Chapter 16: He's my mate

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Chapter 16:

He's my mate

I felt a tear drop from my eye on my cheek. I couldn't help myself.

"No, you're lying!"

"I wish I were." He murmured and I felt more tears escape from my eyes.

My mate and my best friend are half siblings and they fell in love. Just thinking about it kills me in the inside.

"Do you want to hear the rest of the story?" He asked and I nodded. "Alright then. Because of the... switch of heart, Gabriel decided to surrender to the clan. Of course his father was more than angry but he couldn't feel more happy. Brady and Piper gave him a chance of being apart of the clan. Gabriel accepted because all he wanted was to be with Piper. However, there was only one possible way to do so. He had to kill his own father. That was one of the toughest decisions of his life. The girl or his own blood. He chose the girl. So he attacked his father.

Jonathan couldn't believe that his own flesh and blood wanted him dead. That made him angry, but he loved his son. He couldn't hurt him. He didn't dare. That's when he realized what he had done. What she turned him into. The monster he had become wasn't him. In his heart, a little door opened and the good finally became to appear again. He let his son kill him. It was his punishment for what he's done. Plus, he wants Gabriel to live a happy life without any darkness. Gabriel thought his father was going to fight back, once he realized he wasn't his thoughts changed. He debated in between Piper and Jonathan once again. He realized it shouldn't have been a decision in the first place. What his father has done was wrong. It was unforgivable. So he followed his heart, or so he thought. He ripped his father's head off and it felt like something in him had died. He didn't show it though, he didn't let anyone see how it affected him. When he looked at Piper, he didn't feel the same. The hatred came back and he felt the same for Brady. The need to avenge his father was powerful. even though he was the one who killed him, Brady was the one who tricked him into doing so. So he created a plan.

Brady accepted Gabriel in his clan with a big smile. Piper was very happy and proud of him. The rest of the clan didn't feel the same. They despised Gabriel and faked the smiles. Gabriel knew. He saw right through everywhere like clear glass. He didn't care. He was going to make them love him, and he knew it. He pretended to love Piper, and be friendly with Brady.

When Brady introduced him to the clan, he looked at all of them and smiled. That was going to be his future clan.

However, there was one person who hated Brady just like Gabriel. Gabriel saw him instantly. They made eye contact and at that moment they knew they would be friends.

Then, Brady offered for Gabriel to stay at his home as a half son. He accepted humbly and followed after Brady.

Lucky for him, the boy was his neighbor so they saw each other every day.

Day by day, Piper began to fall in love more and more with Gabriel, she began to feel attached to him and he didn't like it but he acted as thought he loved her too. To be honest, he was very heartless. He really hated her. So Gabriel told his friend. His friend had a brilliant idea of how to get rid of her-"

"You speak as though you know the story very well." I interrupted and he smirked.

"That's because I do." I raised an eyebrow and began to suspect something.

"Were you-?!"

"Let me continue the story! So, the friend knew Piper very well. He knew that she couldn't resist a good looking man and a bit of pleasure too. So one night, he invited her to his house with Gabriel. They flirted. Piper didn't mind the friend, in fact she began to feel a slight attraction to him. That night, a little something happened and Gabriel caught them. On purpose of course, it was a part of their plan to get rid of her. He faked the pain of being heartbroken. Piper was hurt. She realized what she had done and wailed for him to forgive her but he blew her away with an instant reject. She began to detest the friend for what he made her do but she couldn't blame him. She willingly came to him. She's at fault. Since then, Piper felt heartbroken, and shortly after that the pain morphed into hatred. She hated Gabriel with all her heart and he was happy about it. He wanted her to hate him. Now he only had half of his plan covered. The other half was still to be done.

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