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Stepping out of the doorway, I look around. Tables are all over the open space. Looking down at myself, I see a white gown, more like a wedding dress.  Its really elligant and beautiful.

Looking around, I walk more towards the opened space floor. I hear echoing of laughter. Coming from all directions. Music faintly plays in the background but I cant tell where it comes from.

Circling around, I see no one. Seeing a  huge mirror hang on the wall, I make my way over. I gasp at my reflection.

Am I....

Turning to my side, I gasp. Im...

Harry then appears behind me in a black tux. His hair pushed back. He looks so...handsome.

Turning around towards him, I see his eyebrow piercing is gone but his lip ring and gages remain.

He takes my hand, a smile appearimg on his face. "You look beautiful Mrs. Styles" my mouth falls open.
Mrs. Styles? This must be our wedding.
He kisses me so soft but full of love and compassion. He takes my hand in his  and walks me in between the tables. A little girl yells, running towards me. Her dress making her even cuter.

"Mommy!!! Mommy!!" She yells holding her arms out to me. Mommy? What? I look to Harry and he looks down at the little girl, with love and adorness in his eyes. "Mommy cant pick you up sweetheart. Shes carrying your brother." I gasp "w-what?" I look at Harry shocked.

"Yeah" he puts a hand on my baby bump. He then picks up the little girl, who is my daughter according to Harry. Harry leans over and kisses my cheek. "I love you babe" he smiles after saying. Staring at him, I thought Id never hear those words from him. He has said them before but I knew he didnt mean it. This time, I know he does. "I-"

Suddenly it goes dark amd the view becomes light. All I could feel is warmth next to me. Opening my eyes, I see a sleeping Louis. I am slightly dissapointed by this. Turning on my back, I think about my dream I just had.

Louis moves and groans softly. He opens his eyes and I smile. I love his eyes, they are like the ocean. Sparkling in the sun and its just so beautiful.

A smile mimicks onto his face and he moves a strand of my hair. "Good morning beautiful" he sits up. "Good morning" I reply and I get up, heading to the bathroom.

Brushing out my hair, I put it up into a ponytail. After, I come out and I see Louis sitting up. Grabbing some jeans and a t-shirt, I go back into the bathroom and I change.

Looking myself in the mirror as I apply some makeup, I stop. Just staring, my eyes move down to the necklace that I still wear. Touching it between my fingers, I look down at the sink.

I havent seen, nor spoken to Harry in a few weeks and its strange not having him around. I still ache and think of him everyday. Even though I try to look past this all.

But I know I couldnt even if I tried. Harry consumed my whole being, made me feel like I needed him in my life. I have dreams about him most days. I often wonder, does he think of me? Does he ever ache to talk to me or hell even see me? Probably not.

Sighing, I continue on to get ready. As I finish up, walking out of the bathroom, I see Louis all ready to go.

We agreed to go out for breakfast and do something for the day. Its not all much but its something.


As we walk through the outdoor mall, he stops suddenly and takes my hand in his. I realize we are standing in the center in the gallery. Surrounded by the lights, I look at Louis. He stares at me and smiles.

"Louis..." I mumble and I look down at our connected hands. "I dont know if this is too soon or....but I really really like you Sam." I press my lips together and I stare back at him.

"But would you....be my girlfriend?" I just stare at him. I register his words and I stay standing there.

Do I really want this? Would I want this? Am I ready to move on from Harry?

It wouldnt hurt to try. Maybe I can get over Harry by being with Louis. Its not using him, in a way. I mean I do like Louis. He is practically there all the time for me.

I smile "yes" he looks almost shocked like he was expecting me to say no.

He hugs me tightly, lifting me off the ground then setting me back down. He slowly leans in and our lips meet. We stand there kissing slowly as people walk by and the world continues on.

Pulling away, I smile. "I will treat you like a princess" he chuckles amd I shake my head "you already do Louis" he shrugs. We continue to walk on.

Within hours from midnight, Louis leads me through a crowd of people. The music blaring in this big warehouse. I dont really know where  I am. And I know for a fact, Ive had way too much to drink. Im seeing double.

He yells into my ear saying he will be back and to stay put. As I circle around, I see everyone dancing and I stop. My heart stopping and there he stands.

He catches my gaze and starts to walk over to me. I gasp and move between people and I get through the crowd and out through the front. The snow is falling and I turn back to see him following me.

"Get away from me Harry!" I yell. He stops and his face drops. "Sam, your drunk. Why are you here?" he asks me and I huff.

"None of your fucking business" I snap and I step back and I fall back. Fuck, ow. He starts to walk towards me and I gasp scooting back. "No Harry!" I yell and I stand.

"Why?" He asks. Suddenly I feel weak and full of emotions. Staring back at him, the tears start to fall. Standing up, I balance myself.

"Not again Harry" I shake my head. I think about each time he gets to me and makes me fall for him again. The tears poor down my cheeks and my vision becomes blury.

"Im not letting you do this again" I shout and he goes to reach for me. "Do what?" he asks and I back away more closer to the street. "What in the hell am I doing?!" he shouts.

I scoff and I roll my eyes almost tripping over my own feet. "You! Your always tugging me back into your game" "Im not playing any games Sam!!! Your just obsessed with me!!" he yells back.

"No Im not!!! I just care about you Harry. Its me caring!!" I back up more as he comes closer to me. "Why?!! Why do you care for me!?!" He yells. I stay standing, quiet.

"Tell me!!! Tell me w-" I interrupt him by saying what Ive been hiding from him since months ago.

"Because I love you Harry!!!" I scream it. "I fucking love you!!! And it hurts because you dont!!!!" I yell and I look down. I feel like throwing up. "Just leave me alone Harry" I say. I turn and I go into the street. "Sam wait!" He yells jogging towards me and I hold up my hand.

The wind picks up and swirls around me. I shiver and I wrap my arms around myself trying to keep myself warm. "Stay away!!" I shout. "Sam I-" a car comes and it tries to break but its too late. I gasp as everything goes black and pain aches everywhere.

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