Chapter 32

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Tad Strange spun around on his chair, grinning. He held the pin, his pin out in his hand. It looked like the right one. Good. He stood up, stretched, then put the pin into his jacket pocket.

"It's time" he said to himself, throwing open the large door and striding down the almost pitch black hallway.

He stopped at the next door, adjusting his suit a bit before pulling it open, this time, more carefully. The purple eyed demon backed away from the door, raising his eyebrow.

"Where's cipher?" He asked, his voice was shaky. Of course, he was only a guard, a lower classed demon.

Tad pulled out the pin, waving it and laughing, "I've dealt with him" he looked down at the smaller demon. He was shivering.

"What are you going to do now, sir?"

Tad laughed harder "I'm going to do what Bill couldn't do" he looked down at the pin, his eyes glowing bright blue. "Destroy earth".

∆ ∆ ∆

Bill cipher awoke, once again, to the bright light shining through Dipper's window. He was still a little sore but the younger twin had taken good care of him. Bill fidgeted a bit, realising he wasn't on his makeshift mattress bed. He was on Dipper's... And worse still, someone was hugging him from behind. Bill tried to detach himself but Dipper held on tighter, grunting and burying his face into Bill's back.

"Pine tree" Bill sighed and carefully placed his hands on Dipper's arms, he pulled them apart with surprising strength and rolled out of the bed.

He landed on the floor with a soft thud. Getting up, he decided to let Dipper sleep. He deserved it. Bill opened the door and Shut it quietly behind him.

"OK" he clapped his hands together and looked towards the kitchen "I could get food but... I don't know how to cook".

He looked up towards the stairs, hearing quiet music playing from supposedly Mabel's room. It sounded pretty familiar, maybe she'd played this song before? Bill decided to check it out. He made his way up the stars, stepping over the one that creaked and finally reached the top. He had short legs so stepping over things was always a challenge.

Bill walked in but stopped as he saw Mabel and Pacific's sitting on her bed. They were both leaning in but retracted when Bill walked in and both where blushing furiously. Pacifica looked mad and Mabel had a blank expression on her face. Like she'd been through this before.

"Hey Bill" Mabel greeted awkwardly, turning from Pacifica and placing a small hand on the blondes. "You feeling better?"

"Yes, thank you" Bill smiled a genuine smile "for helping me" he rubbed the bruise on his cheek and glanced at the blonde.

"No prob Bob"

"Its Bill..."

"Yeah.." Mabel stood up, even more awkward than before.

Pacifica stayed on the bed, wrapping herself up in a thick purple blanket covered in glitter and turning away from the two.

"So.. Do you need anything?" Mabel asked, trying to be kind but she did want Bill to leave her room as soon as possible.

"Yeah.. I'm kinda hungry"

Mabel frowned and slapped her forehead "really, that's it? There's food it the fridge".

"I don't know how to cook!" Bill argued.

"You don't need to cook! Just make yourself some cereal" Mabel sighed, a long, tired sigh.

"I don't know how" Bill answered quietly.

"Ask Dipper, I'm busy" maybe made her way back to Pacifica.

"He's asleep" Bill backed out of the oom, standing by the door.

"I don't care, wake him" Mabel was loosing patience.

Bill guessed it was too early for stuff like this... Or she just wanted to make out with pacifica. It was probably the second.

The demon went back downstairs and into Dipper's room. The brunette was still asleep, hidden under a pile of old blankets. He looked so peaceful, Bill didn't really want to wake him. But he was hungry.

"Pine tree" Bill knelt down beside the bed and poked Dipper's shoulder.

Dipper grunted and shuffled in his sleep.

Bill poked him again "pine tree!"

Dipper stayed still, breathing in sharply and turning around. He was still asleep. This left Bill no choice. He backed towards the door and took a running start and jumped, landing square on Dipper. Dipper shot up, screeching.

"Bill what the heck!?" Dipper clutched his sides, wincing.

Bill rolls off Dipper onto the bed, smirking. He looked up with wide blue eyes.

"I'm hungry"

Dipper threw his hands up in the air and stood up, letting the blankets fall. Grumbling, he walked to the kitchen, Bill following him like an obedient dog. Dipper grabbed the box of cereal, a bowl and some milk. Bill stood next to him, observing. He looked up for a second and stopped.

"Dipper!" Bill tapped his shoulder.

Dipper was surprised Bill hadn't used that dumb nickname but the urgency in his voice caused him to turn to the window. The sky was turning a blood red colour, a bright blue tear, a portal of some sort, reached from one side of gravity falls to the other. Bill was frozen to the spot and visibly shaking.

"Are you okay? What's happening?" Dipper dropped the box of cereal and poked Bill.

"Its the end of the world" Bill said, his voice cracking.

"I need to get Ford!" The brunette dashed out of the room, leaving Bill.

The demon took a handful of cereal and stuffed it into his mouth as he watched the blue tear grow. Things were coming out of it, possibly other demons. One blue figure caught his eye.

"Tad" Bill frowned, slowly chewing his mouthful of cereal.

Bill heard footsteps behind him but didn't turn around. He heard urgent voices calling his name but didn't respond. He felt hands grabbing his arms in an attempt to pull him from the window. Bill let out a sharp sob.

"This is all my fault"

Hi! Turns out I do have WiFi! :D this aso means I can finally get on a computer to edit blood red skies. I've been meaning to for such a long time omfg
Thanks for reading :3


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