Chapter 17: Hidden behind walls

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Chapter 17:
Hidden behind walls

You know those moments in life you just wish you hadn't said what came out. That your mouth stayed shut and not a single sound spilled out. I hate those moments. They're so awkward and your just waiting for the slap. It's almost as if I actually wanted to get punished. Why would I want to get punished? No one likes getting a timeout or an order to wait in the corner. Well, I suppose I would be getting something much more severe than a simple childhood punishment everyone gets for being mean to someone, or knocking down the Lego tower your friend carefully built up.
In this case, I hurt someone with my words. Well, I wouldn't say hurt, but more like something they'd rather not hear. Something worth keeping to myself. But what's the point if they're going to end up knowing in the end. Unfortunately, if I hadn't told them, he would have and then things would probably have been thrice as worse.
I said the m word. And I'm not so sure I'm proud of it. The people in front of me don't seem so proud of it also.
"I think I'm getting too old for this because my hearing is beginning to fail on me. I don't think I understood you properly. Could you repeat please but a little louder with much more precision?" My dad hissed. My head dropped to the ground. My fingers intertwined nervously. I couldn't manage to utter a single word. My father expects me to repeat myself, but how could I? I was entirely paralyzed by fear.
"Gabriel is her mate." I heard his voice say and I turned around, expecting it to be Chase. No, it wasn't him.
"Raven...? Why?" I asked and he placed a hand on my shoulder.
"Because I already knew about him. You came to me the first day of school, in tears. You explained to me your story. Your rejection by a guy named Gabriel. Judging by your description, I knew who you were talking about. I've had too many encounters with the idiot." He said as he stared at me. His eyes trailed away from me and to my father. I didn't dare to find out what he held on his figure.
"You went to your brother, but not me?" My dad asked and I nodded.
"No offense Dad, but you're not exactly understanding with situations like this." I answered suddenly filled with anger. I don't know why, but its like my body surged with confidence.
"I would've listened to you." He replied calmly.
"No, you wouldn't have. I came up to you when I was twelve, I told you I had my first crush and you exploded. Yelling at me that feelings like that shouldn't exist and that I should focus on school." I said and even Chase made a sour face.
"You were twelve..."
"Yes, I was. It's normal to have a crush Dad. Tell me you didn't have a crush at twelve." I told him.
"Actually, I was thirteen-"
"No difference. And if you're making a big deal out of this, wait until you see it comes next." I told him and he sighed.
"I'm not making a big deal out of this. I am raging in the inside, but for your sake and your mate's, not on the outside." He gave me a small smile but it didn't reach his eyes. I could see right through them and happiness is not apart of it. He's not only angry, he's also disappointed.
"I'm guessing you don't want to hear what's next?" I asked and he looked up at me.
I looked at the ground and he shook his head. "I don't."
"It's not like I have a choice." I added and he raised an eyebrow curiously.
"Might as well get it over with." He said not in a very pleasant way. I looked at Chase and he gave me a sympathetic look which only made me feel worse. Like something had just died.
"Well, there are people after me. According to Gabriel I'm not safe here so I have to move out." I raced out and it felt like the entire room just collapsed into an age of total silence.
I didn't dare to look at anyone, too embarrassed to even lift my head up. I want to dig a hole in the ground, curl into a ball and stay there for eternity. It would probably be best for everyone.
"Where would you go?" My mom asked but I didn't answer. I couldn't. My lips remained shut. I spoke enough for today.
"To his house." My dad answered knowing who he's referring to.
"You're telling me my daughter is forced to move into a house full of guys?!" My mom asked outraged. "No! Absolutely not!"
"You can't stop him. It was already decided." Chase said and my mom shut up.
"He's only doing it to save his own ass. I bet he doesn't care about Ella." Noah said, speaking for the first time ever since I got here.
That may be true, but who knows the consequences if I go against him?
"He's arriving tomorrow morning, I have to go pack." Blurred out and ran out of the office.
