Chapter 23

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Bill cipher woke up early the next day. He sat up and looked over to Dipper who was fast asleep. Standing up, careful not to wake the brunette up, he crept out of the room, shutting the door quietly behind him.

He ran a hand through his hair and checked on the two sleeping grunkles before heading up to the attic. He opened the door and saw the two girls, fast asleep. Mabel was hugging Pacifica, her face buried in her back and Pacifica facing the wall, a small smile on her pink lips. Bill choked back a gag. Human love was disgusting. That still didn't explain why he felt weird when he was with Pine tree though...

Shaking his head, he looked around the room. He spotted the pin on Mabel's bedside table and extended on arm to grab it. He yelped quietly as he felt something touch his arm. Turning, he saw Mabel glaring at him sleepily.

"What do you think you're doing?" She sat up and rubbed her eyes.

Bill tried to move his arm but the older twins grip was strong. He started to panic.

"Just give me the pin" he grit his teeth.

"Over my dead body"

Something snapped in Bill and his eye turned bright red once again. He grinned a toothy grin and lifted his arm off the table and dropped it to his side. He stood up fully and grabbed Mabel by the collar of her shirt. Mabel winced as he brought her up to eye level with surprising strength.

"That can be arranged" he whispered, dropping the girl and standing over her.

He stepped into her body, making her ghost fly out. She started to yell angrily at him but he was too busy to listen. He stood up and shook Pacifica awake.

She blinked open her eyes and smiled as she saw who was waking her.

"Hey Mabel" she stretched and sat up, wrapping the glittery blankets around her skinny shoulders. "What time is it?"

"Time to wake up! Come on lla- paz... Let's go wake up dip"

Pacifica didn't seem to notice the slip up and nodded "Okay, I just need to clean up a bit" she gestured to her bedhead.

Bill forced a laugh, nodding himself as Pacifica made her way to the bathroom.

Mabel floated over to Bill, sitting next to him on her bed "so" she said, surprisingly calm considering the situation.


"Why do you need that pin?" Mabel asked, glancing over to the object.

Bill smirked, picking it up and fiddling with it. "Oh Y'know" he shrugged, holding it up towards the sunlight "this is my key to freedom".


"Well, I said I was in trouble..." Bill turned the pin over and examined the back "using this will get them off my back! I can go home".

"Get who off your back?"

"No one" Bill growled putting the pin back on the table and standing up as Pacifica walked out of the bathroom. They both walked down the stairs, hand in hand.

Mabel made a mental note to show the pin the Ford, just to confirm what Bill had said. Something about this didn't seem right. She followed the two into the kitchen where Dipper was sitting, reading a book, feet propped on the table. Stan was watching over a pan of bacon. Ford was nowhere to be seen, probably in his lab.

"Morning" Dipper greeted the girls with a small nod, not looking up from his book.

Must be a good one Mabel thought.

Five minutes later, Stan slid three plates of bacon and eggs onto the table. Dipper and pacifica tucked in straight away but Bill grimaced and pushed the plate away.

"Mabel are you OK?" Stan said through a mouthful of egg.

Bill nodded "just not... Feeling well".

"Need any medicine? Painkillers?"

Bill shook his head.

"I can't believe they can't tell it's you" Mabel sighed.

"Hey" Dipper spoke up, waving his fork around "where's Bill".

Bill froze "Uhh... I think I saw him outside! Probably doing demon stuff".

Dippers eyes widened "shouldn't we look for him? He could be trying to start the apocalypse".

"He is" Stan mumbled.

"Then let's go!" Dipper stood up, pulled on his pine tree hat and grabbed journal 3 from his room.

"Maybe we should just leave him??" Bill said.

"What!? Are you okay, Mabel?" Pacifica placed a hand on his forehead and drew back.

"So cold"

"I'm fine" Bill was panicking. This wasn't the plan "maybe we should get the pin?"

"Good idea!" Dipper ran upstairs.

Bill sighed and sat back down, resting his head in his hands. Pacifica rubbed his shoulder.

"If you're feeling well, you can sit this out"

"IM FINE" Bill yelled, his eyes glowing yellow for a split second. He turned away from Pacifica and proceeded to stare at he table.

Pacifica backed away into the other room to help Dipper.

∆ ∆ ∆

Dipper Pines ran down the stairs to see Pacifica waiting by the door, looking freaked out.

"You OK?"

"Mabel's acting weird..." Pacifica frowned "we should leave her here".

Dipper nodded and opened the door for the two to walk out. They headed towards the woods.

∆ ∆ ∆

Ford Pines walked into the kitchen, holding today's newspaper in one hand, his other adjusting his glasses. He poured himself a glass of milk before turning to head back to his lab. He spotted Mabel, almost laying on the table, and knew something was up.

"Mabel, sweetie" he stepped closer.

"Sixer" Mabel turned around, her yes glowing yellow.

She gave him a toothy grin and stood up.

"Bill what the h-" Ford was cut off and thrown against the wall.

"Tell anyone and I'll kill you" Bill said, standing over the man "I need that pin".

"The pin? Oh no!" Ford tackled the demon to the ground and ran up to Mabel's room.

Grabbing the pin, he turned around to see Bill standing in the doorway.

"Hand. Me. The. Pin" with every word he stepped closer.

Sorry this is a really bad update, I've not been feeling very creative. Plus, I just watched the gravity falls finale so I'm pretty sad its ended. Luckily, this book still has a pretty long way to go! :D


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