Chapter 20: In the eyes of a vampire

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Chapter 20:

In the eyes of a vampire.

I think something just died inside of me. I can already feel it rotting away and crumble down into dust. Something called my heart.


Melia nodded with a smile on her face. On the other hand, Gabriel didn't fancy it too much.

"Isn't it just great! I get to be this hotness's wife!" Melia squeezed him in her arms but he stayed still like a rock. I know I am too. Both our eyes were locked in an intense stare. His filled with sadness and regret, mine taken over by flames. No words can describe what I'm feeling right now. It's a mix of rage and relief. But why wouldn't I simply feel relieved? Why did I also have to feel angry? What part of me is mad?

"Babe? Don't you feel the same?" Melia asked but her "babe" didn't respond. He was too busy playing wax museum.

My eyes began to sting. It wasn't long before I realized I was about to cry. There's no way I was about to let that happen in front of the three girls whom I already detest with a passion.

"Wow, I guess lies just keep piling up, don't they?" I said my voice as cold as ice but as painful as venom. With that, I turned around and walked away.

I pushed the door open and ran away. My broken heart seemed to be shattering more and more as I took another step. I'm not even sure how that's possible since it should be entirely cremated by now.

"Ella! Wait!"

Yes, isn't that the famous cliché line people always say in movies, more specifically guys, when a girl is running away and he's chasing her. Trying to make things right. Well this time, it won't work. In the end he won't make things any better. Only worst. I don't need someone like him in my life. But Faith decided otherwise.

My legs kept moving, they never stopped. He's not worth going back. I ran down the hall until I found the main hall where the stairs are. I began going up as quickly as possible but then I had to jerk to a stop because he stood right in front of me only three steps ahead. Right, stupid vampire speed.

"Just hear me out."

"No thank you." I pushed past him and continued going up but at a slower paste knowing he's already caught up on me.

"Come on. I can't help you if you don't listen." He continued.

"Help me? Me? I'm not the one in trouble here buddy! It's you! It's god damn you!" I spat and he rolled his eyes.

"Look, you have to hear me out one way or another." He said but I crossed my arms.

"No, I really don't have to. You shouldn't even be talking to me. Go back to your fiancé, I bet she misses you already." I didn't even have to look back for him to know I didn't want his presence right now.

"I don't want her. I hate her and her friends." He told me as he followed me up.

"Maybe you should've thought of that before proposing to her. Oh, you should've also probably mentioned that to me before I went through so much trouble moving just because you wanted me to. I don't want to see your face."

He sighed but didn't stop following me. By now, I made it up the stairs and rushed down the hall to the left.

While my tour, Gabriel showed me around upstairs. He brought me to my room which happened to be right next to his. Now who didn't see that coming?

I opened the door and walked in, slamming the door in his face. But knowing him, he barged right in.

The room was quite simple. Brown walls, simple brown Queen sized bed, a desk on the right side of the wall. A walk in closet on the left side and a bathroom next to the closet. Gabriel told me I could style the room however I want. But judging by how I'm feeling, it won't change and it will remain empty.

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