Chapter 19

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Bill Cipher woke up to Dipper snoring softly, still fast asleep. The dream demon checked the time. 7am. He stood up, letting the blankets fall to his feet and padded over to the sleeping twin. Bill wasn't sure how to wake the brunette up without him getting annoyed. He wanted Dipper to like him, especially now that they were sharing a room together. Bill hesitated before giving Dipper's shoulder a small shove. Dipper groaned but didn't move.
"Pine tree" Bill bent down so he was face to face with Dipper. "Wake up".

Bill gave him another shove, this time more impatient. Once again, Dipper did nothing. The demon walked out of the room, determined to wake his new roommate up. Something clicked in his head and he turned on his heel to run down the hallway towards Fords room. He pulled the man out of his body and took it without hesitation. He was used to it after all. He stood up slowly, getting used to the longer limbs and aching back.

"Dipper wake up, this an emergency!" Bill ran into Dippers room and pushed the door open.

Hearing what he thought was his great uncle's voice, Dipper shot up from his bed and stared at him with wide brown eyes.

"What is it Grunkle Ford?" He began to get up, grabbing his clothes and taking off his shirt before stopping.

Bill laughed and shut the door quietly begin him. He let Ford drop to the floor before stepping out and grinning at the shirtless brunette. Dipper was blushing furiously as Bill kicked an unconscious Ford out of the room.

"Bill what the heck!? You can't do that" Dipper yelled, holding the shirt to his chest.

Bill smirked and sat next to Dipper on his bed, leaning in so that their noses were touching. Dipper turned even redder and Bill just laughed, ignoring his growing affection towards the boy.

The door opened behind them and Dipper fell backwards with a yelp. Bill snapped his head towards the door and could feel his cheeks heating up as he saw who it was.

Mabel was standing at the door, already dressed, giving the two a smug look.

"Not interrupting anything am I boys?"

Dipper shook his head furiously before hiding his face in his shirt. Bill stood up, stretched then followed the older twin towards the kitchen.

"So, why was Ford passed out by Dipper's door?" She asked.

Bill shrugged "experiment gone wrong?"

Mabel sighed and pushed a plate of waffles towards Bill.

"Yeah right"

"What? You don't believe me, shooting star?"

"No, I don't"

Bill frowned and stabbed his waffle with his fork, taking a large bite from it. Syrup dripped down his chin but he ignored it.

"I'm going round Pacifica's today so Dipper's gonna look after you, okay?"

"What? I don't need looking after" Bill puffed out his chest proudly "I'm a dream demon".

"Not anymore"

Bills smile faded. He angrily took a bite from his waffle, glaring daggers at Mabel.

Dipper walked in and sat the furthest away from the feasting demon. He was still red. Mabel passed him his own plate of food before explaining her plans for the day. He nodded and looked over to Bill hesitantly.

"Don't worry Pine tree, I won't try anything like that again" Bill wiggled his eyebrows.

"You're lying"

Mabel laughed and left the two to argue.

Mabel Pines set off into the woods with a backpack full of food, a blanket and a couple of cool books she'd wanted to show the blonde. She took out her phone and headphones and hummed along to her music along the way. Her music stopped as her phone buzzed. A text from Pacifica.

Paz: hey Mabel, I'm waiting outside the mansion now, I found a really neat place near the falls which I think you'd like

Shooting star: awesome!! Be there in 5

Mabel smiled. Today was the day she had decided to confess her undying love for Pacifica. Even thinking about it made her chest tighten. The thought of rejection was painful. She took in a deep breath and stepped out from the undergrowth. Pacifica spotted her and her grin widened.

"Hey Mabel" pacifica greeted before lifting up a bag of her own "hope you don't mind, I brought some food too".

"Oooh" mabel cooed "rich people food?"

Pacifica laughed and shook her head "sandwiches made by yours truly"

Mabel fake gasped "a Northwest making me and sandwich? I'm honoured"

After another ten minutes of chatting and walking, they made it to their destination. Mabel looked up, eyes wide. This place was beautiful. She had a great view of the waterfall and there was was a little stream crossing through the middle of the clearing.

"This is amazing"

"I know right? I found it while I was....uh...when I ran away for a bit"

Mabel frowned, pulling the taller girl into a hug.

"Come on, don't be like, this! I want this to be a happy day" she gave her an encouraging grin and Pacifica almost instantly lightened up.

"Thanks" pacifica chuckled and sat down on the blanket Mabel had spread out.

"DATING START!" Mabel raised a fist into the air triumphantly and sat down next to the blonde.

"Did you just make a video game reference?" Pacifica asked, recognising the quote from a strange game she caught Mabel playing.

Mabel nodded.


Both laughed. Mabel set out a small box of homemade cupcakes and a little cooler with Pitt cola that she somehow managed to sneak past Stan, whilst pacifica neatened everything up and set out her own food.

Both talked and feasted for a while. Mabel was still trying to work up the courage to ask Pacifica out but her mind kept going back to the thought the blonde might reject her and every time she tried to tell her, no words can't out of her mouth.

"Are you ok?"

Mabel nodded, giving her a shy smile.

Pacifica raised an eyebrow. "Liar"

Mabel took a deep breath "there's... Something I've been meaning to tell you.."

Anyone who got that reference gets a MTT branded cookie ;)


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