Chapter 15: Story Time

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Pic of Chase on the top or the side (Sean O'Donnell) to view the pics of Ella, Gabriel, Will and Dan check out chapters 1,2,3 and 4.

Chapter 15:

Story Time

My entire body froze, paralyzed by the shock. The sight in front of me made my heart thump much faster than normally and bats flying in my stomach.

I couldn't manage to peel my eyes off of him. He was standing in front of me after what seemed like an eternity. Those grey eyes, that perfectly styled dark brown hair. Toned skin and sculpted muscles. Simply his eyes alone knocked the wind out of me. It's like I got punched in my stomach. The shock was intense and quick.

He barged in, angry and his body tense. As he looked at me I noticed his muscles slightly relax. His angry expression died down and was replaced by a certain softness I missed so much.

Then the memory flashed back in my head. The gun, the shot, the hole in his chest as he laid lifelessly on the cool rocky ground. It was still fresh and carved in my mind forever. I will never forget that exact moment when time stopped and I felt like my world crumbled underneath my feet.

Is it really him who's standing in front of me? My mate?

My heart was hammering against my chest, pulling me towards him, but my feet decided otherwise. I began stepping away from him even though I couldn't look away from his gorgeous eyes.

I bumped against something hard and looked up only to see Chase staring down at me.

My eyes trailed back to Gabriel and his calm face instantly snapped back to rage. I saw a raging fire burn deep in his eyes as he stared at Chase.

I already know this won't end well...

Without a second to spare, Gabriel was already across the room and pushed Chase up against the wall. His hand around his neck.

That's when I saw it. On his bare back. The markings that proves you're a vampire. The two bat winged tattoos were pressed against his back. Although they were much more different than the ones I usually see. These ones were bigger, they began on his shoulder blades and came down his spine to his lower back. The details were more defined and it seemed more realistic.

I've seen those wings somewhere before...

Then the image of three vampires standing before a helpless man in a dark alley popped into my mind. The vampire in the centre had the exact same markings on his back.

I felt my limbs go numb. I reached out for the couch and landed on it. Even though I refused, my eyes couldn't help but stare. I watched the action in front of me as it made me feel faint.

"You lay one finger on her, I will cut you down saving the head for last." Gabriel muttered but Chase simply stared down at him.

"Why is she so important to you?" Chase murmured under his breathe and coughed at the end, out of breathe.

Gabriel dropped him on his feet and turned around to look at me.

"I would punch the living daylights out of you, Chase, but I'd rather not. Especially not in front of my Kitten." His figure softened and his tense muscles relaxed. His eyes dropped from pure anger to a passionate state.

He sighed and took one step closer to me. At that moment, every reflex in my body bolted to life and I sprung off the the couch to the end of the room. Keeping some distance in between me and him.

I pointed at him with a trembling finger, in fact my entire body seemed to be on the edge of the bridge. It suddenly felt like a weight was pressed down on my shoulders, a brick wall formed in the pit of my stomach and my knees failing on me.

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