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He just left me in the room like that. I sigh and I get down stairs, Harry and his friends stare at me. I look away and try to find Niall. After looking everywhere I give up. I sit myself at a table and look around.

Louis sits by me and smiles. "What are you doing over here by yourself?" I shrug and look down and back up at him. "I guess Im the talk of the party huh?" His mouth opens then closes and he nods. "Word spreads fast" he says picking at his nails.

From what I can see Harry cant keep his trap shut. I huff and stand. I dont even know why I came here.

I huff and head towards the door when Niall grabs my arm and I turn to him. "What?!" I spit. "Do you want to say how much of a whore I am? Or what a dumass I am? Then fine go ahead!"

Tears threaten to spill and Niall lets go of my arm and I run out the door going to my car quickly and I drive back to the dorms.

It starts to pour when I pull up to the dorms. And a car pulls up behind me as I get out. I run into the building and I stand in the entrance soaken. Louis comes in through the door. I scoff and run up the stairs through the halls to my door. Louis grabs my arm turning me towards him.

"Why are you like this?!" He shouts. I turn and look away from him and I look back at him. "Because the person I like doesnt like me back!!" I shout twice as loud at him. He steps back "you like him?.....you hardly know him!!" I shake my head. Maybe Im going insane for this, i dont know.

I push him away and sticks the key into the door and I open the door. I go to slam the door in his face but he rejects it and pushes the door back open walking in. "Get out!!" I shout and I throw my book at him. He groans and quickly comes towards me and grabs my waist kissing me. I kiss back it feels wrong but right at the same time. His lips are rough but soft on mine.

I pull away realising what Im doing. "You cant do that" I say looking down. He huffs sitting on my bed. "He isnt good for you." I shake my head, I wont listen to him. Harry is just playing hard to get.

He will soon give in to me. I sound delusional, I really dont care. I look up at Louis to find him staring. He isnt happy, I can tell. He looks down at the floor and up at me "you need to give up" I wont. I shake my head.

"I cant, he just needs time to know whats good for him." I say weakly. Thats what Im hoping. He stands not saying a word and walks out the door. I huff and I lay back on the bed, this is frustrating.


I woke up late and quickly got ready. I rushed to my car and drove to my class building. I quickly get out and I go in and rushes in my class. Everyone stares at me as I enter. Awkward.

I take my seat and listens to the lecture and the guy behind me kicks my seat. He mumbles 'whore' and I huff. This is just perfecccttt.

Class ends and as I leave I get tripped and I fall to the floor. I just sit their staring at the floor gathering my things. Someone helps me and I look and see Louis. Wow. I get up holding onto my stuff tightly as I brush off my clothes and I look at him.

"Who tripped you?" I shrug. "Does it look like I know?" I say with atitude and I walk away. I go to my other classes doing the same stuff. