Chapter 3: Mate mystery

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Chapter 3:

Mate mystery

"Raven!" I yelled as I walked in the house. I heard quick footsteps coming down the stairs and my oldest brother walked in the picture.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked concern in his voice.

"We need to talk, alone." I said and I looked in the living room only to see two heads popping up from the sides, spying on us.

"She caught us! Run away!" Noah screeched and I burst out of laughter.

"Noah, did you just screech? Like a girl?" I couldn't hold in my laughter and my brother's cheeks flamed up. Oh that was so funny. You know those "in moment" scenes and its only funny when it truly happens in real life at the exact time. Yeah well that's what happened.

"That was funny, you sounded like a girl." Miles added and Noah crossed his arms and smirked.

"Maybe I am girl but disguised under this sexy costume." Noah gestured to his body and I rolled my eyes. These guys just can't get any cockier. Can they?

"Sexy costume my ass, what's really hiding underneath this is beyond your girly imagination." Miles replied and Noah growled in response.

"You guys aren't even making sense." I rolled my eyes and Raven chuckled.

"Just let them be, now lets have that talk." I nodded agreeing and followed him up the stairs to his room.

Once we reached his room that smells like him.

Yes, I smell the scents of my brother and I can identify all of them by doing so. It's a very useful way to know which brother is trying to scare me from behind. From then on I'll know which place to strike since they all have different weak spots. Raven's is in his abdomen are, Miles his hip and Noah is no different than any ordinary guys. One strike in his crotch and he bows down for an apology. He doesn't actually apologize and he has no choice to since its the only position that sooth the pain "down there".

It's quite funny really, apparently Raven "works out" his... thing so that when someone strikes there it won't hurt as much as a normal guy. He keeps asking me if I want to know how he does it but to be honest, I really don't. I don't want to see his part and I certainly refuse to know how he works it out. It's just too... ewwww!

I hopped on his bed and laid on my stomach. Raven sat in front of me and proceeded to lie on his back.

"So, what is it you so badly need to tell me but don't want to at the same time because you're afraid I might go all brotherly protective and act without your permission?" He asked with a smirk spread across his face.

Wow, he nailed it. How does Raven always know what's on my mind? I'll never know.

"Ikindoffoundmymateatschooltodayandherejectedmesoiwanttomakehimregretrejectingme." I rushed out and took a deep breath afterwards.

"English please." Raven demanded and I growled.

"Come on, you know what I said." I pouted and he nodded.

"Yes, I know, but I want you to repeat it so what you just said actually sinks in."

Of course my brother wouldn't believe me. He thinks that because his mate didn't reject him that my mate won't reject me. Uh, hello! He's human, not a werewolf. He has no idea what a mate is. Plus he only likes the perfect girls who have big breast and a big butt but is skinny at the same time.

I took a deep breath before starting over again. "I kind of found my mate at school today and he rejected me so I want to make him regret rejecting me." I repeated but slower this time so Raven can actually process reality.

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