Chapter 19: Arrangement?

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Chapter 19:


"You must be exhausted from such a long trip." Gabriel said as he snaked his arm behind my back.

"Ten minutes."

"Whatever, to me it's still across the world." He said and I grabbed his hand and took it off my shoulder.

"No it's not."

"Anyways, you must be so thirsty because Dan over here." His eyes moved to the left where Dan was standing, near the door. "Didn't think of bringing a water bottle."

"No, you probably only have blood, and besides, you were too busy arguing with Fireface over here." Yeah, I didn't even know I had it in me, I guess it just came out. I'm really not the one to fancy nicknames but with her red hair and burned up cheeks from the rage, she kind of looks on fire.

When Piper heard her new nickname, her eyes grew wide out of shock and disbelief. Yes Piper! People like me do change!

"Ella... I don't get it." She said as her eyes softened.

"It's ok. I didn't get it either but now I understand. You simply force the guys to sleep with you." I walked up to her and patted her shoulder. Her jaw dropped to the ground in astonishment. I gave her a half smile but she seemed to be frozen.

Only a moment ago my heart shattered in pieces and the tears overflowed, but now I seem to have forgotten those past feelings. My heart is still untouched but my brain has changed. My sadness very quickly morphed into anger and knowing me, I have a very strange of letting it out.

I judge. Usually not the kind way either. I have hurt many people in the past with my words that would spill out of my mouth without my acknowledgement. Another thing about it, is that I don't regret it. Lately I've been a good girl and I kept it in, trying to control it as much as possible but the move totally flipped the switch inside of me. There's no telling what I might say...

... Or who will even respect me from now on.

"Woah, are you alright?"

I looked past Piper and saw Will standing further in the hallway with a glass of... water?

"Yeah. I'm totally fine. Nothing new really. Only broken and unstable but other than that, feeling absolutely great." I gave him a thumbs up and in return I received a suspicious glare.

"I have a hard time believing that." I said and he looked past me, probably in Gabriel's direction.

"What did you do to her?" He mouthed angrily and a few seconds passed as Gabriel mouthed back something, as a response, Will simply rolled his eyes and walked up to me. "I think you need to relax a little, Ella."

Suddenly, Gabriel pushed Will away and stood in front of me. "Don't listen to him, Kitten. He's just trying to get your attention because he knows he's going to be alone forever if he keeps popping his nosy attitude in other people's faces." Gabriel said as he stared intensely at Will.

"Right, just like you." I replied and I saw his eye twitch.

"No, because I have you." He proudly said.

"Not for long. Yes, I may be living here, but only temporarily. The next thing you know, I will be out of here and back home where I truly belong. With my family. Not with you stinking blood sucking freaks. Blood on my snowlike fur will definitely ruin my reputation as an angel." I snapped and he seemed to be taken aback but quickly recovered and hid his shock.

"It was already ruined the second you spoke to me. So don't think you're still innocent, at least not as much as last year." He said back and I furrowed my eyebrows.

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