"Ella! Wait!"
I knew who it was but I kept going. My eyes burning with fresh tears as I sped up the stairs and down the hall to my room. I locked the door behind me and and burst into tears.
I can't stop him. He has so much power over all of us. Even me, his own mate can't stop him. I feel so weak just thinking about it. Almost as if all my energy is drained from the deepest pit of my body. What has Gabriel done to me? I should have fought to stay with my family. However, something inside of me told me that even if I tried, I would have failed. It's just that look in his eyes, an emotion I can't describe. It makes me feel all mushy and that's when the power kicks in. It slams across my face like a hard fist. The next thing I know, I'm doing something I shouldn't or can't do.
I heard three soft knocks on the door and chose to ignore them, knowing he will only make things worse.
"Ella, we need to talk."
"Leave me alone, I'm packing." I barely said just as I began sobbing.
"Anyone in this world would know you're in a fragile state. Even a blind person could see that. I just can't help feeling a bit of pressure in this situation." He said from the other side of the door.
I wiped my tears away and sighed. I unlocked the door and turned the knob, leaving it wide open for him to walk in as I make my way to my bed.
I heard his soft footsteps behind me and I collapsed on my bed, feeling exhausted for some reason. He crawled in next to me and and gave me a sad smile.
"I don't know what to do anymore, Raven. I look at Gabriel and I go numb. I saw him today, what he truly physically looks like. He scares me. His entire appearance makes me feel, dead." I whispered because I couldn't speak louder. The air barely circulated through my body.
"Chase doesn't make you feel that way?" He asked.
"Not as much. I feel comfortable around Chase and I only met him today to top it off. But Gabriel, he's different than Chase. He's darker, stronger, fearless, the power practically oozes from his body. He intimidated me." At that a saw Raven's expression switch from sadness to anger. His eyes widened, his jaw clenched and his muscles flexed. Gabriel didn't really push me or hurt me in any way possible. "Don't worry, it's not like that, it's just he makes me feel weak." I explained and he relaxed.
"I understand, but I want to tell you something before I leave and you get your luggage ready." I can tell he's serious by the tone of his voice and in his eyes.
I nodded for him to continue. "I met Gabriel. It wasn't long ago, maybe a year or so. It was in the forest and he was hunting. I knew that because he held a dead rabbit in his hands. He was on our property, our part of the land. Vampires are forbidden from entering the pack's borders and yet there he stood. He was calm but I could tell he wasn't looking for trouble. Gabriel is not that kind of guy, he won't attack anyone without a good reason. Turns out he was looking for Dad but he found me instead. He wanted to give a warning. Not for the pack, but for our family. He told me to protect you and guard you with my life. He didn't give any explanations why, even though I asked, he wouldn't respond. He just kept staring at me intensely, as if searching through my soul and looking for something specific. He told me he trusted me and I shouldn't let him down. Now that he's pulling you away from me, makes me believe I forgot something along the way, that I failed." He said with such softness in his voice. I cupped his cheek and looked at him in his eyes.
"No one could be a better oldest brother than you. You didn't fail, Raven. The situation out there simply got worse, and out of your reach of capabilities." He nodded and looked away.
"I just don't like it when a vampire takes control, a Leader on top of it. It pisses me off!" He laid on his back and sighed out of frustration.
"I understand how you feel-"
"Do you, Ella? Because as far as I see it, you're my little sister that I devote my life to protect. I have no one else to look after because everyone else can look after themselves. It was my duty from the start to be by your side and watch after you. Suddenly your vampire mate grabs you away from my grasp and now I'm left alone praying nothing bad happens to you because I don't entirely trust in a vampire with your life." He spat and I closed my eyes and nodded. I don't understand what it feels like to be responsible for someone, but I know what it's like to be away from my family.
