Chapter 24: Now or never

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Chapter 24: Now or never

"What?" Mia asked in a very calm way.

"Shall I repeat myself?" The Silver Witch asked. Mia nodded. "Alright, I said my coven was being attacked by rogue vampires." Mia looked at her for a few seconds, she looked puzzled.

"Um, why?" She asked. The Silver Witch stared at her in disbelief.

"Well, I don't know. I was hoping you would know."

"Well I certainly don't." Mia retorted.

I stood up and walked up to Gabriel. "Are witches... dumb?" I whispered.

"So far, yes." He whispered in response.

"How could you not know?" The Silver Witch asked. "You know everything."

"I most certainly do not. I may know some things, but how on earth would I know why rogue vampires do what they do?" Mia replied.

"Because you seem to be working for vampires." The Silver Witch said. Mia gasped and then looked at me.

"I don't work for vampires, I work with them. Besides, I've agreed to accompany them because of a very special friend of mine, she is a wolf if you must know." Mia snapped. The witch looked at me, slightly disgusted.

"So I see. You do realize those mutts only care about themselves, right?" I snorted at that.

"No they do not. Not Ella at least. She is my friend and I care about her so stop saying such rude remarks."

"I shall say whatever I want. I am a witch. The Silver Witch to be exact. I have one of the most powerful covens of all so if I wish to speak I shall speak." She spat. Mia glared at her.

"I refused to be a part of a coven because of snobs like you. I hate you." Mia said with attitude and then crossed her arms. The witch gasped dramatically.

"You dare say such a thing to my face?"

"So what? What can you do about it? You may be the Grand Witch of your coven but what coven is left if you're being attacked by vampires?" Mia asked. The other witch stared at her without saying a word. She shuffled on the couch and found a different position. "Unlike you, Chanel, I've learned to cope with the loneliness."

"I am not lonely. I have Evelyn by my side." The Silver Witch said as she gestured to the second witch by her side. She had short brown hair and looked very innocent.

"Evelyn, do you enjoy being with Chanel?" Mia said addressing to the second witch. Evelyn looked in between the two of them and blushed, she opened her mouth to speak but instantly closed it afterwards. "I've come up with a strong conclusion that Evelyn does not like you." Mia said.

"Oh, you! You've got nerves Mia! You really do!" Chanel exclaimed angrily, but Mia only shrugged it off like it was nothing.

"It doesn't really matter because I'm younger, fresher and prettier than you. You have nothing to compete, I mean look at you." Mia laughed.

I could see the smoke coming out of Chanel's ears. She was infuriated, but it was true. Mia was a younger lady, her body was slimmer and she was gorgeous. I mean, her cheeks always seem to be so rosy and her teeth so white.

"You know Mia, I don't think I've ever been so angry and embarrassed before in my entire life." Chanel spat.

"Good, I'm glad I knocked some sense into you. Now you may leave because the negative energy surrounding you is affecting my perfect complexion."

"Does it look like I give a damn about your complexion? My coven is in danger and here I am sparring with a complete idiot!" Chanel yelled. I rolled my eyes at that. She was an idiot too.

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