Chapter 33

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Standford Pines stood in the doorway of the kitchen, watching Bill, the demon who had almost killed several members of his family multiple times, break down crying on the floor. Bill was on his knees, facing the floor, visible tears streaming down his cheeks. Ford almost felt sorry for him, but he had bigger issues to deal with at the moment. He had sent Dipper up to the attic to get Mabel and Pacifica and Stan to his lab to get some equipment.

"Its all my fault" Bill hiccupped and look up to Ford. "He took the pin".

Ford sighed and held out a had for the demon. He accepted and was pulled up. They stood in silence for a couple of minutes, staring out the window and listening to the urgent footsteps of the pines twins drawing closer. Dipper and Mabel burst into the kitchen, already out of breath.

"What's happening? Why is the sky red?" Dipper said between sharp breaths.

Pacifica emerged into the room, cheeks slightly red. She glanced out the window then back to Bill, narrowing her emerald eyes. Bill shrugged, wiping his eyes with his sleeve.

"The Apocalypse" Ford replied after a moment of silence.

Dipper froze, his eyes growing wide. He ran towards the window, leaning over the counter to look closer. The room was silent, the only sound was the faint screams of innocent people being...well no one knew yet but they were sure it wasn't good. Dipper turned back to the others.

"Get the unicorn hair, we're protecting the shack" he motioned for Ford to grab the items.

Ford nodded and strode out of the room.

"What about Bill?" Mabel asked.

"He'll stay inside" Dipper glanced at Bill, smiling slightly "if it works, he won't be able to get out. He'll be safe".

Bill sighed, relieved that Dipper cared about him enough to spare him. Tad was probably looking for him right now.

"Why don't we just kick him out?" Pacifica suggested with a small shrug "its his fault this happened in the first place".

"As nice as that sounds right now, I think Bill will be helpful" Dipper replied.

"For what?"

Dipper spun around to face the demon. Bill had never seen Dipper look this serious before. Something was up.

"You know how to sort this, right?"

Bill honestly didn't know. He was planning to do the exact same thing Tad was doing.

"Bill?" Dipper raised an eyebrow.

Bill panicked, knowing that Dipper would probably kick him out if he knew the truth, so he did the next best thing. He lied.

"Yeah....but we need Ford".

The Stan twins arrived back in the room together, Stan an armful of cool looking guns and Ford a fistful of rainbow hair. They both exchanged glances before nodding. Stan dropped the guns and walked away, possibly to go outside and set things up. Ford ushered the group away from this window and into the living room. He sat in Stans armchair and placed his hands together.

"Okay, I have a plan but it might not work" he said, his voice quiet, almost a whisper.

"That's reassuring" Pacifica rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. 

Mabel elbowed her in the ribs, putting a finger to her lips then nodding to Ford.

"But we need to find some other people" he took out Dipper's journal and flipped through it until he went to the page Dipper knew all too well. "This is the cipher wheel" he pointed to the wheel in the middle of the page.

Bills eyes lit up "yeah! That could work".

"These symbols represent a person. Mabel, your the shooting star, Dipper's the pine tree, Stanley's the...what is that? The moon thing? I'm the six fingered hand and Pacifica's the llama" he looked back up at the group "I don't know who the rest are".

"Wait, why am I the llama?"

"Just wait and see" Bill smirked.

"Any ideas?" Ford said, ignoring the glares between Bill and Pacifica.

"That looks like the star on Gideons tent" Dipper pointed o the star at the bottom.

"Is Gideon still here?" Mabel asked, frowning slightly.

Ford nodded "unfortunately, yes" he sighed "we have to find him as soon as we figure out the rest".

"The question mark is Soos"

"The glasses must be McGucket"

"McGucket?" Ford chuckled.

"Yeah! And the heart? That's probably Robbie" Mabel suggested. "Its on his hoodie".

"The ice bag?" Ford asked.

"I'm gonna guess its Wendy"

"I hope your right" Ford stood up, snapping the journal shut. "Okay, let's split up and find the others, they shouldn't be too far".

Everyone nodded in unison and stepped outside. Stan was tying the last pieces of hair together as they came out.

"Stan, can you guard the shack for us?"

"Sure" he smiled and patted the old building, almost lovingly.

"Oh wait" Ford ran back inside and retrieved the guns, giving one to each person, and settling on a large silver one for himself. He held his up and grinned awkwardly, trying to contain his excitement. "For self defence".

Everyone exchanged notes, saying who was getting who and then went on their way. Ford was getting McGucket, of course. Dipper had informed him that he lived in the middle of the dump and was slowly loosing his mind. Ford had shrugged it off, just excited to see his old friend. How long had it been? 30 years?

He arrived at the dump. Garbage was strewn everywhere and some wired looking creatures were walking around. Ford aimed his gun, shooting on with a bright blue light. It screeched and fell to the floor, sizzling up sand crumbling into the dirt.

Ford stepped into the dump. "Fiddleford?"

A figure stepped out of the shadows.

Just gonna point out that its gonna be somewhat similar to weirdmageddom but without Mabel's bubble and stuff. Also more gore and angsty stuff :3
Thanks for reading


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