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A full year passed since then and so many events had happened.

Once I told my family what I had become they were shocked but at the same time they didn't seem so surprised. My parents told me they knew I wasn't going to be the same after I moved out. They knew what I was getting myself into and they accepted it, they just didn't expect it to be so quick.

On the other hand, my brothers were very displeased. Raven had interrogated Gabriel for hours and acting like the protective older brother he was. Miles was constantly by my side, watching over me, making sure nothing bad happened to me. And Noah had gotten his operation for his stomach. He was no longer throwing up for no apparent reason. However, they all still seemed to be themselves. Gabriel gave me the chance to visit them three times every week and they got to visit us quite often as well. They were happy.

Will and I had gotten very close lately which seemed to have worried Gabriel a little bit. Will had expressed a few signs that he liked me a bit more than a friend but he knew very well that my mate was his best friend so he limited himself to just a friend. He was happy.

Dan, was still as quiet as ever. He always seemed serious and nothing really got him moving a lot. One day, I tried to find him a girl and he told me that he would never find love, that someone like him didn't deserve another's love. He met the girl I set him up with and she fell head over heels for him and he fell for her too but he doesn't want to admit it. Anyways, he's still in denial about her. I believed they would be cute together. Other than that, things were good with him. He was happy.

Mia was doing great. I grew quite close with her and she became my closest friend ever since Piper decided to stay clear from me for a bit. I could tell she didn't like the thought of a hybrid living in her home. I couldn't care less what she thought. If anyone hated on what I was, fine by me, but I never let it get to me. Anyways, Mia often stayed after school to work on homework and practice her magic. She always showed me these cool spells that were simple but blew my mind. Gabriel got angry once or twice because there was a broken vase or a curtain caught on fire. I found it funny but he clearly did not. She was happy.

Chase was always around. He took his job as my Protector very seriously, it was hilarious because for a few days Miles and Chase were competing against each other for who was the better Protector; my brother or my actual Protector. Other than that, he always hurt those who tried  to hurt me. Some people at school thought he loved me, but little did they know it was his duty and liked it. He was happy.

Gabriel talked to Nadia, Melia's mother, and told her the arrangement was off. He didn't even let her speak let alone react. He refused to marry Melia and even if she hated it he told her he would ban her and her daughter from his clan. He refused to tolerate any hate against his vision and I. However, he had turned into a strong Leader. It took him some time to recover from all of the lost vampires from his clan but so many babies were born recently that the original amount was almost replenished. He also made a few renovations here and there in the house. But, there were some times when he had time to himself and read a book. He was happy.

As for me, well many things have happened. I became known all over the werewolf and vampire world as the very first hybrid. So many people support me as much as others don't. Some simply don't like change. I was accepted very quickly in Gabriel clan. People love me here, I became quite popular. Unfortunately, I am half vampire and that means I crave blood too, maybe not as much as a pure vampires but I still do. So, in order to keep my thirst under control we have blood bags in the fridge. Life's been good to me lately and I enjoyed it. I was happy.

As a couple, Gabriel and I have been talking about buying our own house once we graduate high school. We thought that since our relationship is getting more serious that it wouldn't be good to have too many people in the same house for specific "reasons". Anyways, other than that we haven't had a lot of dates but when we do they're usually amazing. Once he brought me outside under the stars at night and showed me all of the constellations. It was beautiful, I loved it. Even though our relationship was going well, we weren't ready for anything else like marriage or children especially at our young age, well my young age, I couldn't say the same thing about Gabriel. Although, since I became a hybrid I would never die of old age or sickness. I was glad about that.

But, since he was older and has lived longer, I may have told him a baby hybrid could be a possibility...

But until then, we were happy.

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