Chapter 5

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I'm just gonna say that I love answering your questions. So any questions about this book then just comment them and I'll answer ;) and I'm British so anything that's mentioned in this book that you don't understand, just say as well.

Mabel Pines got flung forward as the cart stopped suddenly. Dipper slammed on the brakes, trying not to hit the cart into the shack. Both twins got flung out the front. There were no seatbelts in the small vehicle and if they survived they both agreed to pester Stan into installing some.

They hit the ground hard just as the cart tipped over and smashed into a nearby tree. The noise was enough to wake anyone up and Mabel hoped it would wake up their grunkle before they got killed.

Mabel got up slowly, ignoring the growing pain in her leg as she put pressure onto it. Dipper was also hurt, holding his head and mumbling though gritted teeth. He stood up and motioned towards the shack.

"We need to get inside, maybe the unicorn will just go" he grabbed his twins sleeve and pulled her inside the gift shop, quietly closing the door then peering out the window just as the unicorn came into view.

Dipper ducked down as its head shot in his direction. Mabel was sitting by a large pile of boxes inspecting her leg. Nothing too serious just a pretty large cut down the side, but that'll heal quickly with some plasters on it.

Mabel was just about to stand up to go and find the first aid kit when the door to the living room opened and there stood Stan in a tank top and boxers.

"What are you doing its almost midnight" he hissed at them, confused as to why they were crouched down and covered in little scratches. "Did you find the unicorn?"

They both nodded. Dipper pointed to the window then signalled for the old man to crouch down. He sat beside Mabel, picking her up and placing her on his lap. He wrapped her arms around him, eyes trained on the window, fear in her eyes.

"We almost died" dipper whispered, eyes as wide and fearful as his sisters "and we crashed the cart, please don't be mad" he added quickly.

Stan sighed and rubbed his temples "I'll deal with that tomorrow, I'm just glad your safe" he held the tired, trembling girl in his arms as he spoke to her twin.

Dipper stuffed his hand into his pocket, revealing a wad of unicorn hair. Stan grinned and reached over to take it from him, careful of Mabel. He inspected it, impressed.

"How'd you manage that?" He asked.

"Pacifica did it actually" he rubbed the back of his head.

"What!? You got pacifica into this as well" Stan tried not to yell but raised his voice slightly "is she okay?"

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