Chapter 16

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Dipper pines turned his gaze away from the demon, trying to keep control of the small blush on his cheeks. After teasing Mabel over and over again for blushing like an idiot over Pacifica, he didn't want her to do the same to him. Mabel wasn't even paying attention to Bill, just staring down and the debris and kicking stray prices of wood.

Dipper sighed and ran a hand through his hair "what do you want" he kept his voice as calm as possible though his heart was pounding in his chest.

Bill frowned and shrugged. He opened his mouth then closed it. He looked up at the trio with a wide blue eyes "I...I need your help".

Pacifica elbowed her way in front of Dipper. She pushed the younger twin towards his sister, who caught him expertly as he tripped. She glared down at Bill, hands on hips.

"Why should we help you?" She almost growled.

"Well..." Bill shrugged again, peering over the blondes shoulder to look at the two pines twins "first of all, I need their help" he raised an eyebrow at Pacifica "so should probably just leave".

Pacifica scoffed "I'm just a part of this as they are".

Bill rolled his eyes "fine, fine" he walked past the blonde towards the twins and clapped his hands together.

Mabel let go of Dipper's arm and stepped back to let the two talk. Pacifica stood next to the older twin, looking down at the scars that covered her arms.

"OK, what do you want?" Dipper's heart was pounding and he tried to hide his blush the best he could. Which wasn't really working but nobody said anything and he was very grateful for that.

"Okay, its a long story but when you left... I kinda got myself into trouble" he looked awkward, almost embarrassed.

Dipper frowned "so what?"

"I have to stay down here but I have no place to go..." He trailed off, finally meeting Dipper's gaze.

"No, no way" it was Mabel's turn to barge into the conversation. She grabbed Pacifica's arm, and held it up. The blondes sleeve fell, showing long purple scars spiraling up her pale arm. "Look what he did to Paz! How do we know that's not gonna happen again?"

Bill winced at the memories "I promise that won't happen" he held his hands up defensively "this is too serious to be messing around with mortals like I used to" he almost smirked.

"Why can't you find somewhere else" Dipper suggested with a small shrug.

"Because.., what if they find me?" Bills voice lowered and he looked around with a wide eye. "Besides, I'm sure old sixer wouldn't mind me staying at the shack" Bill's scared looked turned into a grin.

"It's your fault he got stuck in the portal in the first place, Bill" Dipper crossed his arms over chest

"Wait what?"

Dipper turned to pacifica with a small smile "I'll catch you up on this later"


Dipper turned back, giving the demon an unimpressed look "why can't you stay at a hotel or rent an apartment?"

"I have no money, pine tree" bill spat back.

Dipper froze. He hadn't thought of that. "We can give you money" he slipped his hand into his pocket and grabbed as much change as he could. He counted them then looked over to mabel,"how much do you have?"

"What? No, no" Bill slapped the money out of Dipper's hands, sending the silver and bronze coins flying.

The brunette raised an eyebrow and Bill rubbed the back of his neck guiltily.

"I need to stay with you" he ran his gloved hands down his face "I need to talk to sixer"

"Fine, fine but only to talk to Ford"

Bill pouted.

Dipper blushed "maybe we could sort something out" he muttered.

Bill hugged the younger win, picking him up and twirling him around. Dipper let out a manly screech before he got thrown to the ground.

Mabel chuckled and held out a hand to help her brother up. Pacifica pocketed something shiny she'd found in the debris and followed the twins back to the shack. Dipper made a mental note to ask her what that was next time they hung out.

Mabel opened to door to the gift shop, startling the old man sitting by the counter, counting money.

"Hey kids" he put a stack of notes back into the cash register and pocketed the rest.

"We need to talk to Ford" Dipper said.

Stan rolled his eyes and opened up the secret for to the basement.

"Family meeting" he yelled down.

Ford yelled something back but it was inaudible. Dipper turned to see mabel waving off pacifica.

Ford walked out of the basement wearing his usual turtleneck and trenchcoat, just like he did four years ago. He ran a hand through his hair, adjusted his glasses on his nose then followed the others into the living room. They all sat at the table, Bill choosing to stand.

Ford looked up at the blonde man with curiosity. "Who's this, Dipper?" He didn't bother to acknowledge Mabel, who just frowned in the corner.

Dipper took a deep breath "there's no use hiding this if he needs to talk to you so.." His eyes met Bill's for a second "this is Bill cipher".

As soon as Dipper said that name, Ford instantly reacted. He pulled out a futuristic looking gun out of his trenchcoat and pointed it at Bill. He pressed some buttons and the weapon started glowing blue. Bill looked surprisingly calm.

"Who did he possess now?"

"I made this body myself, sixer" bill smirked "look, I need your help".

"How can I trust you after what you did thirty years ago?"

"I'm a human now, I'm stuck like this. Hurt me and I die" his eyes scanned over the Pines family "also I need a place to stay" he added quickly.

"No, you're not staying here" Ford put the gun down and grabbed Bill by the shoulders "we can talk but no demon is staying in this shack".

"I'll get the unicorn hair we saved" Stan rushed into the kitchen and Ford pulled Bill into his lab.

Dipper and Mabel sat awkwardly at the table in silence. A moment later Stan walked out holding a clump of rainbow coloured hair.

"Wanna go raid the kitchen for candy?" Mabel asked his brother.

He nodded and they both jumped off their chairs and ran into the kitchen, laughing.

Sorry that took so long to write. I'm hoping to get this fanfic done by at least the summer because I'm thinking of writing an undertale one. The game that ruined my life, ah yes :')


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