Chapter 26: Not Myself

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Chapter 26
Not myself

Pain shot through my chest like it had never before. My heart seemed to have stopped and yet every time it was beating it sent a jolt of pain throughout my entire body. I felt faint and my body could barely support my weight even on my knees. That image was burned deep inside my mind and I couldn't seem to shake it off. I couldn't believe it, my mate was no longer here. It felt so unrealistic, it all happened too fast.

The tears kept streaming down my cheeks like a waterfall. The pain was too much to bear. I felt dead myself.

But then something cold landed on my shoulder and shook me slightly. I froze and listened. I could hear someone calling out to me in the distance. If it was a female or a male, I couldn't tell. All I knew is that I recognized that voice somewhere. The figure of this person in my head was blurred. However, the more I listened the more it grew louder, clearer and closer.

Shortly later, I realized something was wrong. Something about this situation was not right and it occurred to me when I looked up at the massacre. The corpses were fading away and vanishing. The blood was disappearing. I instantly looked at the tree that held Gabriel and noticed he had faded away along with everyone else. My heart seemed to have dropped and my last tear slipped down my cheek.

Then I felt a hand slap me in the back of my head. I groaned in pain and turned around to face who had hit me. Will stood straight with his arms crossed over his chest, he looked down at me with a serious and yet relived expression.

I quickly faced the other way once more and noticed no bodies whatsoever and no blood. The clearing was empty, there was no one around. But best of all, Gabriel wasn't dead against the trunk of a tree. Relief washed over me like a giant wave.

"What happened?" I asked feeling puzzled and disoriented.

"You were under a spell." I nodded, I figured that part out. "You accidentally touched one of these." He said as he pointed at a small leather bag of some sort that laid on the ground hidden under a few dead leaves.

"What is that?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, I'm no voodoo magic and all that crap expert but I'm assuming it's a hex bag of some kind." He answered. 

"What is a hex bag?"

"As I said, I'm not an expert, but I do know that it casts a specific spell once touched by any living being that can breathe and walk."

"Yeah, I had a horrible vision." I told him as I tried to shake off the image I had seen.

"I can tell. You suddenly stopped running and you began to cry as in you were dying. What exactly did you see?" He asked curiously. I shook my head.

"You don't want to know." I replied.

"Oh yes I do. That doesn't look like something I can ignore."

"Look Will, I really don't want to talk about it, alright?" I told him.

"But I do."

"But I don't. It's too painful to even think about. I'm just glad it was a vision." I said. He pursed his lips but let it slide.

"Fine. We should still get going though. That slowed us down drastically." He said. I nodded.

He looked at me and instantly looked away, he seemed flushed and slightly embarrassed.

"Will, whats wrong?" I asked.

"Uhh.. You're maybe kind of naked." He replied uncomfortably and awkwardly. I froze and looked down. Indeed I was stark naked. My cheeks burned more than they had ever before. My hand flew in the air and slapped his cheek.

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