Chapter 18: The move

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Chapter 18:

The move

Gabriel using me? Really? I find that hard to believe.

"I don't believe you." I said and he stared at me in complete shock.

"How can you not believe me when it's the truth? He's just using you to protect himself." He raised his voice and I stared at him like a brick wall, my opinion won't change.

"Aren't you his third in command? Why are you telling me this?" I asked and he looked away from me. His eyes fixating the sand.

"Simply because I don't agree with the way he operates. Sure he's my best friend other than Dan but still. I bet there are moments in life you ask yourself why you even bother to stay by Piper's side. I swear she's so annoying..." He muttered and I giggled.

"Well, that's Piper for you. My mate's half sister. Man I didn't see that coming." I said and his eyes widened and he stared at me entirely shocked. It looked like as if I knew something I really shouldn't have.

"How do you know that?" He asked his eyes burning holes in me and making me feel weak. Just the look in his eyes as they turned from green to dark red is terrifying. I have a feeling I won't get used to it. Not for a while at least.

"Chase told me. The whole story from A to Z." I answered and I can see the anger burning in his eyes. Now I feel as though I did something wrong.

"What did he tell you? Tell me everything." He ordered and I nodded and gulped feeling highly intimidated as I was forced to tell the story I heard in the car with Chase on my way home.

And so I told him. Everything. I'm actually surprised I remembered it all considering there were a lot of events happening all at once and one after another non stop.

After my story, or Gabriel's, Will looked angry but also very disappointed. I'm confused as to why but I bet I'm going to find out very shortly.

"He's got a mouth that stupid rat. Can't keep it shut." He snapped and I crossed my arms.

"Hey! Chase is nice to me so don't talk like that about him." I snapped back trying to keep a serious expression but failing. I was probably so bad at it that even Will couldn't hold in a laugh.

"That was funny Els."


Only my brothers call me Els. No one else has ever made a nickname for me. It's a first that someone has, a boy especially.

"No but seriously, you know almost the whole story. The only thing that the rat left out was the part when Gabriel and him split a part and why. Oh, and also, he's a real pain once you get to meet him. If you think Gabe is enough to chew. Wait until you deal with Chase. I can guarantee you a strong jaw after." I giggled at his reference of chewing and a strong jaw. I thought it was clever but he seemed to be pretty serious about this.

"Ok, so tell me. What did happen to Gabriel and Chase?" I asked, curious about the truth behind all this hatred.

"That's not my my story to tell." Will answered and I pouted.

"Come on. Don't be like that." I told him giving him my puppy eyes.

"Sorry Princess, those don't work on me. You see, I'm immune to any wolf slash puppy eyes." He explained and I rolled my eyes.

"The truth is you can't stand them." I said and his face dropped into a total mushy and soft expression.

"I can't." He said his eyes trailing to the sand.

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