Chapter 27: The first hybrid

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Chapter 27:
The first hybrid

"A hybrid you say?" Chase repeated as his eyes scanned me from top to bottom. Will nodded with a slight smirk in the corner of his lips. I suddenly felt uncomfortable and took a step back. Chase realized it and looked at Will instead. "Hybrids don't exist. They aren't a thing. It's either you're one or the other, there is no in between." He whispered but I could hear him loud and clearly.

I agreed with Chase. There was no such thing as a hybrid. Gabriel even told me I would turn into a vampire and there would be no trace of my wolf side. Perhaps I'm in transition and going through the process of becoming a vampire, I have no clue.

"Yes Chase, you're right. But this is different. I actually thought about it for a while on my way here. Ella is a werewolf, that is true. However from birth she was already an exception. She and her mother are the only two white wolves still existent, her breed is almost extinct. I doubt it would be that easy to strip her from her white fur and four hind legs because she is a rare breed. It's in her blood to keep her breed alive and ongoing, that's what werewolves do. I believe she became a hybrid because it was a self mechanism that prevented her from turning into a full vampire to keep her white breed from extinction." Will explained. I had never heard him sound this smart before. What he said actually made sense. But then again, it was only a theory. 

"Werewolves can't prevent themselves from turning. There is no auto-defence like that." Chase replied, but Will nodded.

"Yes there is. I may not know everything about werewolves but one of my closest friends used to be one and I've learned a lot about her kind simply by watching her behaviour. Werewolves have a self-conscious deep inside them that they aren't aware of. That self-conscious decided that she would remain partially werewolf because it knows she is going extinct. We vampires have one as well but it's not as strong as werewolves." Will said.

"I've never heard of something like that, Will. I've been assigned to watch her and protect her under Gabriel's order and her father's. I've worked with werewolves before and I have never heard about this self-conscious thing." Chase said.

"Chase, how do you think werewolves are werewolves? The full moon turns them just like that? Magic? No, if you haven't noticed, werewolves turn into wolves. Each wolf has different physical and psychological qualities. That wolf that they turn into is their self-conscious taking over physically." Then Will pointed at me. "Every action that Ella takes while in that form is from her conscious. It was her conscious that made her kill that rogue vampire and drink his blood. I doubt Ella would have done that if she thought about it beforehand."

"Yes but if this so called conscious made her drink blood, doesn't that mean it wants her to become a vampire?" Chase asked.

"No, she needed to drink to survive. If she did not, she probably would have died by the end of the day since it was a necessity at this point."

"Usually, if a person transitioning into a vampire doesn't drink or refuses to, they die in a week or a bit more if they're lucky. Never in a day." Chase snapped.

"I agree, but Gabriel bit her yesterday, remember? He told us to warn us in advance. But Gabriel is no ordinary vampire. He is a Ravendor, a very powerful Blood Vampire. His bites have a much stronger effect than normal vampires and it works a lot faster. Also, being Leader of our clan makes him even stronger. I doubt it would have taken a full week. A day or two was plenty and she had to feed before then. She did so she is safe."

I took a few steps back and tuned out of their conversation. I didn't want to hear another word about how or why I became a hybrid. I was completely shocked. I didn't know what to do. I looked down at myself and I didn't even recognize myself. Who was I? What had I become? I couldn't even think straight. Everything was hazy, my visioned was blurred and I felt weak. My legs wobbled beneath me and could barely support my weight. I felt sick, disgusted and afraid. And yet, somehow, even as I was feeling all those things, I felt right. I knew I wasn't supposed to feel that way because I had turned into something I couldn't recognize. But something deep down inside of me said it was okay, that I was alright. I did feel like I was alright, but it was wrong of me to think so. My mind was going against what I had become, but I knew that eventually I would have to accept it as me. That this was who I was from now on. I knew my parents wouldn't approve, my brothers wouldn't look at me as their little sister anymore because I was different. I wasn't like them anymore, but then again I wasn't like them vampires too. I was my own kind now and I felt like I didn't fit in anywhere.

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