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I havent seen Harry since the party and I dont plan on seeing him any time soon. But the thought of him makes my stomach flutter. I dont even know him but my thoughts are wandering and I keep thinking about him.

Its like basically seeing a hot guy at the mall and you hang out with him. Then after that you have this huge crush on him but yet you might never see him again.

It just drives me insane just thinking about the way he smiled and his muscular tone and tattoos. Im just being weird. I wonder if he lives at that frat house. Knowing him, he probably does.

Someone calls my name interrupting my thoughts. I turn and see Amy. She smiles and sits down next to me. "So I heard from Niall that you like Harry?" I shake my head and laugh. "Well I sorta do but its not important, he doesnt like me back." "Thats not what I heard" I look at her confused. "He likes you" she tells me like its no big deal.

This has to be total bull. I get up and shake my head gathering my books. "Ok Ill ask him myself." I go out to my car and leave the library and I call up Niall. "Hey um, whats Harrys number?"

I hear a frustrated sigh come from the other line. He gives me his number as I type it in my phone. "Um thanks." I hang up and I dial the number.

After a few rings I hear a deep voice say hello. "Um, hi...this is Sam, remember me?" I hear silence on the other end. "Yeah, how did you get my number?" I fiddle with my top as I look around. "I asked Niall for it, um do you like me or something?" I hear him huff and I can tell he is not in a good mood.

"No I dont, I dont even know you...." he says that a little harsh. Im being very obsessive. "Well sorry, someone told me. Um we should hang out." Im just trying to be nice.

"Um I think not. Just look, your not my type so I dont know if you think if I would ever like you."

He lets out a sigh and it goes silent between us.

"Then what is your type?" I hear him groan. "Not yours, thats for sure" I scoff, "you dont even know me" I try not to raise my voice. "Your right I dont. Maybe we should go out for some coffee and discuss." Hes joking right? "Seriously?" I laugh and I hear him chuckle. "Yes, that coffee shop that we both asume to like." I smile at the memory of seeing him for the first time.

"Well yeah, but dont you have a girlfriend?" He laughs and I feel almost stupid for asking. "No, I dont usually date" "oh" is all I say. "So coffee it is?" "Yeah, when?" I try not to sound to thrilled.

"How about tomorrow afternoon, lets say around 2?" I nod and think. Do I have any classes?

"Sounds good, see you then" He hangs up quickly and I start my car. I drive back to the dorm and get my stuff from the passanger seat.

By the time Im settled in bed and ready to pass out, my mind wanders and thinks about all the different scenerios that could happen tomorrow. Mostly him standing me up, and it would be all a joke. Its almost 11 and I eventually fall asleep.


I make sure to leave class early enough to get ready. I put on a dress and sandles curling my hair a little. When I finish its already 1:30.

I get my phone and keys and leave. I get their five minutes later and get myself a coffee and I take a seat in a stool. It becomes 2:30 and Im about to leave when he walks in.

He is wearing all black with a beanie. My mouth opens slightly noticing the lip ring on the corner of his lower lip.

He looks at me and his face emotionless as he takes a seat in the stool in front of me. "I didnt actually think you would come." He smiles slightly and clasps his hands together on the table.

"Well, your lucky I did" he takes a look around and looks back at me. "So Samantha Widowshin" he looks at me and I shake my head. Hardly anyone calls me by my first name. And I guess he would be one.

Harrys POV

She curled her hair. Its the first thing I notice besides shes wearing a dress. I know she did this before she came here. She likes me, just the way she looks at me I can tell. I notice she is a little annoyed as I called her by her full name.

I dont really go for types of girls like her. I usually fuck them and leave them. I plan on doing that to her, since she likes me so much.

"Theirs another party tonight, you should come. We could hang out" I watch as a couple leave.

"Sooo, Harry how old are you?" I sit back clanking my ring on the table. "20. And I know for a fact your only 18? 19?" She nods "19" she takes a sip of her coffee drink.

I swipe the hair from my face. Its silent between us so I decide to speak. "Anything else you wanna know?" I know she has a shit ton of questions. So one after the other she asks. "Where were you from?" "England" "why did you come here?" "Because my mom made me" "why do you sleep around?" "I dont know. Its just what I do." After that it goes silent.

Then she asks another. "Did you not like your past?" I sigh and scratch my neck. "No I didnt, its the reason the way I am now." She nods then sits up. I play with my lip ring with my finger and thumb. "Would you ever get married?" She asks not giving me eye contact. "No, maybe. I dont know. Im still young" She nods and takes another sip of her drink.

Then she starts asking me basic questions like my favorite foods. After all her questions ran out I started asking her questions, but mine were more personal. Some she just ignored.

I turn my head hearing the sound of the door being opened and its no one I know. I check my phone and see its already 4. Shit.

I get up and look at her. "I gotta go, um come to the party alright. Im not taking no for an answer." And with that I left her there. And went to deal with shit at Lukes house.

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