demon and the twin in the process, Dipper's hands were almost completely covered in gross demon blood.

He stood up quickly, eyes wide. "There's no pin!" He ran a hand through his hair, instantly regretting doing so when his hand got stuck. "Where's the pin!?"

"Wait what?" Ford stood tall next to the demon, hands on hips. He looked confused, grumpy and tired. Dipper wondered if Mabel had woken him up from one of his important naps.

"If Bill doesn't have the pin on him, someone else must have it" Dipper had started to panic. What if another demon got it...

"We're not safe yet" Ford grit his teeth, grabbing Bill by his bandaged arms and pulling him into the shack. He lay Bill down in the bath, looking him over.

"Dipper, clean him up?"

"What!?" Dippers face turned bright red.

"Y'know, clean his wounds and stuff"

Dipper nodded, still red.

"If he wakes up, call me" Ford smirked and walked out of the room.

Mabel had also left, probably to call Pacifica and update her and the situation. She was a smart girl, maybe she could help with this. Maybe not.

Dipper turned back to Bill, deciding to work on the wounds on his arms and torso. Hesitating for a second, he carefully slipped off his shirt. By now, Dipper was very, very red. He was happy that no one was around to tease him. Grabbing the first aid kit placed on a shelf above the sink, he got to work.

Around twenty minutes later, he was clean. Dipper cleaned all the mud and blood on his chest, arms and face and Bill looked almost like his normal self. Except he was still passed out in the bathtub. But, he was alive! Dipper made sure to regularly check his pulse.

The brunette gazed at Bill's torn trousers. Deciding not to remove them, he pulled what was left of the legs up. Bills legs weren't as bad as the rest of him, thankfully. There was a large cut on his left one, spanning from his ankle to what Dipper guessed was his upper thigh. He didn't know since there was only a certain place you could pull up the trouser leg without it getting awkward. Dipper began to clean the wound before wrapping it up in a fresh bandage.

Bills blue eye opened slowly. He began to sit up but Dipper pushed him back down, securing the bandage and cleaning the dirt off his other leg.

"Pine tree?"

"Bill" Dipper didn't know what to say. He was mad.

"Why are you helping me?" Bill could sense his anger.

Dipper grunted and looked up at the demon "it was Mabel's idea to help you, thank her".

"Cool, I will" he sat up and winced.

Dippers cheeks turned bright red again, realising the demon was shirtless. He looked away.

"What happened?" Dipper asked quietly.

Bill shrugged.

"What. Happened" Dipper said, loosing his patience.

"Tad took the pin" Bill said plainly.


"Tad strange. He overpowered me".

∆ ∆ ∆

Pacifica had, when she received the text explaining Mabel's current situation, freaked out. She was now running, no, sprinting to the shack. She was angry. Bill didn't deserve Mabel's kindness, he deserved to die. After how badly he had damaged her family. She kicked the door open, slightly surprised it had been unlocked and stormed to the bathroom. Bill cipher was laying in the bathtub, shirtless and covered in crisp bandages.

"You" Pacifica growled, pointing at the demon.

Dipper let out a little gasp and shuffled to the side so the blonde could get to the demon. she walked up, raising her fist.

"You're so lucky that these people have helped you" she stood tall "because I would've let you die" Pacifica chuckled slightly "I would've put you out of your misery" she raised her fist higher. Then, brought it down hard.

It hit Bill square in the jaw and he fell back, hitting his head on the side of the tub and passing out. A trail of blood came from his nose. Pacifica smiled.

RIP Bill lmao
So this was a billdip (kind of???) chapter for all you shippers. There will be a lot more Mabifica coming very soon :3

Thanks for reading


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