Chapter 36

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Dipper Pines had arrived back at the shack just in time to spot pacifica walking soos inside, scowling slightly. He stepped inside the living room where everyone was crowded around Ford. He held out all three journals, pointing to the cipher wheel then to individual people.

"Dipper you're back!" Ford grinned and stood up, journal 3 falling off his knees. It fell open on the floor.

"Yup" Dipper stepped aside and pushed Wendy toward.

Ford nodded, his grin growing wider. He clapped his hands together and looked around the room. His smile faded after scanning over the group.

"Where's Bill?" He asked slowly.

Everyone muttered to each other, looking around with wide eyes. Maybe he had wandered to the kitchen? Or outside. Dipper took off in the direction of his room, searching everywhere for any traces of Bill. Nothing.

"He's not here" he said when he arrived back to the living room "if he went, he would've left a note or something at least".

Ford ran a hand down his face. "We need to find him" he looked like he was about to explode. Sweat dripped down his forehead as he ran both is hands through his grey hair. He adjusted his glasses and cleared his throat "we can't do this without him".

Everyone groaned, too scared to go back outside but also too lazy to get Bill. Dipper stepped forward, of course, volunteering. Mabel was by his side a second later, wrapping her arm around his shoulder and pulling him closer. He chuckled, holding onto her arm, trying to keep steady. Both twins turned to Pacifica, who was was fidgeting in the corner.

Pacifica looked up at them but turned her head, avoiding eye contact.

"Paz" Mabel murmured.

Pacifica's head shot up. Sighing loudly, she stepped forward. The twins cheered, Mabel pulling her into the awkward hug. Ford smiled and passed them weapons, three of those weird future looking guns and some food and water, just in case this took longer then need be.

They all set out, walking into town in hopes of finding any traces of where Bill went.

∆ ∆ ∆

Bill cipher spat out a tooth. It fell onto the tile floor with a small clank. Bill looked up, growling. He was chained to a wall. But these weren't normal chains, they were glowing bright blue, covered in demon magic. They dug into his wrists, making them ache slightly. He was slouching, weak from all the punches, magical punches, thrown at him. He deserved this. He was a traitor.

Tad was standing in front of him, fist raised once again. His knuckles were covered in blood, Bill's blood. A wild grin was spread from ear to ear. There was no sign of him stopping.

"Tell me what you know about the Pines family, I know they have something to do with... With this" he gestured to Bill before turning and muttering "traitor" under his breath.

"No" Bill replied, ignoring his sting in nose from the punch he had received mere seconds ago. His nose was bleeding badly, he could feel the hot sticky blood. It was probably broken...

"What about that Pines boy... What's his name? Dipper?" Tad clicked his fingers, showing a hologram of him running towards town with two figures behind him. He clenched his hand into a fist and the picture faded away. "He's coming to get you, you know".

Bill started panicking. "D-dont hurt him" he said before choking on a wave of blood coming up his throat. He felt sick. He wanted to die. The blood dribbled out of his mouth and down his chin. He coughed and tried to breath in but more kept coming.

"Why not?" Tad asked, raising his eyebrow curiously. Like he knew the answer.

"Ilovehim" Bill answered quickly, it was quiet, it came out barely above a whisper. He didn't Want Tad knowing.


Bill growled again, looking up to glare at the other demon, his eyes slits.

Tad laughed and slammed his fist into Bill's face once again. It hit him on his cheek, directly onto the bruise Pacifica had given him a few days prior. He grunted but kept his mouth shut, mostly out of embarrassment. His cheeks were growing a little red. Tad raised booth of his fists and brought them down, one hitting his nose and the other his jaw. He started kicking the smaller demon in the ribs, grinning when he heard snapping. Bill gritted his teth, closing his eyes and accepting the pain.

"So" Tad said when he had stopped. His was covered in Bill's blood. Somehow, it had gotten onto his face and suit.

Bill didn't want to look down at his torso. He knew he was done for. He glared daggers at the other demon, suddenly gaining the energy and confidence to speak.

"Because. I. Love. Him." He said between sharp, painful breaths.

Tads eyes widened and so did his grin. He threw back his head and laughed, wiping away a tear and walking up to Bill.

"Pathetic" he spat.

Bill hummed, too tired to speak. He could feel his eyes closing. This was it, he was going to die. Could demons even die? Not even he knew that. He slumped forward, his vision growing dark. The last thing he heard with laughter.

∆ ∆ ∆

Dipper pines stopped running, waiting for the other two to catch up. He had ran ahead, extremely worried about his crushes safety. Not that he would admit it to his sister. The two arrived seconds later, hand in hand and panting.

"Will you slow down bro bro?" Mabel asked, wiping sweat from her forehead.

Dipper spun around on his heel to face his sister. He wanted to yell at her, scold her. But he didn't, only pointing to a massive floating triangle into the sky. It was a dark purple, almost black and made of what looked like stone? Obsidian? Something.

"He's up there" he said plainly.

Mabel looked up to where he was pointing, her eyes growing wider. "That's so cool!"

"How are we going to get up there though" Pacifica pointed out.

Dipper frowned. He hadn't thought that far yet...

Hi! This book is almost over, only like... 2-4 more chapters??? Idk about you guys but I'm super excited to publish my lapidot fic :D

Also, I made an Archive of our Own (Ao3) account I'm hoping to use. I might write one shots on there???? I'll put a link on my profile.


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