Chapter 25

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Bill cipher laughed. It was a genuine laugh, very unlike Bill. He threw his head back and everything. Even wiped a tear away. He grinned an impossible grin. It was literally ear to ear. Dipper shuddered.

"Well" he began, eyeing the pin, currently trapped in Ford's hand, "yes, I am actually being 'hunted down' by a bunch of demons I kind of... Blackmailed. The pin has something to do with them as well but that's not important" he shrugged innocently, mostly to himself "the pin also has a great power, far too complicated for you humans to understand".

Stan stepped forward angrily, his fists clenched. Ford held out an arm to stop his brother from possibly injuring himself as well as his beloved niece.

"So I won't go into the details" Bill was watching Stanley with curious eyes. He was waiting for the first Pines to snap. Then, and only then would he stab shooting star and grab the pin.

"No, no...please do" Ford glared at the demon. Yes, he was angry, who wasn't? But he was very curious. How much power did the tiny pin in his hand possess??

Bill chuckled and shook his head "like I said, far too complicated for humans." he scanned the group, which had formed a circle around him. There was no escape now. Even the mystery shack employee, soos had stepped out of the gift shop to help. And that lumberjack kid, what was her name? Icebag.

"But" he held out a hand, engulfed in blue flames "I'd like to make a deal with you, sixer".

The floating sock puppet opened its mouth. "Don't do it Grunkle Ford!!" It soared towards the old man and slapped across his face.

He tried to hide his little grin as his niece repeatedly, but softly, began to slap his face with the sock, repeating "doooont doo ittt!!"

"We have no choice" he gave her a little shrug.

Bill grinned. He was scared. He could literally smell the fear radiating off this small family.

"Yes we do" mabel floated over to Dipper, nudging his jacket "the journal".

Bill laughed "you still have that old thing?" He placed his hands on his hips and raised his eyebrows "I should've destroyed those years ago". He swore under his breath.

Dipper smiled at the sock and pulled out the journal, flipping to the right page.

"Wait..." He turned to Ford, his face pale "you didn't right a weakness in here".

Bill laughed even harder.

"Oh" Ford stared at his boots for what seemed like minutes but were only mere seconds, before smirking "but it know his weakness".

Bill stopped laughing and turned to face him. He held up the knife once again, twirling it in fingers. Ford stopped and stared at the weapon.

"We can do this the easy way.." He held out his hand again "or the hard way" he held the knife in his other hand to his chest.

Everyone took a step back, scared. Wendy pulled out a dirty looking Axe, though it probably would serve no use. She did look very threatening though. Soos was glaring but Bill couldn't take him seriously. Dipper was staring at Bill sadly. He stepped forward and began walking up to the demon, which surprised him. He panicked and started to slice at his fingers. Dipper broke into a light run, his hands held out, signalling for him to stop.

"No, Bill!" He bit his lip was he watched the blood drip onto the grass "o-ok, I just want to talk to you" he said quietly.

Bill raised an eyebrow "go on".

Dipper looked as if he were about to cry and he looked up the demon filled with determination.

"I-i trusted you, Bill" his voice was shaky but came out as only a whisper. He was avoiding eye contact, staring at his shoes. "I thought you were changing...".

Bill snorted.

Dippers hands balled into fists and he stomped his foot angrily. "Look" he said, raising his voice slightly. "I-i though we were friends but n-now".

Bill felt weird. He clutched his stomach, grimacing. "Dipper..".

Dippers head shot up, his brown eyes wide. It made Bill feel weird and fuzzy inside.

"You called me by my real name!" He had back the grin beginning to form.

"So what?" Bill shuddered.

"Well" Dipper awkwardly scratched the back of his neck "I you?" He said more loudly than he had intended.

"Nows not really the time, Dipper" Mabel yelled.

Dipper blushed and nodded "you're right" he faced the demon and looked him straight in the eyes. "Can you give me Mabel back so we can talk about this?"

Bill hesitated, watching the blood trail stop. He looked at Dipper, then at Ford.

"I really need that pin" he said.

Dipper looked heartbroken. It made bill feel even weirder...

"Can't you just give her back?" Dipper sounded desperate now. Tears streamed down his face. "Forget about the pin for one second?"

Bill slowly shook his head. He felt horrible but it had to be done. Getting the pin would clear his name and he'd get infinite power, so it was a win win. But staying with Dipper did sound very tempting.

Oh no, why did he feel this way towards the Pines boy. He didn't like this feeling but at the same time... He kind of did? But Bill was a demon who worked solo, he couldn't afford to lose this chance to grab the pin.

Bill blinked and rose his hand with the knife in it. He brought it down fast. Closing his eyes, he felt pain jolt through him before falling to his knees. He rolled out of the body. By now everyone had started yelling and ran up to Mabel.

The demon took this chance. He took the pin and ran off. Before he left, he caught Dipper staring at him. He was sobbing grossly.

"I'm sorry" he mumbled before stepping into a portal and disappearing.

Woah, sorry that took so long. As I'm writing this, there's no WiFi so I'm gonna publish this tomorrow when I actually have it. I'm also writing the next chapter :3

But, I'm going to take this time to say that I'm planning on writing a super cute and fluffy human! Lapidot fanfic so watch out for that Steven Universe fans!

(Its either that or human! Papyton)

Thanks so much for reading this, the new part should be up hopefully sooner lmao.


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