Chapter 29

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OK, just so you know, all the characters in this chapter that aren't in gravity falls are not my OC's I literally Made them up on the spot. Also, Tad strange is a demon in this book. I know he's not in canon but shh

Bill Cipher grinned, putting the pin safely into his pocket and making his way forward. It was pitch black around him, it was the dreamscape after all. He knew where he was going though, to meet some old friends. Bill chuckled. Could he really call them that? Not anymore.

He waved his hand and a ball of blue light appeared. It grew and he stepped inside. He was now in a room, a very dark one, lit up by various purple candles around the room. Bill jumped over some scattered objects, maybe they were body parts, he wasn't sure, and made his way into the middle of the room. His yellow eye glowed in the dark room as he looked around, hoping to see movement. Something purple caught his eye. He turned around on his heel, reaching out to grab something. A person. No, a demon.

A tall man, much taller than Bill, stood beside him. He had short black hair with purple hightlights and bright purple eyes, one covered by a star shaped eye patch. He grinned down at the smaller man.

"I'm glad you came, cipher" he chuckled, sliding his hands into the pockets of his jet black jacket.

"Take me to Tad" Bill growled.

The taller demon hesitated before nodding and clicking his gloved fingers. The room was lit up and now Bill could see where he was. Well, not like he didn't know, he'd just never payed attention to his surroundings until now. He spotted some desks, covered in strange multicolored liquids. Demon blood? Bill frowned.

He jumped as the other demon put his hand on his back, guiding him into a large open door. Bill felt a clump form in his throat. Was this really a good idea? Yes! He had the pin!

"This is as far as I'm taking you, cipher" the purple demon said, backing away to go back to guarding the door.

Bill nodded, silently thanking him before turning back to his destination.

Though of Dipper flashed through his mind. He blinked slowly and stopped walking. What was this feeling? It didn't feel very good. He wanted to see the younger twin again but he couldn't. He took in a deep breath and stepped into a new room. It was fully lit, unlike the other. Another demon was sat in a large chair behind a desk. He had the same black hair but wore a sky blue suit. Tad strange.

"Hello Bill" Tads face stretched into a wide grin as he held out his hand.

Bill hesitated. He was starting to regret this. "Hey".

Tad frowned and he tilted his head to the side. "You don't have it?"

"Of course I do" Bill growled, placing a had in his pocket to retrieve the pin "I almost got killed getting this" Bill frowned "I almost killed someone" he muttered.

"Give it here" Tad leant over the desk slightly, his hand outstretched to grab the pin.

Bill stopped. He had made up his mind. He wanted to stay with Dipper. "No".

Tad sat up straight, his eye growing blood red. "What?"

"I-i said no" Bill yelled, hating himself for stuttering. Now was not the time!

Tad stood up, slamming his hands on the desk. Bill took a step back, almost tripping over his own feet.

"Don't mess with me cipher" Tad growled, jumping over the desk to walk up with the smaller demon.

"I'm not scared of you" Bill spat, clutching the pin.

Tad laughed "well, you should be" he grabbed Bill's arm and snapped it.

Bill screeched and dropped to the floor. The pin rolled out of his hand. Tad laughed harder, kicking the demon and drawing blood. He took the pin and placed it on the desk before picking Bill up.

"This is what you get to messing with me" he grinned.

∆ ∆ ∆

Dipper pines frowned slightly, flicking though the final pages of the first journal. This was at least the fourth time he'd read the ancient book but he could never let go of it. There had to be more secrets Ford wasn't telling them about. Were the more demons out there? Probably. Dipper shook his head. He needed to stop thinking about Bill. He was gone, it was over. It was only a matter of time before he destroyed the world and that would be it. Dipper has accepted it. He was heartbroken to say the least.

He sighed and picked up the second journal from the pile and opened it up.

"Dipper! Hey! Dip" Mabel darted from the woods, she was sprinting towards him. She looked scared, like she'd seen a ghost, Dipper snorted. She had seen ghosts before.

"What's up?" He asked, surprisingly calm.

"I- I found Bill" she was out of breath. He waited for her to regain her breath.

"Bill?" He asked, the name made his heart ache but this seemed important.

"Yeah, he looks hurt, we need to help him!" Mabel pulled Dipper's sleeve, making him stand up.

Dipper frowned "I don't think I want to".

"Oh come on!" Mabel let go and rolled her eyes "he left you, you're heartbroken, get over it!"

"Shut up" he replied quietly, following Mabel into the woods.

She walked confidently in front. Though it was more of a slow jog than a walk. She was worried. He should've been worried. But he wasn't.

Mabel stopped and Dipper copied. The twins stood in front of a body, covered in blood. Dippers eyes widened.


So I've concluded that this book will have around 35-40 chapters before it ends. Its an estimation but shhh. Also, I've almost finished the first chapter of my lapidot which I'm pretty excited to post soon, even though its really cliche lmao

Thanks for reading


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