Chapter 4

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Pacifica Northwest frowned as she inspected the expensive, foreign plants that grew in the gardens of the mansion. She was glad that the cart hadn't run over her mother's favourite flowers but had instead run over a couple of roses that her parents were planning to use for decoration for the oncoming party they were holding. She was about to quietly yell at the twins before a large crash shook them. They all spun around. Even Mabel whose face was still a light pink.

The gate was bent. It swung back and forth limply in the wind, almost off its hinges. Which meant the unicorn was in the garden. Pacifica grit her teeth and looked up at the window of her parents room. Luckily no light was on. They were either sleeping or watching a film but either way, they were safe from them for now.

Dipper nudged the blonde and pointed towards a large apple tree. The unicorn was standing next to it, sniffing at some stray flowers. The beast itself was just as pacifica had imagined as a child. With a magnificent silver coat that shone in the moonlight, rainbow coloured hair and bright eyes. She stood in awe until Dipper punched her arm.

She winced and rubbed it. He had hit her scarred arm with surprising strength. The stinging had come back.

Dipper seemed to realise what he had just done "oh, sorry Pacifica" he rubbed the back of his head, looking even more awkward and sweaty as usual.

His eyes brightened and he clicked his fingers. He went back to the shack and brought back a large box, filled to the brim with a ton of silk bandages.

"This'll last you a while. If you need more, soos said he'll deliver them for you" he gave her a small smile.

Pacifica smiled back, taking the box and setting it by the door of the mansion so she could pick it up without any trouble after they'd dealt with the unicorn. She tried to ignore the throbbing pain in her arm as she walked back to stand beside the twins. Dipper had his journal with him and his weird light that showed invisible ink splattered onto the old pages. He was reading a paragraph about unicorns.

Mabel was being unusually quiet. She was staring at the unicorn with curious brown eyes. But she also looked sad and kind of embarrassed??

"Yup, only the purest of heart can go near it" dipper didn't look up from the book but he knew pacifica had automatically turned to Mabel. "It went after Mabel when she tried to get near it" Dipper added.

Mabel lowered her head and frowned. Her shoulders were hunched and she was biting her lip. This couldn't be true. Pacifica couldn't stand to see the hyperactive, glittery twin she once knew like this so she stepped forward.

"I'll try" she shrugged, wanting to touch the unicorn and marvel at its beauty close up.

Dipper snorted but tried to turn it into a cough when he saw the look the blonde was giving him.

"Yeah sure go ahead. But if it charges, run for the cart. And if it doesn't, can you grab a bit of its mane? We need it to demonproof the shack" dipper said, closing the old book and walking towards the cart.

Pacifica also saw Mabel backing away towards the cart, sitting next to her brother, watching with wide eyes. The blonde glanced up at her parents window once again. Still no light, good.

Pacifica slowly walked towards the creature, her heart beating so fast it felt as if it would explode out of her chest. She bit her lip and kept going forward, eyes trained on the unicorn.

The unicorn Finally looked up at her with big purple eyes. It tilted its head and stepped forward, its horn glowing, the only light in the dark garden other than the faint headlights of the cart.

The unicorn looked confused for a second, as if it was trying to decide her fate. Then, as it did with Mabel, lowered its head. Pacifica didn't run, she tried to stay calm even as she heard Dipper turn the engine back on.

"I'm guessing I'm not pure of heart" she chuckled at herself for thinking she was. "I know, I'm a jerk".

The unicorn nodded, its great mane flowing with every movement. It didn't say anything though and for a couple of seconds, she though it had forgotten about the whole 'pure of heart thing'.

But no, it once again lowered its head and whinnied. Pacifica stepped back. Then she remembered, the twins needed its hair. She ran forward, grabbing a pair of scissors that had randomly appeared in her pocket, and cut off a handful of its rainbow hair. Then she sharply turned on her heel and sprinted towards the cart.

She got there before the unicorn, with enough time to give the unicorn hair to Mabel, who had cheered up a bit.

"Go back to the mansion, we don't want to get you in trouble" dipper hissed.

Pacifica nodded and ran into the shadows to get the unicorn off her back. Dipper flashed the lights in its eyes and it started running towards them. The cart went speeding off. Mabel turned around and gave the blonde a small smile. She smiled back, he cheeks growing warm.

She turned back the mansion, hoping her parents didn't hear the cart and the unicorn making loud, angry sounds. She grabbed the box of bandages them stepped inside and went to her room, changing into her purple silk pyjamas and sliding under her duvet, falling asleep almost instantly.

Mabel Pines grinned as she turned back to face her brother. Pacifica had blushed which probably meant something. She was still confused about her feelings towards Pacifica, but it felt good knowing that she might actually feel the same way. Her hair was blown back as the cart sped up to the fastest it could go. They were heading to the shack, she knew the way off by heart as they came onto a small dirt path. Mabel hoped they could lose the unicorn before they got back but it was unlikely.

"What do you think Stan will say if he saw this?" Mabel asked her brother.

"He'd probably yell at us nearly getting ourselves killed then left hook that unicorn" dipper smirked at the thought.

"That'd be so cool" she mirrored his smirk.

I thought I wasn't going to update today because it was my brothers birthday but I did. Also, I told myself to answer any comments I get on this book so I will do just that. Any questions about this book? Just comment them and I'll answer them the best I can :D


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