Chapter 2: Confidence in gym class

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Picture of Gabriel on the top or side (my babe Richard Ayala)

Chapter 2:

Confidence in gym class

"That... was weird." Piper whispered in my ear once class finished. I nodded remembering what Gabriel told me. It was weird, I don't understand why he would tell me something like that.

But it doesn't matter. He looked right in my eyes for the first time! I'm jumping up and down inside of me. Plus he even spoke to me! Gabriel Stone the school's bad boy spoke to me! Oh god, Ella calm down its just a boy. Oh, but he's such a hot boy, he makes me melt on the spot. Those eyes and that glare...

The only thing that's itching about him is his eyes. They're so beautiful and yet so dark. They freeze everything in sight how cold they are and it's like to his eyes, the world is nothing. He stares down at people like they're ants, he can control people just by his glance.

Vampires can do that...

But Gabriel isn't a vampire, if he were I would've smelled him and he smells entirely human. Plus he has an ego the size of the planet. But don't all guys have that?

And besides, a vampire his age has major problems controlling their thirst, surrounded by humans isn't exactly easy for a vampire. They'd go crazy, the sound of the blood rushing threw people's veins and the heartbeat would make them turn mad. It would be practically impossible for a vampire to even sit in a room filled with humans for more than ten minutes without attacking someone. It would be very bad if that happened, not just the humans but for the vampire too.

If you ask me, Gabriel is under perfect control unless he's in a fight. There are no killings under school grounds and I haven't seen one fang at all.

"Anyways, lets just forget about that. I don't like talking about him." Piper said and I snapped out of my trance.

"Okay..." I nodded understanding. I'm still very curious why his subject is so touchy to Piper. I'll figure it our some day, I always do, but for now I think it's best to just stand back and bring it up another time.

"I have gym, what do you have?" I asked and se checked her timetable.

"I have gym too! At least I don't have to suck alone." She smiled and wiggled her eyebrows. Yes, my best friend is very inappropriate and she hates gym, she'll make jokes like that all the time. It's one of the main reasons why guys like her.

"Unlike you, I actually like gym class." I smirked and she rolled her eyes.

"Just don't rub it in when we play please, we all know you're one of the best athletes here." She implored and I nodded already knowing this since she practically told me every gym class we had last year and the year before that too.

"I know, I know, but it's not my fault I like competition." I replied and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Just go easy, okay? It's the first day of school I don't need to get my ass kicked already." She pouted and I laughed. I love it when Piper pouts.

"Fine, but just for today."

"Thank you. Wait! What? Only today? What about all the other days? You're going to make me eat dirt!" She exclaimed and I closed my eyes and shook my head.

"Shhhhh, Pipe, it's nothing to get worried about. And you'd think after all those times you were in bed with a guy that you'd actually gain some cardio." She blushed a light shade of red and looked at her feet.

"Yeah, whatever." She mumbled and I hugged her.

"Don't worry, I still love you as a best friend no matter what you do unless its sleep with my husband or my brothers." She smiled and rolled her eyes.

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