Chapter 12: I officially hate death

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Chapter 12:

I officially hate death.


I waited for the hit. For the impact of the bullet against my skin.

But it didn't happen.

I didn't feel anything.

When I opened my eyes. I saw a body in front of me.


Not him!


I watched as my mate groaned in pain and crunched over his chest then fell on his knees.


I grabbed him in my arms and saw blood leaking from his chest. He took the bullet for me...

"You got to say alive!" I yelled as I felt a tear leak down on my cheek.

He chuckled and then groaned in pain as he clutched on to his chest.

"You know, things are going to be different from now on." He managed to breathe out and I nodded.

"You're going to live, you're going to live." I repeated and he nodded his head.

"Keep saying that, Kitten." But suddenly I heard two more gun shots and two extra holes in his chest.

His eyes lost its beautiful grey colour and his skin paled. I saw his eyelids close as he fell on the ground, entirely lifeless.

"Gabriel! Gabriel!" I shook him but his eyes never opened once again.

"Now the girl..." I looked up completely terrified. I was frozen in a state of shock, the tears streaming down my face as my heart hammered against my chest in a painful manner.

I saw the gun point at me once again and he pulled the trigger but nothing came out.

"Damn it!" He yelled and I took that as an opportunity to get up and run.

I know I should have brought Gabriel with me but I know for a fact he would have wanted I saved myself and stayed alive.

The men tried to grab me but the good thing about being a girl and a werewolf is that I can squeeze through anything and get away with it.

I slid through the men and bolted away.

That's when I suddenly remembered we came here with his car. It's too late to get his keys now.

I ran with a broken heart. It shattered like the snap of a finger. The tears never stopped as I cried. It was so hard to breathe, the pain is unbearable. It hurt so much.

He just died. He got killed. They're murderers!

Occasionally I would look back to check how far they are from me and it seems as though I'm running them out.

Even if they are having troubles catching up to me, I can't keep running like this. My lungs are those of a wolf but even then, I'm not a superhero.

I made it to the road but there was no one around. I don't even know where I'm going as long as my legs can keep up.

Suddenly, I had the brilliant idea to shift. Why hadn't I thought of that earlier? I would be running much faster than now.

I jumped and at that split moment in the air, I took the opportunity to shift. I landed on all four and dug my claws in the ground, then pushed with all my might.

I sprinted away on the road without a clue where I'm going.

Last I checked, the three men were still following me but now I don't know.

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