"I get it, Raven. I really do. Just remember you're not the only one who's feeling. I am hurt too. I'm being taken away from my family I love so much. I can't help but imagine how you feel. The pain of seeing me walk away from you. But you're not the one who's forcing his legs to walk away or to move in an entirely different place." I said.
"Watching is enough to balance the board. Remember, I'm the one forcing my eyes to watch you as we say goodbye. If anything watching someone leave is much more painful than leaving itself because once you get there, you will find ways to become comfortable and fit in, while over here, I will stay uncomfortable knowing something very important and valuable is missing." I can tell the tears are threatening to escape his eyes as they began to water also that he's staying strong by fighting them. That's the brother I recognize, the one who stays strong no matter what the obstacle is.
But just as the thought crossed my mind, a tear slipped down his cheek and that's when I knew this situation was open much for him to handle. All this time I thought I was the one grieving the move but I didn't really consider how my family would feel, my parents, my brothers, Raven...
It really did have a huge impact on them.
I hugged him and just stayed there. Soaking in as much time left as possible with him.
After a few minutes he sat up and sighed. "I really should let you pack now." He got off my bed and walked to the door.
"No, wait. I want you to stay." I called out and he froze then turned around with a little smile. He walked up to me and sat on the bed.
As I began unpacking, Raven and I talked. Our main subject is Gabriel, of course. Vampires and werewolves came up a lot. He told me he's surprised werewolf rogues haven't bothered us much, only vampire rogues. At that, I knew he didn't know the story behind what happened to the werewolf rogues. My mother never told my brother's, only me.
"You know, there's a reason why we've had peace with the werewolf rogues." I said and he gave me a puzzled look.
"What do you mean? Isn't it just because the vampire rogues are taking over or something?" He asked and I shook my head.
"No, Mom only told this story to me and Dad doesn't like to bring it up. You can't tell anyone I told you this or Mom will kill me." I ordered in a serious tone and he chuckled then nodded. "Alright, right after Mom met Dad, Mom met this guy named Ryder*. Ryder lost his mate a while ago and Mom just had a fight with Dad and she thought he rejected her so naturally she went to Ryder. He thought she was his second chance mate so they bonded. After a whole lot of action with werewolves, Mom realized Ryder wasn't the one meant for her, it was Dad. Naturally, Ryder was sad and found out his actual second chance mate was this human girl who was their opponent back then. After Dad defeated the human girl, Ryder gave up on love and gave up on being in a pack. He fled away in the forest and became a rogue. Now you'd think Mom lost touch with him, but she didn't. Every now and then Ryder would meet Mom somewhere in the forest and talk. He's been taking over the rogues and keeping them from attacking any pack. In total, he became the Alpha of a huge rogue pack. Since Ryder is really strong, he was a legend at fighting, the rogues considered his strength and nominated him as their "Alpha". I'm not sure why Mom wouldn't tell you this story." I explained and his right eyebrow rose.
"Okay, so there's this ex boyfriend Mom had who's now a rogue and basically controlling the other rogues?" He asked and I nodded.
"Sure, you can put it that way I guess." I replied.
"That's good. At least we have one less thing to worry about. No wonder activity out there was so low." I nodded and kept packing.
There was a moment of silence and I heard him inhale loudly and exhale.
"You know, when you told me earlier that Gabriel scared you. That his appearance scared you? Well I don't want you believing he's a bad person. You can't judge a book by its cover. Just because he looks scary doesn't mean he's scary in the inside. When he spoke to me last year, I didn't see someone who was looking to kill. If he were, he wouldn't have been alone. Besides he was carrying a rabbit as food. What I saw, was someone who was worried. He was worried about you. He asked me to protect you because he didn't want anything bad to happen. He was looking after you, Ella. The guy knew who you were to him, I bet he could have protected you, but it would've been too much for you to handle. You hated vampires back then. So, I just wanted to tell you he's a good person who's only looking after your safety and health. His heart is pure, as much as I hate I admit it, it's as pure as a diamond. He's never done anything to us, not even bother us. He's been good to almost everyone but the rogues. You can ask, people love him. I do have to warn you about one thing though. Even though his heart is pure, he's still a vampire. Trickery is his thing. Don't fall for his traps. He makes things look so perfect and it's not. He makes you think he's doing a good thing but in reality it's mildly good. Propaganda is his tool in life. Don't fall for it, I know he will use it on you." Raven told me and I nodded. I will keep an open mind on that one.
"Good to know. But why would he trick me into anything?" I asked and he frowned.
"If anything, he already has. I know you've fallen right into it before you even knew it. At the moment you can't see it, but when you do you'll find yourself in a stupid position."
"Stop with the riddles, Raven, it's not my thing." I said in disgust and he chuckled.
"Just saying. I don't believe he's taking you away from us just for your safety..." He added and I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Then what else is he taking me away for?" I asked but he didn't answer. "Fine, I'll probably find out sooner or later." He nodded at that and sighed.
"Are you almost finished?" He asked and I nodded.
"Just, turn around for the last part, please." I said and he chuckled and turned around.
"I'm your brother, I've given you baths and changed you before, no need to hide me from your bras and undergarments." He said and I shook my head.
"I've grown, Raven. My body is different than before. The last time you gave me a bath I was six years old." I snapped and he laughed.
"To me you're still my baby sister." He said just as I zipped up my bag.
I hugged him from behind and relaxed my head on his shoulder. "I'm going to miss you, all of you." I said and he nodded.
"Visit, often. No matter what kind of propaganda Gabriel will use on you to not visit, don't listen to it. We're your family. We've been apart of you your entire life and we will always be." He told me and I kissed his cheek.
"I will, don't worry, there's nothing he can do to stop me."
"You'd be surprised."
Just then, I heard three soft knocks behind my door and I pulled away from my brother.
The door opened and Noah's head popped in.
"Since this is your last night with us, we were wondering if you'd like to play a game with us, as a family?" He asked and I smiled and nodded.
"Yeah, I'd love to." I replied and suddenly he became all ghost white.
"Not in my room!" I yelled and his eyes widened and ran out to the bathroom. Honestly, this operation is stressing us all out, but other than blood, vomit is my second biggest phobia. So I would like it that it happened very soon so I don't have to worry about smelling, hearing or seeing something like vomit.
"I do hope this stomach thing passes soon, or the operation arrives soon. We still have a few more days of enduring this and it will be over shortly." Raven said and I nodded.
"Well, I better bring my things down. I looked around for things I should bring back and saw a picture frame of me and my brothers when I was five. Our four heads were squished together. I remember Raven was the star in the looks department compared to the rest of us. His hair was neatly styled, his eyes as blue as the Skye and his smile was perfect. On the other hand, Miles and Noah were a bit on the crazy side, the energy kept flowing in them non stop. Their black hair was messy, Miles had chocolate on his lips and Noah was covered in white by flour. I was the cute one though, my white hair pulled in two side pony tails, my eyes squinted shut and my smile could go around the world twice. I remember it was a day we helped my mom bake cookies. She thought we were too adorable and a picture ended up in my room. There's no way I can let that memory fade away. I took the picture and decided to leave the others here just in case I decide to come back.
Raven helped me bring my things down the stairs and saw Chase standing at the door with my dad.
I didn't know he was leaving.
"...He may be looking after her, but I trust you will keep her safe." My dad said and Chase nodded.
"I've never failed you Archer." He smiled at my dad and then looked at me with an innocent expression like as if nothing happened.
"Good luck at Gabriel's, Ella." He said and then walked out the door.
I have a feeling there's something more to this story than meets the eye...
I placed my luggage at the entrance and my dad hugged me. It wasn't something to be expected after what happened in his office.
"Just so you know, I'm not exactly the happiest father on Earth and I do realize your mate means a lot to you, I've accepted him as your other half but he's not apart of this family. I won't treat him like a son. Got it?" He said and I nodded then smiled.
"Got it." I pulled away from him and he kissed my forehead then walked away.
He passed by Raven with a polite nod and returned down the hall to his office.
"Did you hear that?" I asked my brother and he nodded as he stared at the front door.
"Yeah, I did." He gave me a suspicious look before putting down my bag next to my other things. "I didn't exactly like the sound of it either."
"Why?" I asked confused.
"Because it means a vampire has technically been working with Dad judging by the way he said 'I've never failed you Archer.' "He answered trying to mimic the voice of Chase and failed miserably. It was quite funny actually and I tried to suppress a laugh knowing its not an appropriate time to let out such noise.
"Well, at least I know I'll be seeing Chase more often than I'd hoped..." I sighed sadly.
"How come?" He asked with a puzzled expression.
"Because whenever Chase meets Gabriel it's chaos!" I replied and he raised an eyebrow.
"I'm so glad I have no messed up past with anyone." He said.
"Don't jinx it!" I told him and he chuckled.
"I try not to." He smiled and I hugged him.
I heard Noah's steps coming down the stairs and shortly afterwards his body popped out from the top. He spotted the two of us and ran in our direction.
I began to panic because that guy may look skinny (he is) but he's built like crazy. When I was a little girl I would always get jumped on by Noah and no matter what he was always heavy and I bet he's going to crush me now because I'm facing his way.
Noah jumped in the air with a huge smile and his arms wrapped around me and he landed right in between me and Raven although he's attached to my chest...
I was afraid I was going to get killed but I guess not today.
"Do that again you might as well fart on our faces." Raven told Noah and Noah began laughing and chuckling doing both at the same time.
"I can fart on your face." He said pointing at my oldest brother. "But you're just going to slap my butt until I get off and you've left some deep gashes down there before missy." Noah said pointing at me and I rolled my eyes.
"I am an excellent slapper." I said proud of myself but Noah shook his head.
"More like a wicked slapper." He murmured but because of my werewolf hearing I still heard him perfectly well.
We stopped and looked at Raven who seemed to be quite annoyed.
"Don't be babies again, please." He said in a much calmer way.
Noah hugged me and kissed my cheek then slapped my butt pretty hard. I yelped and jumped away from him.
"Ow! You're so stupid!" I yelled taking my sock off and throwing it at my youngest brother. It landed on his shoulder and he laughed taking it and throwing it on the other side of the room.
"That hurt." He faked a sad face and then laughed some more.
"You're so stupid, Noah." Then I decided to bring out the big guns.
I walked towards him as he still laughed in his own world. I got my two fingers ready and grabbed his hair and pulled.
"Ow! Ow! Ow! OW! ELLA OW!" Noah yelled trying to pry my fingers away but failed. I kept pulling until he followed me. "MOM! DAD!" Noah yelled but there was no response.
I dragged him all the way to the living room where he pitched my sock and let his hair go.
"Pick up my sock." I ordered and he gave me a 'I-hate-you-so-much-right-now" look which only satisfied me more. A smile spread across my lips and I pointed at the ground. "Pick it up, dog."
Oh how Noah hates being called "dog". He finds it insulting because technically it is, we are wolves not dogs. Well, werewolves more than wolves.
I saw the fury burn in his eyes and I knew I got him.
"Well what's worst than a dog, is a bitch." He spat his voice filled with venom. My mouth clamped shut out of surprise, I knew my brother was good at comebacks and I thought I had got him for once, but no, he came right back at me with so much force it actually hurt. I am a werewolf, not a female dog. There's a difference. Also the way I said "dog" to him was nothing close to the way he replied. I was playing a joke, he actually meant to hurt me. I guess what I said must have hurt him then because I know Noah is the kind of guy who would only get back at someone with a real purpose.
"Ouch." I said staring down at him with so much pain.
"That's what I've been saying the past minute. You took it too far Ella, pick up your own sock, I don't like being treated like a slave." Noah told me as he got up. Just then I bent down to pick up my sock and suddenly realized what's going on.
Before I knew it, a loud smack sound made its way throughout the entire house and it wasn't long afterwards I felt the painful sting on my behind. It hurt so much I actually fell down on my knees, my breath knocked out from the huge impact.
"NOAH!" I yelled and I heard a faint laughter running away from me. "I'LL KILL YOU!" I got up painfully and began chasing after him. I passed by Raven who seemed to be more than depressed and Miles who was in the kitchen making supper since Dad is busy and Mom is with him figuring out these attacks. He has his earbuds in his ears at maximum volume and he's dancing as he's getting the pasta ready.
No wonder I haven't heard from him all day. Once he's got his music, he's lost in a whole new world. A food world too because his meals are absolutely delicious! And he's making pasta. My favourite!
Even though I'd love to know Miles recipes and his secret at the art of cooking, I still have a mouse to chase.
And so I chased. A lot. Too much maybe. I can tell Noah was enjoying this way more than necessary. I always heard his laughter somewhere in the house and yet I couldn't manage to get back at him for the permanent red mark on my behind.
Then there was the time to eat and food became my main priority, Noah was just entertainment from then on.
For the first time in a while, Miles put his music away and set the table. I hugged him and thanked him for our last big meal as a family and also for making it so delicious and memorable.
Each of my brothers play a huge role in my life. Raven is my guardian, he watches over me, makes sure I'm safe and alright. Miles is my teacher, he teaches me new things about life and new methods of cooking. Unfortunately I'm a poor student but I'll learn eventually, I hope. Also Miles is mostly the type of guy who wants to have fun but won't go overboard, unlike Noah. My youngest brother will do anything to laugh or have fun. He's my joker, he brings out the fun in me and makes me have fun without me noticing. Unfortunately that means he'll go overboard and push himself too much. It can be a good thing and a bad thing depending on the situation. Without any of them, I'm lost. Without Raven I might be dead. Without Miles I'll still be burning pancakes and without Noah, I'm as dark and the night. It's only until now I realized how much I depended on my brothers and how much they meant to me.
For the last time, I had an entire supper with my family, chatting, laughing, yelling, but best of all, arguing. For once in my life I'm happy we're arguing because I know I won't have any of these moments with them anymore, it's my last for a long while and I want to treasure them as much as possible.
Especially knowing danger's at the step of my door.
* * *
I barely slept that night. No, scratch that, I hadn't slept that night. His face, his words they kept replaying in my head all night. I try to sleep but as soon as I'd fall, he'd appear in my dreams and I would be wide awake. I just can't seem to get him out of my head.
As the time ticked and the numbers changed I began to envy time. The one thing that's used most often and can still keep moving on. No matter what happens, it will always keep going. No matter how much we'd love to stop time to capture our baby's first step or word, we can't and sometimes it flies by too fast, others it feels like forever. But whatever the situation is, it won't stop. I feel as though time is playing a trick on me, fooling me with those glowing numbers. As if its trying to distract me from something. Sleep? Possibly.
That's when my muscles began to feel stif. I moved around, tossed from one side to the other even curled into different positions and yet I still couldn't find a comfortable spot. So I decided to get out, walk around for a while. Perhaps it will loosen me up a little.
I get up and wrap my robe around me to keep me warm from the chilly wind. I get downstairs and see King sleeping on the couch. I hope he stays asleep or else he might just spill the beans to my mom on what I'm doing. I can't risk letting that happen.
I hurried quietly to the front entrance and quickly slipped my shoes on. I took a second look at the couch and found the wolf sound asleep. I opened the door and stepped outside, closing it silently behind me.
I sighed and began my stroll.
