Chapter 38

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Dipper Pines took a step back, into Mabel's arms who pulled him into a tight, defensive hug. She glared daggers at the demon and he could've sworn he saw Tad looking...scared? He hoped it was, Mabel could totally beat him up if she wanted to.

Mabel let go, pushing her way in front of her twin. She stood tall. Well, as tall as she could as a 5'4 human being standing next to a six.. Maybe seven foot demon.

A small groan echoed through the room and everyone turned to its supposed source. Bill was awake, though it did look like his eyes were being forced open by magic. Dipper ignored that, running over and cupping Bill's small face in his hands. Tears rolled down his cheeks.

"You're okay!" Dipper smiled as he silently wept. He wanted to kiss the demon, but Bill was in no shape to do so. He looked like he was missing teeth. Instead, he settled for kissing his own hand and resting it on Bill's charred lips. Bill gave him a small smile.

Mabel cooed and whistled but Dipper ignored it. Tad was impatiently tapping his foot on the stone floor, looking it his wrist as if there was a watch on it. He snapped his head up and pulled Dipper closer with his magic. Dipper yelped as he felt himself being dragged away from Bill.

"Look kid, I only let you in so I could kill you slowly in front of your boyfriend" Tad cracked his fingers, one at a time, making dipper cringe.

"H-hes not my boyfriend" Dipper's cheeks grew red. Mabel snorted behind him. He turned to face his sister "nows not the time, Mabel".

"Well, it seems you two are..." Tad paused searching for the right word "i-it seems you two care about each other a lot".

Dipper raised an eyebrow, confused as why the seemingly confident demon would stumble over words like that. He decided to ignore it. Once again, now was not the time to over think things.

Tad turned towards the girls. He looked slightly confused but the look disappeared as fast as it had came. He brought them closer.

"I'll kill you! I'll kill you all" he started laughing. A crazy, evil laugh that made Dipper wince and shiver at the same time.

He balled his fist and dipper could hear choking to his left. He tried to turn his head, go see who it was but found he couldn't move. Dipper started to panic. The choking only grew louder and turned into sobs. It was only a matter of time before whoever it was stopped breathing.

"D-dip" the voice sounded familiar. Dippers eyes widened.

"Mabel oh my gosh" he started wriggling, trying to get out of Tad's grip and help his sister. But once again, he couldn't move. Tears now streamed freely from his eyes and down his cheeks. He started screaming her name, hoping it wasn't too late. Dipper could hear Pacifica to his right, yelling curses at the demon.

Tad only grinned. He opened up his fist. Dipper could hear sharp, jagged breathing through the sobs that came from his sister. He sighed but he knew this wasn't over. Tad dropped Mabel to the floor and only now could he finally glance at her. There was a red mark on her neck. She was on the floor, seemingly too weak and out of breath to get up. Her eyes were closed tightly and she was still crying. Dippers heart ached.

The demon shrugged it off, ignoring the girls pleas to let the others go. He turned towards Pacifica, the same grin, a little wider than before, on his face. Pacifica started sobbing harder. Dipper looked around, finally being able to move his head around. He spotted his gun, strewn on the floor, not far from his feet. He started wiggling his legs as Tad started to wave his hands around. He heard a scream bit ignored it, he was determined to get the gun.

The tip of his foot touched it and he began pulling it closer, slowly so the demon wouldn't notice until it was too late. The gun was finally underneath him. He wondered if he could kill Tad with it before realising it wouldn't. But, ford had a plan and the gun would definitely stun him and give them enough time to escape. Dippers arms were by his sides, he couldn't move them. His heartbeat quickened as the heard another body drop to the floor.

"Dipper Pines" Dipper looked up to see Tad staring at him with eager blue eyes.

Mabel and Pacifica were huddled on the floor, crying and covered in blood. Dipper looked away from them, holding back fresh tears.


Tad walked closer to him, seeming to not realised the gun beside the brunette. He let Dipper drop to the floor but as soon as his feet hit stone, he was flung to the other side of the room. Dipper smashed into the wall. He felt something snap. Was it his arm? He didn't know, everything was numb. Tad was standing in front of him, glaring down. His hand was raised. Dipper closed his eyes, waiting to be thrown again. He felt himself rising and the was lightly tossed to the side.

He grunted as he hit the floor, sliding slightly from the impact with the ground. His arm was throbbing, the only thing he could feel. He spotted the gun laying next to him and reached out. He grabbed it an pulled himself into a sitting position. Aiming the gun at Tad, be pressed down on the trigger. A ball of light started forming. It grew and grew until it was the size of Dipper's head.

By the time Tad had realised what he was doing and was sprinting towards him. Dipper pressed down hard on the trigger and the ball of light broke away. It hit Tad square in the chest and he fell over. Electricity flowed through him and he lay of the ground, twitching. Dipper was grateful the gun actually worked on demons.

He got up and help the girls up. Mabel wasn't that bad, a little bruised. Pacifica was worse, she was bruised badly, a stream of blood trailing from her lip. Mabel lifted her up bridal style and ran down the stairs, which were surprisingly still there. Dipper ran up to Bill, breaking the shackles and making him drop to the floor. He groaned. Dipper copied Mabel, picking him up bridal style and following his sister. If he was lucky, Tad wouldn't follow them.

They ran as fast as they could back to the shack. Once they arrived, they cleaned both the blondes wounds and wrapped bandages around them. Mabel held an icepack to her cheek. Pacifica had woken up, taking her place on the wheel next to Mabel. Dipper was standing on the pine tree symbol.

Everyone was set to go. Bill still hadn't woken up, which served as a problem. Ford had placed him in the middle, hoping he'd wake up and get what they were doing. They could only hope...

I think this only needs 1 or 2 more chapters until the end! I really don't want this to have a cheesy ending that makes no sense whatsoever and I do have a faint idea about what's gonna happen. The clue is literally the book title lmao. Sorry for the kind of gory chapter. Thanks for reading ~


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