Chapter 12

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Dipper Pines stared in disbelief as Stan finished his life story. Mabel was next to him,shaking slightly. Were those tears in her eyes??? Oh my god.

When the old man had finished, he turned to his twin, eyes slits "I spent thirty years trying to help you" he stood up, suddenly angry "and you repay me by punching me" he jabbed a finger at the red mark on his cheek.

Ford scowled "I wouldn't have been trapped if you hadn't ruined my life" his voiced raised as he finished the sentence.

Mabel stood up and walked in between the two men.

"Boys boys, why can't you learn to hate each other in secret" she shrugged innocently "like girls do" she put her hands into her sweater pockets. "plus you're twins" she turned to dipper smiling slightly.

Dipper came up to them, mirroring her smile "and twins should never fight" he finished.

They looked up at the old men with round brown eyes. A smile crept up onto Stans lips.

Ford clapped his hands together, making everyone in the room jump.

"Aren't you kids mean to be packing?" He asked, pushing them out of the room and into the lift.

"but you're the author..." Dipper said, excitement rising up in his chest "I have so many questions".

Ford chuckled at the child "maybe next summer eh?" He waved as the lift door closed.

The twins, soos and Stan arrived on the ground floor in silence. Stan looked as if he were about to cry.


"No, just finish packing, we don't have long, kiddo" he signed and walked into the living room, sitting down in his armchair and running a hand through his hair. He placed his fez down on a stand and shut his eyes.

The twins walked upstairs and slowly finished packing the last of their clothes. Mabel folded her last sweater, placing it neatly in the corner of her suitcase before turning to Dipper.

"Need any help?"

Dipper shook his head. His suitcase was a mess, nothing fit like it had when he had arrived at the start of the summer. He shoved another shirt into it, burying it under a pile of books, trying to save room for another layer of old clothes.

"You sure bro-bro?"

Dipper nodded. He needed time to think. Preferably alone. Luckily his sister seemed to take the hint and tried to drag her suitcase downstairs. Which looked difficult since it was almost as big as the brunette. She barely managed, falling down the last couple of steps and grazing her knee.

Stan sat up and went to check she was OK. Then helped get her suitcase outside and waiting for the younger twin.

Dipper rest his face in his hands. The author was Stans brother? He was family? What? Why didn't his parents tell him this! He'd have to question them when he got back.

Having the author back was definitely a good thing but also kind of a bad thing? According to the journals, he'd met bill before and Dipper had seen small triangular objects down in his lab. The twelve year old had found his role model of the summer but still didn't fully trust the guy. His past with Bill was important but questions would have to wait until next summer. Or the summer after that.

He stood up, stretching before zipping up his blue suitcase and slipping on his backpack. Amazed that they both closed without any effort he walked to the staircase, standing at the top and looking down. He didn't want to end up falling like his sister did.

Learning from his twins mistakes, he called for Stan who came in immediately.

"Can you help?"

Stan was still a little shaken up but nodded, lifting the object over his head with ease then jogged down the stairs, Dipper following.
They arrived at the bus stop to soos and Wendy already waiting. The bus could be seen in the distance, its pace slow and steady but everyone knew they didn't have much time.

They all exchanged hugs and sad looks.

"You'll come back right?" Wendy asked, her voice cracking.

"Of course, I don't know when..." Dipper trailed off, fighting back tears.

Mabel was in the middle of giving soos one of her trademark bear hugs when the bus arrived.

The driver opened the doors "gravity falls" he drawled.

Some tourists stepped off, some walking off to the information centre and others to shops or stopping to talk to the locals.

Mabel gave soos a sad braces-filled smile and stepped onto the bus, her brother following. They hopped onto the back seats as the driver put their suitcases into a special luggage compartment on the side of the bus, before taking his place behind the wheel and shutting the doors.

Candy and Grenda had come to wave them off as the bus made its way down the dirt road, further and further away from their friends and family. It broke Mabel's heart that pacifica couldn't make it. She turned over in her seat and got out the blondes card, staring at it.

"Don't worry Mabes, you'll be able to see her again" he rest a hand on her arm and got out a book.

He turned the first page, turning his attention from his sister to the stained page.

Mabel put the card away, staring out the window for the rest of the journey. She watched as the trees thinned out and became buildings which grew in height as they came to their destination. Piedmont California.

Their parents welcomed them with open arms and "how was your summer?"

Both the twins had decided not to tell them about the paranormal stuff that had happened so they wouldn't freak out and refuse to let them go again.

Instead, Mabel groaned "Stan made us work at the shack for like, the whole summer".

Her parents chuckled, probably assuming she was exaggerating.

They piled into the car and drove home, their parents firing questions at them about Stan and their summer and the twins answering, trying to avoid any mention of the journals, dinosaurs, zombies or gnomes.

They hoped that they could go back next summer. They didn't realise they'd have to wait four years.

I wanted to age up dip and mabes because twelve year old Mabifica is just awkward. And 16 is a nice age and idek


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