Chapter 6: Jerk, that's all he is

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Chapter 6:

Jerk, that's all he is

"Miss Creek! Where is your homework?" Mr. Peters asked harshly and I chewed down on my bottom lip nervously and played with my fingers.

"I sort of... lost it?" I answered but it sounded more like a question.

"This is unlike you, Miss Creek." He continued and I nodded.

"I know, I won't make the same mistake twice." I replied and he nodded.

"Good. However you are no different than any other student and you will receive detention during lunch." I nodded sadly hoping that moment wouldn't come, but it did, and I think I just died in the inside.

I gave a sorry glance at Piper but she nodded and shook it away understanding how I feel. Piper has been to many detentions and she told me it was boring so I'm not looking forwards to it.

Once class was over I hugged Piper and apologized for not making it to lunch but she waved it off and told me it was alright. She seemed to be taking this a bit too joyfully in my opinion. Usually when I leave her alone she'd come crying in my arms wailing about me ditching her. But not this time and I find it kind of suspicious.

"Really, don't worry about it. Now go before you get a second detention for being late." She shooed me away and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, I'm leaving." I said and walked away.

"You better come right back to me afterwards Ella Creek!" She yelled and then a pair of arms wrapped around me and squeezed tightly.

And there it is.

"Let me go Pipe." I tried prying her off me but it was no use. She was glued to me like a leech.

"But I'll be left alone without you." She whined and I growled.

"You have Marcy and the others, you're not going to be alone and besides I'll be back for last period." I told her and she slowly let me go.

"Okay, don't be late." I waved goodbye and walked away. I turned around and saw that she was walking in the opposite direction. I sighed, glad that that's over but now I have a major problem ahead of me.

Actually I have three major problems.

One, I have detention.

Two, I have the teacher responsible for detention.

Finally, Gabriel told me he would see me in detention. Now that's freaking me out.

And he spoke to me when he told me he never wanted to see me again. But what really puzzled me is what he said.

"How could I have missed what's sanding in front of me?"

Does that mean he realized what I mean to him? That he made a mistake? I hope so.

I reached the detention door and took a deep breath before opening it. I peaked inside and saw no one.

Perfect, I don't have to worry about embarrassing myself especially for a girl like me that never comes to detention.

"Looks like she finally arrives." I looked to my right and jumped in surprise when I saw Gabriel standing right beside me. I didn't even see him coming or in the room at all.

"Yeah." I said and walked to the furthest seat in the room.

I sat down and I saw him smirking at me from the other side of the room.

"So, do you come here often?" I asked and he walked up to me. He sat down on a chair in front of my desk and nodded.

"Pretty much every day." He answered and I wonder what he could do every day to piss off a teacher. A lot of things actually.

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