Chapter 25: Partially Werewolf

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Chapter 25: Partially Werewolf

I woke up the next morning feeling rejuvenated. It was strange, I felt like a different person. Like the blood flowing through my veins wasn't mine, or the heart beating faster and faster didn't belong to me. And yet, at the same time, I still felt like myself.

I looked to the side of the bed and noticed it was unoccupied. My lips curled into a sad frown once I realized Gabriel wasn't with me.

Then it came back to me. I got bit by Gabriel, we made love and then he left to respond to his duties as a Leader. His duties. That's right! His clan was going to help the Silver Witch's coven from the attack of Seth's clan of rogue vampires, and the Dark Witch who's clan is assisting him. I remembered being told to remain here during the battle, but there was no way in hell I was about to let my friends fight without me.

I jumped out of bed and felt the cool air kiss my skin. I growled irritatedly as I realized I was stark naked. I literally searched every corner of the room for my clothes since they were thrown around in every direction. Once I found them, I put them on, then proceeded to the bathroom.

As I walked in, I realized I never truly had the chance to see what his room looked like. I spun around and examined his room. It was nice, actually. It was clean and there was nothing too special about it except its massive size. His bed was in the center of the room and his walls were a dark shade of brown. There was a big TV on the wall in front of the bed, an artificial fireplace right beneath it, and a lounging area on the other side of the room with a comfortable looking couch. I liked the calm atmosphere in this room, it was peaceful. I could tell no one entered here except for Gabriel, mainly because his scent was spread all around these walls. The bathroom was also very modern as well as simple. There was a bathtub in the corner as well as a separate shower.

I looked at myself in the mirror and shrieked. My hair looked like it had survived a tornado. I combed it with my fingers as much as possible and tried to make it look somewhat presentable.

Then, I proceeded by leaving the room. However, as I opened the door, a wall stood in my way. Puzzled, I took a step back and jumped as the wall moved. It turned around and I let loose a sigh of relief as I saw Will looking at me.

"You scared me." I told him. He chuckled and smiled.

"I really didn't mean to." He replied apologetically.

"Don't worry. Anyways, I have something to do so if it's alright with you, you could move out of the way please?" I asked politely but he gave me one if those 'I can't do that, sorry' looks.

"I know what you're thinking and I was ordered to keep you here no matter what." He crossed his arms and held a strong stance in front of me.

"So you're my bodyguard now?" I said.

"More or less."

"Yeah, that can't be happening. You see, I have a battle to attend to." I told him as I tried to push past him but he wouldn't move. His body was as hard as rock.

"I know everything about it. But Gabriel told me to make sure you stay here." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"You can bend rules once in a while." I sighed, he shook his head in disagreement.

"Not in a clan. This is different than school. Here, disobeying direct orders from the Leader can be certain death."

"Right, because Gabriel would kill his best friend." I said sarcastically.

"He may not kill me, but I don't have any reason to disobey."

"I am the reason. I want to help. I need to assist this fight."

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