I do know this is dangerous, I am a young lady walking down the streets alone and vulnerable to any sort of attack but I have a feeling I won't get attacked. There's no one hiding behind the bushes, disguised under the darkness of the road or walking behind my heels. However, I do get the feeling I'm being watched.
Suddenly the though of a rapist came across my mind and chills ran up and down my spine. My legs kept moving even though I'm well aware of my surroundings.
After about five minutes, I reached the neighborhoods park. It looked so lonely in the dark without the daylight making it look fun and attracting. Everything was so quiet. It feels like nothing existed around me, like as if nothing was alive. Maybe kind of deserted too. There was no wind in the air, not even one bit so the wings weren't moving.
I walked up to the swings and sat down. I looked at the one beside me and imagine myself smiling as my brothers would push me so I can finally be able to do a three sixty around the top bar. I remember breaking my arm and my dad yelling at Raven. It wasn't his fault, I was the one who decided to jump. Even then those memories were more than precious. Now when I look at the swing, I can only imagine the emptiness I'm going to feel without my family.
Maybe Gabriel could keep me entertained, but nothing like Noah. Maybe Gabriel can cook delicious meals, but nothing like Miles. Maybe he will protect me, but only Raven can do so and make me smile. No matter what, Gabriel can't fill the hole he's created.
"He can't, because I don't love him." I whispered to myself and suddenly the first blow of the wind carried my hair in front of my face and back down again. I heard the sound of something swinging back and forth and look to my left where the second swing was, and saw someone sitting on it. Making it rock back and forth.
Just looking at him, I already know who it was. I was glad to finally see him again after so long. Maybe he's really the only vampire I like best around here.
"I think you do, you just don't want to admit it." His light brown almost blonde head turned to face me. "Long time no see, Princess."
My mouth stayed shut but my eyes opened.
"Long time no see, Will."
And here's what time has been distracting me from.
The one and only thing that might keep me happy.
His warm smile made me feel whole again, like he's healing me from the inside. But I still didn't heal entirely.
A true friend.
"I've been waiting desperately to speak to you alone, since Gabe's been keeping you on a tight leash so far. I can finally talk now."
"I guess, you seem to be wanting to tell me something."
"I do. A girl shouldn't be walking alone at night, it's very dangerous." He said as he looked at me in a weird way.
"Or so they say." I replied just as weirdly.
"It's a fact. You're lucky I'm here because the three rogues behind us were about to slice your throat open."
I didn't even hear them!
"Luckily I took them down just before they were about to reach you." That's when I saw his bloody hand and instantly looked away. As I did that, my attention was brought behind me where I saw three corpses laying on the sand.
"Great, now there's blood everywhere you stupid idiot!" I whispered/yelled. He chuckled and shook his head.
"Hey, you're alive." He replied and I had to admit I'm pretty grateful for that.
"Why are you here?" I asked.
"To see my friend." He answered and I knew he was lying. It's the oldest trick in the book.
"The truth, Will." I snapped and he raised an eyebrow.
"You were going to die-"
"Not valid." I interrupted and he sighed.
"Fine, you're in the darkness-"
"I'm not stupid." I rolled my eyes and he glared at me angrily.
"Not physically, Ella! Your hidden behind a brick wall, away from the truth!" He said and suddenly things began to get interesting.
"Talk." I ordered and he gave me a warning glare and suddenly, that's when it hit me.
I knew what was going to come out of Will's mouth wasn't going to be pleasant. In fact I was going to hate it. That's when I knew time wasn't distracting me, it was protecting me. Protecting me from the truth.
"Gabriel is using you."
Alright... I've been gone for a looooooong time (about 2-3 weeks maybe) and I just wrote this long chapter. I have to admit writing something so depressing is... depressive. What's even more depressing is waiting for the next chapter to come to find out why Gabriel has been using Ella.
Yup, have fun.
You can try figuring out yourselves if you want until the next chapter comes.
Until then, good luck.
I do hope, even though I made it so sad, that it was still good.
Emma xox

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