Chapter 11: Ferris wheel chase

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Chapter 11:

Ferris wheel chase

"Wait! You saw his abs?!"

"You saw his V lines?!"

"You touched his chest!"

Piper, Marcy and Mia all yelled at me and I backed away from them as they stalked closer to me like intrigued spying mice.

"Uh yes..." I answered and their eyes widened.

"Oh my god! Did you kiss him?!"

"Did you make out?!"

"How about any sexual stuff?!"

I blocked my ear and started walking away from my locker. They're questions are so annoying. Why can't I have some privacy for a moment? But no, as soon as I get back they pounce on me like starving hyenas!

"Oh my god! Nothing happened!" I yelled back and all three of them froze and stayed silent.

"But he's Gabriel..." Marcy said but before she could continue I lifted my finger in the air and she quickly restrained herself from continuing.

"Nothing happened, now drop it." I snapped and they nodded.

I walked to the cafeteria and they followed behind.

Once I walked in I instantly remembered that Will and Dan don't accompany everyone else here at lunch. I wonder how those girls make it through the day with those bite marks on their necks?

But as soon as I walked in I saw three figures I really didn't expect to see at all.

Gabriel, Will and Dan were all walking towards us with those proud smirks. Except for Dan. He had a juice box in his mouth and drank a really dark red liquid that people would call "juice." I'm pretty sure it's not juice...

Will had one too but he threw it in the garbage as soon as it was empty.

But then I made contact with his eyes. Those grey orbs absorbed me towards him. I felt like I was drowning in an endless pool of pure hotness.

"Hey Kitten." He stopped in front of me and smiled. Like an actual smile. It's so perfect I wish he could smile like that all day long.

"Hi." I smiled back and instantly felt my cheeks burn crimson and my heart beat faster.

"Come with me." He grabbed my hand and dragged me away.

I looked back and saw Will winking at me. I rolled my eyes and he smirked then turned his attention to Dan who was simply interested in his blood box.

"Where?" I asked as he brought me to an unknown place again.

But as soon as we hit the front doors of the school that led outside, I'm pretty sure it's not going to be a classroom or something inside the school grounds.

"You'll see." He replied and I growled. I wish guys could just tell me where they're going.

Once out of the school he let go of my hand and snaked his arm around my waist. Wait, what is he doing?


"Call me Gabe, Kitten." I nodded and looked at the ground and blushed.

"Okay. Well Gabe, what are you doing?" I asked shyly and he chuckled.

"Don't worry, it's just so my comrades know what's going on." He answered as people stared at us. Many girls sent daggers at me while others smiled at Gabe.

"Comrades...?" I wondered and he nodded.

"It's complicated, but you'll shortly know."


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