Chapter 7: It's a Halloween party, why a costume?

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Chapter 7:

It's a Halloween party, why a costume

For the rest of the week, Gabriel wasn't present at school. Dan and Will were gone too making things even more suspicious since I now know they're both vampires.

Saturday came quickly and the next thing I know, the party is at my doorstep.

"Let us do your hair!" Piper pleaded, she even got down on both knees and begged. Unfortunately for her, I'm not going to crack that easily.

My wig isn't exactly meant to get burnt by a curling iron. Plus if she accidentally hooks something up in it and pulls it off, I'm in big doodoo.

"Come on Ella. We only want you to look amazing." Marcy continued and I rolled my eyes.

"No, I like my hair the way it is." I replied and crossed my arms. I'm not about to let them win, no way. I have to fight this until I win, there's no giving up.

"But Ella. Your hair is plain straight, I want them to curl and have volume." Piper added and I shook my head.

"I said no, I don't want anyone touching my hair." I snapped. I know my wig is made out of real blonde hair, gross I know, on my head I'm wearing someone else's hair just to hide my identity. In a way I feel terrible because this wig was originally made for those who have cancer and lost their hair. I'm using it for a whole other purpose and it makes me feel like the bad guy. Although, it's for a really good reason.

So since its real hair, it can get manipulated without a problem I'm just afraid it might fall off and my real hair gets exposed. Then my human friends will believe I'm a hundred year old witch who made herself look younger with a spell of some sort. I would die if that happened.

"Please, pretty please." They begged on their knees and I shook my head.

"I thought I told you already. I don't want you touching my hair."

"You're so stubborn, why won't you let us style your hair?" Marcy asked with a pout and I sighed.

"You're the stubborn ones here." I replied.

"It will only take twenty minutes and we only have an hour and a half before the party starts." Piper said I rolled my eyes. I didn't even want to go to this party to begin with but no. Raven just had to force me because he believes the killer vampire will make itself known sometimes during the night. Which makes sense because it is a Halloween party after all.

"Just let them do your hair, Els." My eyes snapped at the door of my room and saw Noah leaning against it with his signature smirk.

"But Noa..."

"What did I say?" He raised his voice and I frowned. I backed away and he walked in.

"Hi Noah." Piper sighed dreamily and gazed up at him. I think I even saw a bit of drool ooze down from her lips. Gross!

"Oh, hey Piper." He replied awkwardly and then smiled at me.

"How's Bree? It's been a while I've seen her" I wondered out loud.

"She's fine, she doesn't have a concussion but the doctor recommends she stays at home and rest. Now don't change the subject. These two lovely ladies will do your hair and that's final. I want my baby sister to look beautiful at her first party." He walked up to me and hugged me. "Don't forget what you're suppose to do." He whispered in my ear and I nodded.

"I remember." I whispered back and he kissed my cheek.

"Good. What is it?" He asked and I sighed.

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