Chapter 5: He calls me Kitten

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Chapter 5:

He calls me Kitten

I'm left standing in the forest totally and utterly confused.

Who's my mate?

He couldn't possibly be talking about Gabriel, I've never seen them together and I've never seen this vampire in my life before.

Could it be the vampire I've "encountered" in the forest last night?

I don't even know anymore.

I sighed and looked down at King.

"Do you know what all of this means?" I asked and he stared up at me with eyes just as confused. "Of course not, now look at me. I'm talking with a wolf that won't ever answer me back. I think I'm becoming batty!"

At that moment, I heard a crack behind me.

Now what? Has the vampire returned to kill me? Why would he when he literally warned me to be careful about thirty seconds ago.

Then, someone popped out of the trees.

"Don't kill me! My blood doesn't taste good, it's probably dog breath flavored." I shielded my face with my hands and I heard laughing.

"Oh god, that was hysterical! I should really do this more often."

I removed my hands and crossed my arms, totally pissed.


"Hello baby sister." He smirked and I pouted.

"That wasn't nice." I told him and he rolled his eyes. Leave it to Miles to do something stupid like this.

Then behind him, his mate Katrina walked out. Katrina has long chestnut hair, dark blue eyes and a beautiful body. If you ask me she's the prettiest girl out of all of us.

"Hey Ella." She smiled sweetly at me and I returned it.

"Hi Kate."

Raven and his mate Jade came out too, but when Noah walked in the clearing. His mate was no where to be seen.

"Where's Bree?" I asked looking at Noah but his expression told me it wasn't good. He held the darkest but saddest expression I've ever seen him wear in my entire life.

"She was with us a moment ago and then the next thing we know, she's gone." Jade explained and I furrowed my eyebrows. Could it be the vampire I met a few minutes ago? Or could it be the killer vampire? Maybe he's the killer vampire. But if he were, wouldn't he have killed me?

"She just disappeared? Without a single sound? Or a wind?" I wondered and they all nodded.

Usually when a vampire comes and goes, it leaves a huge gust of wind behind it.

"It's almost as if the wind disappeared." Raven said and Miles nodded.

"If anything we could hear a pin drop." Katrina added and I thought hard about it.

"It doesn't add up." I said. "How can she simply disappear without a single sound being made. She would've at least scream if she were taken away. And you would've heard her footsteps if she walked away." I continued and they nodded.

"But drinking a lot of human blood makes you more powerful. Maybe this killer vampire is able to run so fast the wind can't keep up." Miles proposed but the truth is, we have no idea what happened.

"We're you guys searching for her?" I asked and they nodded.

"She disappeared in the forest so we thought she's somewhere here." Raven replied and I nodded understanding.

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