Chapter 22: True self

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Chapter 22: True self

"So how was the dentist?" I asked but it seemed weird. Lately I've been sensing when someone lies to me and I don't really understand what it is but a voice deep inside of me tells me every time when someone lies.

"I hated it!" Mia exclaimed in disgust. "Everything about it is gross. All the tools they have to put in my mouth makes me gag."

"I feel you." I replied with a slight smile. But then she sent me a mysterious grin of her own.

"So, rumor has it things are getting better with Gabriel." He said as she wiggled her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes.

"I guess, I mean it's not the best. We kissed yesterday on our way to school but that's about it." I replied.

"Mhmm, one kiss or more like ten?" She asked. I looked at the ground as I felt my cheeks burn red. "And you mean makeouts rights?" She continued which only made things worst.

"Stop it, you're embarrassing me, people can hear you know."

"Doesn't matter. You're all over the school anyways. That bomb you dropped on Kiana yesterday about leaving Gabriel alone really spread quickly. You're famous!" She smiled but I cringed at that thought.

"I'd rather not be. Can I hide from everyone and avoid classes please?" I asked as a joke.

"Oh come on, it's not that bad. Besides, your bad boy is waiting for you in English." She winked and I growled. "Anyways, what's up with Piper? She's been acting strange lately."

"Yeah, I know. We had this fight yesterday and we're not really talking right now." I admitted.

"Must have been a big fight. I hope she gets over it soon." She said. I nodded but I didn't really agree. It's awkward being with Piper. I just found out she's Gabriel's half sister and we now live under the same roof. Especially since I was in a bad mood when I entered his house so I said some hurtful things to her. But I think the fact that she never told me they were related is what hurt me the most and caused me to snap at her. Don't get me wrong, I don't feel guilty. As I said earlier, I never felt guilty after snapping at someone when I'm in a bad mood because. I don't know why, but I just don't. I feel like they deserved it and that's that.

"Sorry Mia, I have to get to class. I'll talk to you later." I said and she nodded.

"You're so silly, we have the same English class together." She giggled and I face palmed myself. I felt so stupid.

"Come on then!" I gestured for her to follow me. She nodded.

On our way to class, we crossed paths with Dan and Will. Will waved at us with a goofy grin, while Dan had his hands in his pockets and looked bored, as usual.

"Look who it is, the Princess and her royal friend." Will greeted.

"Hi Will." I replied.

"So you know that Kiana seeks revenge, right?" He asked.

"Well obviously. I didn't expect someone like her to let it slide especially since I practically slapped her with words and caught her off guard."

"You did good. Honestly, it was entertaining. The look on her face was so satisfying."

"I'm glad you enjoyed my blowout." I said sarcastically.

"I loved it. Even boring old Dan couldn't help but feel gratification." Will pointed at Dan who held a blank expression and remained mute.

"Yeah, whatever. I have to get to class. I'll see you guys there." I walked passed them and to our class.

Trust me, this class is the worst of the worst. The teacher hates me and the people aren't that great. More than half of the students follow under Kiana's reign and drool over Gabriel. I'm afraid that when I enter I will see a sight I truly do not want to see. I know that if I do, my heart will shatter, not that it hasn't shattered enough though.

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