Chapter 21: Lies lies lies

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Chapter 21

Lies, lies, lies

"Lets go! Or we'll be late! Kitten?" Gabriel stood at the front entrance, holding on to the handle of the door ready to open it and walk out in the morning fresh air.

Well I certainly wasn't. I was so tired my head felt like a thousand bricks weighing over my shoulders. I had to lean on the wall to keep myself from tipping over.

"Sleep..." I drooled and Gabriel made a sour face. I heard laughter from behind me but I already knew who it was from. It's quite obvious.

"Come on. Stand up straight, aren't you supposed to be a princess?" Will asked popping in front from behind.

"You only call me that name." I said my voice sounding that of a frog.

"Ok, lets go. I'm done waiting around for your sleepy head to wake up. We're leaving." Gabriel gently grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the house.

"But I don't want to go." I pouted.

"But you have to." He replied.

"Why are you so tired anyways?" That's the first time I've heard her voice since yesterday.

I watched as she passed by in front of me.

"Good morning stupid brother." She said grumpily and he clenched his teeth and flipped her off. I let out a little smile and a small laugh. They both looked at me surprised.

"I'm so happy my relationship with my brothers aren't like that. I don't know how you live that way." I said. They both held different expressions. Gabriel was slightly amused but Piper was annoyed. Her cheeks burned crimson and she stormed out.

"So much for her. Watch as she ignores you the rest of the day." Gabriel said and proceeded to dragging me away.

I saw a bunch of red hair hopping in a red sports car. I can even feel the anger as the car roared to life and raced down the parking lot and away from the house.

"Try not to let her get to you today." Will told me with a pat on the shoulder.

A sudden pull forced me to get closer to Gabriel. His lips moved in closer to my face and stopped at my ears.

"You're with me, remember?" He whispered, his minty breath tickling and sending shivers throughout my body.

"How can I forget when you specified that at least ten time yesterday." I said and he chuckled.

"Just a reminder. You're all mine today. I want you by my side at all costs." He added and I rolled my eyes and nodded.

"I'm pretty sure you've already told me that last night at supper." He said.

"And you can't escape me." He continued.

"I know." I sighed impatiently.

"Good. Lets be off then!" He dragged me to his car and we hopped in. Dan and Will had already left in Will's car. Dan has one too but he's big on saving gas.

"You know, Chase will be there today-"

"I know." I said cutting him. He nodded but never took his eyes away from me.

"Now do you see why I don't want you around him? I don't want that happening to you too. You're my Kitten. No one else could ever take your place in my heart."

Ignore his crap.

Propaganda is his tool in life. Don't fall for it, I know he will use it on you.

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