Chapter 9: Mysteries

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Chapter 9:


"Ella Creek!"

Oh no. Here she's comes.

"Where have you been? You ditched us after the party Saturday night and left us all alone drunk in a house filled with other drunk people. Do you have any idea how scared I was that you had died on us? It was pretty scary. Then we didn't have a ride home because its illegal to drink and drive so we had to walk. I tried calling you but you wouldn't answer and then yesterday my phone died..."

Blah, blah, blah

I tuned Piper out because it was seriously getting annoying.

I sighed and started walking away towards my locker.

"Hey! Ella! Where are you going? Don't ditch us again." Piper rambled but I just rolled my eyes and kept walking without a care.

"Woah princess, I've never seen you so careless before." I heard a voice say from beside me and I looked only to see Will smirking down at me.

"It's annoying when she starts freaking out like it was the end of the world." I muttered and he nodded agreeing with me.

"True. It's a good thing she's pretty." He looked behind him and at Piper then back at me. I stopped at my locker and sighed.

"Everyone likes Piper..." I mumbled but suddenly realized I should've kept it to myself because a vampire can always hear what people say no matter how unclear it is.

"Lies. They all like what's outside of her, not what's in the inside. Guys use her and she uses guys there's no bond or connection there, just plain pleasure." He told me and I agreed.

I don't like what Piper does to keep herself busy or how she does it. It's not my style and I refuse to be the same. However that doesn't mean she's not all crumbled up in the inside screaming for help to get out. That's how I see it, I believe she's a girl that doesn't know how to express her emotions and stays bundled up in herself to prevent them from controlling her. It makes sense why she would do such a thing but at the same time she needs to control them. So to prevent those emotions from leaking she distracts herself with other... things.

"True, to be honest I can't wait until she finally lets go of what she's been holding onto for so long." I mumbled and he raised and eyebrow curiously and gave me a questioning look.

"Which is...?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know what your best friend is holding on to?" He asked sounding surprised.

Why is he so surprised? Sure I know a lot about Piper but I don't know everything. I am her best friend and even if I tried to crack her she's won't split open and reveal her deepest secrets or desires. I know she's latching on to something but I just can't quite put my finger on it.

"I'm her best friend, I'm not supposed to know what she's been holding on to. That's for her to know not me. If she doesn't want to tell me, fine by me, but I will be there for her when she's finally ready to open up."

I grabbed my books for my class and shut my locker.

"Yes, I understand that, but if she's not ready to tell you she may never be which means she has no trust in you with her secret." He replied.

"I have faith that she will. At one point, I have a feeling she will tell me." I said as I clutched on my books tighter and bit down on my lower lip.

Actually, I have no idea if she will ever mention it. When she looks at me, I'm an open book, she can read right through me and tell what's bothering me. However when I look at her I can sometimes tell when she's sad but she's a big question mark and I just can't always figure out what's going on.

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