Chapter 31

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Bill cipher woke up. He blinked a couple of times and looked up to see Dipper standing over him. The brunette was crouched slightly, holding something to the demons nose. It felt soft, and harmless so he decided to ignore it.

"Oh! You're awake" a smile grew of the young Pines freckled face which made Bill remember why he had come back. "Pacifica knocked you out for like, an hour! I honestly thought you had died" he chuckled to himself.

Bill frowned and quickly got up to prove Dipper wrong. "I'm fine" he rubbed his sore nose, wincing at the pain.

"Yeah, she might've broken you nose" Dipper guided Bill into a sitting position, still in the tub, and held a fresh tissue to his nose once again.

Bill breathed out through his nose, instantly regretting decision when he felt hot, sticky blood dribble out. He sighed and took the tissue from the brunette.

"Don't do that Bill, that's gross" Dipper stuck out his tongue to emphasise.

"Fine, fine. Can we move to somewhere more..." He looked down at the tub them back at Dipper "comfortable".

Dipper nodded and helped the demon out. They walked together to his room, Dipper holding his arm as support. Bill was limping, the wound on his leg stinging every time he put pressure on it. He decided to ignore the pain, instead focusing on the way Dipper was holding him. It was almost lovingly.

"Why was I even in that strange box thing?" Bill asked, sitting down on Dipper's bed and making himself comfortable in his blankets.

"Its called a bathroom, its where humans go to clean themselves" dipper blushed slightly, handing the blonde a shirt "you'll need to learn how to use it if you're gonna be staying with us".

Bill slipped on the shirt before looking up at Dipper with wide, hopeful blue eyes. "Staying?"

Dipper nodded and shrugged "I guess... Ford said you could help us" he explained.


Dipper ran a hand down his face and sighed loudly. He sat himself next to Bill "with Tad".

"Ooooh" Bill nodded "yeah sure. I guess this world is worth protecting".

Dipper frowned, placing a hand on Bill's face. Bill blushed lightly, his heart beating faster as Dipper moved his hand up to his forehead. Bill turned away slightly, hoping that the brunette would ignore the fact that such a simple gesture had flustered the demon.

"You look really pale" Dipper said, still oblivious of the blushing demon beside him "do you need to eat something? We have pizza".

"Uhh" Bill hesitated. Pizza? That sounded pretty good right about now. His stomach made a loud groaning noise and Bill looked up at Dipper, a small smirk on his face.

"I'm guessing that means yes" and without waiting for a reply, he stood up and left the room.

Bill groaned and lay down on Dipper's bed. The blankets wrapped around him smelt of Dipper and it made him feel warm inside. In fact, just staying in this old house brought back almost fond memories. He was almost in a relationship with Ford. Could he really call it a relationship though? A friendship?

Dipper burst back into the room, holding two plates stacked high with pizza slices. Bill sat up and unwrapped himself from the tangled mess of blankets he had encased himself in and took the plate. He took the first slice and stared at it. It was a simple cheese and tomato pizza slice. He took a bite, savouring the flavour before swallowing. Bill hummed happily and tucked into his plate.

Dipper laughed, a slice of his own pizza in one hand and the plate in the other "I've never seen you so enthusiastic about eating".

Bill chewed thoughtfully before swallowing his mouthful and getting ready to grab another slice "I guess I'm just really hungry".

"Do demons need to eat?" Dipper asked, eyeing Bill suspiciously.

Bill stopped eating, his eyes growing wide "no, I don't think so" Bill put down the slice in his hand and placed the plate on the bed. "When I've tried to eat food in the past, it wouldn't digest, it just like, vanished?" He leant back on Dipper's stack of pillows "I think somethings happening to me.."

Dipper took a bite out of his slice "are you scared" he asked, mouth still full.

Bill blinked. "Yeah".

∆ ∆ ∆

Mabel pines paced around her room, arms folded across her chest. Pacifica was sitting on her bed, fidgeting slightly. She was angry but Mabel wasn't entirely sure why. She knew it was because of Bill and that was all. Mabel didn't want to question Pacifica about it either, she had seen the damage she'd done to Bill by just one punch and she didn't want that happening to her.

"You OK, Paz?" This, Mabel thought, was an acceptable thing to say. She was worried about her girlfriend.

"Mmhm" She hummed, placing her hands on her lap and playing with her fingers.

She was avoiding eye contact. Mabel sighed and sat next to her. She pulled to blonde closer and placed a kiss on the others lips, which Pacifica grateful accepted. This seemed to calm her down. Pacifica wrapped her arms around Mabel's shoulders, pulling her even closer. If that was even physically possible.

The two stayed like that for a couple of minutes, just hugging and occasionally pecking each other on the cheek or lips. Pacifica had stopped shaking with rage, he was calm in Mabel's arms. Before the brunette knew it, the blonde had closed her eyes and was now breathing quietly into her shoulder. Mabel smiled and carefully lay down on her bed, Pacifica still laying on top of her. The blonde was surprisingly light. Mabel closed her eyes, sighing happily.

I might not have any WiFi tomorrow so no weekend updates. Really sorry D:
There will be more action in the future chapters, thanks for reading :3


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