Chapter 10: Confessions

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Chapter 10:


"What?! Thing 1 and Thing 2 came to your house last night? And Thing 2 took a shower!" Piper yelled in my face and I literally had to pull away to make sure my eardrums don't burst any time soon because let's face it, eardrums are very important to everything.

"Yes..." I was about to continue but Piper interrupted.

"But Cat in the Hat didn't come?"

"No..." And once again she cuts right through.

"But Thing 1 and Thing 2 go everywhere with Cat in the Hat so why.... Blah blah blah."

I rolled my eyes and tuned her out because her complaining and questions are seriously getting on my nerves now.

Piper has this code so she can yell all she wants and no one will know who she's talking about. Thing 1 is Will, Thing 2 is Dan and Cat in the Hat is Gabriel obviously. To be honest, I think her code is a bit weird considering the fact The Cat and the Hat is totally and utterly crazy and stupid...

I don't know why she named Will, Thing 1, or Dan, Thing 2, it's just too weird to call them "things" I feel too disturbed. I guess Piper feels the opposite.

"Well? What did they want?" Marcy asked and Piper kept blabbering.

Shoot! I hadn't thought of this scenario. What am I suppose to say? "Oh yeah, they saved me from too rogue vampires and explained to me vampire stuff while Dan was taking a shower because he was all bloody from ripping a part the enemy." Uhh no... I think it's best I just come up with a big fat lie.

But how? I've never actually been in a scene like this before and lying isn't exactly my favorite or the best thing to do. Although, if I spit out the truth, two scenarios could happen:

1- They could think I'm joking and go on as best friends.

2- They could believe me and get scared from me and ditch me.

Well I don't want to take risks and a fifty percent chance still doesn't guarantee me anything so I have to think and fast.

"Uhh... well... They just wanted to talk." I answered as I pulled that out of my butt.

Marcy didn't exactly give me the most convincing look. If anything she was about to ask another question until the bell rang.

"We're not done yet Ella! After class I want more answers!" Piper yelled as she dragged Marcy towards their class.

I sighed and made my way to Science. This is the only class where I have no close friends. Sure I've got a few but it's not like I talk to them every day like I do to Piper and Marcy.

And Will.

Shut up voice! You know nothing!

He likes you, it's so obvious. The guys been talking to you every day so far.

Mind your own business!

You'll soon find out I'm right, I always am. I'm your conscious.

Just go away...

Hehe, love you too.

Once I've reached class I took my seat at the end of the classroom and waited patiently for the teacher to arrive.

"Did you hear there's a new kid?"

"Yeah, apparently she's super pretty, all the guys are after her already."

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