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AN: this works out perfectly because its chapter 25 and Christmas is on the 25th.
Anyways, Im very excited for the rest of this fanfic. I have big things planned. THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL. But I believe it wont be super long. Maybe 20 chapters or so. Its worth the read. Anyways continue on with ur reading. Enjoy.
With love,

Walking into the living room on Christmas morning gives me that exciting feeling. You know, that feeling you get in your stomach. Like a little 5 year old who still believes in Santa and is super excited to open presents.

I always love walking in, seeing the tree all perfectly lite up and all the presents nuzzled under the tree, it gives me joy. As I gaze up at the tree my eyes avert to Harry and my mother holdong mugs in there hands, watching the news. Ben Baily, the weather man, goes on about how there will be another foot of snow by 2 pm.

Sitting next to Harry, he looks at me and smiles, wide. My heart leaps at that smile. "Merry Christmas Sam" he smiles again and I smile back.

"Merry Christmas Harry" I lean over to look at my mother and I poke her. She looks over at me and I smile "Merry Christmas mom" she nods and gives a slight smile, "Merry Christmas Sweety."

As we watch the news for a good while, my stomach grumbles and I get up going into the kitchen, Harry following close behind. He heats something up and I start to get cereal out but he stops me. "Ive made breakfast, heating it up right now" I nod and I smile.

Leaning against the counter, the microwave beeps a few before I open the door. Taking out the plate, I begin to eat.


Ripping the paper off, I expose a shoe box. Smiling, I open it. Its a pair of wedges. I smile looking to my mother and I thank her for the 5th time. As I watch my mom open her 2nd present from me, I bite my lip in nervessness. Its the dresspants and blouse I got her.

She smiles and holds them up and examines them. She then looks over at me and leans in for a hug. "Thank you sweety, very nice" I nod "they had different ones in sale but those I thought youd like most" I nod along with my statement and I look over at the boy.

He seems to be enjoying himself, watching us opening presents. Im a bit excited to give Harry his. I dont really know if he would like them, knowing him. Grabbing one, I hand it to him.

He looks up at me stunned. Like he has never gotten one before. I smile "open it" he looks down at it and slowly rips the paper as if he was scared to reveal what was wrapped.

As he fully unwraps it, he examines it and a smile slowly creeps up on his face. Its the rolex watch, Ive been saving up for, to get him, even if he hated my guts. Taking it out of the box, he looks at it closley then tries it on. It looks good on him.

He looks up at me and hugs me tightly. "I love it" he mumbles as we pull away. I nod and smile "thank you" he grabs my hand and holds it. "Your welcome Harry" his touches give me goosebumps.

He pulls away "I have something for you" my mouth goes dry. I was not expecting this from him. "But later, Ill have you open it" he mumbles and I nod. Ok well this is just insanity, maybe Im dreamimg.

We continue on opening presents and I hand Harry his other one and he gives me the 'are you kidding me' look. As he opens it, he freezes. What I got him was those boots he likes but in black. I stare at him and I smile as he looks up at me. "These are like 300 dollars Sam. How did you get these?" I look down and back up.

"I took out some money from my bank account. Its not that bad" "Sam no. This is too much" I shake my head "you dont need to spend money on me." I look over to my mom who is staring out the window, watching the snow fall.

Looking back to Harry, he is giving me a sad look. "Harry, I said its fine" he huffs and closes the box, shoving it away. I roll my eyes and we finish up opening presents. As I head into my room, Harry follows going into his bag.

Pulling out a present wrapped neatly, I look at the box then up at him. He holds it out to me and I shake my head. "You really didnt need too" he groans "just take it" he whines. I huff and I take it from him. Sitting on the bed, I stare down at it.

Slowly, I rip the paper off and I see the word Pandora sprawled out across the top. Looking up at Harry, he seems amused, excited even.

Pulling the top off, I stare at the necklace that sits in the cotton of the box. I smile and I run my finger over it. Its a small white diamond heart. Looking up at Harry, I get up and I hug him tightly. "Thank you" as I say those words I squeeze my eyes shut. We hug longer than a hugs suppost to last. As I pull away, he smiles at me.
"Here, let me" he takes it out of the box unclasping it and I turn around. He places it around my neck clasping it back and pulls my hair over it. Touching it, I turn to him.

"Its beautiful" I smile and he smiles "I knew you would like it" nodding, I sit back down. He sits next to me and puts his lip ring between his teeth, playing with it. "I think Im going back to campus tomorrow" he nods along to my answer "me too."

Hearing talking come from outside of my room, I groan. Its him, boy do I wish my mom isnt marrying him. "Hunny!!" My mom shouts, calling for me. Groaning, I head out and I see Matt and my mom sitting snuggled on the couch. She smiles and looks over to Matt who holds out a wrapped present for me.

Taking it, I examine it. His wrapping is shit. Groaning, I rip it open and I see a perfume box. Its Gucci and Im guessing it costs a arm and a leg, its the newest one. I smile, a fake one at that. "Ohhhh thank you so much, Matt" I try to act like I love it.

He smiles "your welcome Sam" he nods "you know you can call me dad?" "ya I know. I tried" I shrug and I walk towards my room seeing Harry leaning against the wall texting on his phone. As I go in, I open it up and I put it to my nose. Scrunching up my nose, I huff. it has the strongest smell ever.

Setting it down, I watch as Harry gazes at it then to me and laughs. Throwing a empty box at him, I huff "shut up" he chuckles and I put on my shoes and I go down the hall as he follows me. "Where are you going?" I shrug "outside." Putting on my shoes, I open the door and going out. The cold air makes me shiver. Closing the door, I put on my gloves and hat.

Going down the driveway as I start to walk. It had stopped snowing, but no one seemed to shovel except my neighbor, always right on it.

I smile as I hear crunching of snow behind me. Turning, I see Harry come next to me. Dressed in his coat and beanie, he looks perfect. He stuffs his hands in his pockets. I look down and I see the new boots I got him. They look so good on him. Smiling up at him, he chuckles "I love them" I smile "good, if not Id kill you" he gasps and frowns.

I shove him slightly "shut up" I laugh and we walk across the road. "So where are we going?" he asks as he slips his hand in mine. "I dont know" I say, "ok lets get lost" he says, I chuckle "ok."

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