Chapter 8: The bad boy acting nice? Yeah right

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Chapter 8:

The bad boy acting nice? Yeah right

My mind didn't have the time to process what just happened a split second ago.

It all moved too fast. The world was spinning around me and it felt like I stopped functioning while everyone else was still working, moving on with the party like nothing had happened.

But something did happen.

It affected me mostly. The killer vampire is that guy. He keeps bumping into my shoulder, almost as if on purpose. But if he is the killer vampire, why would he clean up his mess when a true killer would never?

He didn't clean up his mess tonight.

Well that's because Dan and Will are already doing it for him.

Shut up voice!

But still, it doesn't make sense. But what confuses me more is the fact that I could have a possibility of two mates, if that even exist.

Gabriel and the killer vampire.

If anything I would pick Gabriel. I know he's human and he doesn't like me but he's my mate, he has to like me at some point, right?


Why does everything in the world have to be so complicated? Why couldn't it have been more complication free? The world should have this policy that when you complicate things there's a punishment.


I heard him, I just didn't move to turn around to face whoever the guy was. I couldn't. My limbs are entirely frozen in place.

"Ella! Hey! Are you okay?" His cold hands dropped on my shoulders and he stared right at me with his blood red eyes that send shivers to my bones.

Who was he? I can't remember.

Tall, curly brown hair, absolutely gorgeous and yet I don't recognize him.

Then a second pair of hands gently cupped my cheeks and I stared right in the bloody eyes of a second guy.

Who was he again? Once again, his name doesn't pop into my head like it should.

"She's in shock. Take her out of here." The one with blood red eyes said.


They both have those bloody eyes. They also share the same pale skin and extremely sharp fangs. The cold glare and lifeless expressions is what gets to me the most. They scare me, a lot. Who are they? Or what are they?

I don't understand. I'm in shock? What shock? I'm perfectly fine, I think.

Suddenly the one with cold hands picked me up bridal style and carried me outside the house through the front door.

But they both have cold hands.

I watched the people pass by as the two guys walked away from the house.

They walked up to a black car and opened the back door. I was gently placed against the seat. The guy stared at me, worry written all over his face.

He then closed the door shut and went up to the drivers seat.

The engine roared to life and I was swooped away.

Are they kidnapping me? I sure hope they aren't.

After a while of spacing out, the car stopped in front of what looks like my house.

"Her brothers aren't going to like this." One said.

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