Chapter 4: Vampire this vampire that

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Pic of Dan on the top or the side.

Chapter 4:

Vampire this, vampire that

I haven't seen him all day at school today. He wasn't at his locker this morning, he wasn't in class and so far he hasn't even made presence at school at all.

I wonder what's wrong. He skips school a lot, at least once per week but not for the whole day. Sometimes he'll appear in one class but that's it. Today, he's been to none. Even at lunch he wasn't with Dan and Will.

Actually, those two were gone too. They follow Gabriel like as if he was their king. So wherever they are, he will be there too.

But I get this feeling he didn't skip because he wanted to as usual. It was because he didn't want to see me. I don't understand, am I that terrible to look at? Or even be around?

"Hello! Earth to Ella!" Piper waved her hand in front of my face and I snapped out of my trance.

"Uh, yeah." I said and blinked a few times.

"Did you hear what we just said?" She asked and I looked around me. All my friends were sitting around me, staring at me as I was about to answer the question.

"Um... no?" It sounded more like a question than a statement.

"Well then, Marcy, explain." Piper said and the brunette beside me cleared her throat.

Marcy has big green eyes and long brown hair. She's skinny, but everywhere. Although she's absolutely gorgeous.

"This Saturday there's a party, but it's a Halloween party."

Halloween? Why now? It's a month early, we're only the beginning of September. I don't get why there would be a party like that at a time like this.

"I know, it's September but the person who's throwing the party won't be here for the next month because he's going to Australia for a whole month so he'll miss Halloween. But he wants everyone to attend and that includes normal people like us." She gestured to our lunch table where al lot of people were sitting. "So wether you want to or not, you are coming to that party." Marcy finished and I sighed.

I really don't do parties. That's more of Piper's stuff and I'm not like Piper. Accidents happen at parties like these and I don't want to get caught up in one.

"But I don't want to." I pouted and Marcy crossed her arms.

"You will come Ella. This is Ian Baker's party, you know the hot blonde quarterback of the football team? Yeah, that's him. You do not want to miss his parties I've been to one before and it was awesome. One of the best parties ever so you are coming." Marcy snapped and I sighed irritated.

"You can't make me." I replied and she gave me the "don't-you-dare" look.

"Stop acting so childish, it'll be fun trust me. You're the only one who hasn't been to a party before." She continued and I growled. Piper raised an eyebrow after my growl.

"Just come, Ella." A brunette named Tailor told me.

"Ian Baker throws the best parties. You won't regret it." A small blondie named Lea continued.

Then everyone around me started yelling that I should go until I raised my hands in surrender.

"Okay! Okay! I'll go for crying out loud!" They all smiled and cheered. I rolled my eyes.

The only person who wasn't smiling, was Piper. In fact she wasn't even looking at me.

I turned around and the whole cafeteria went silent. That's when the three of them walked in.

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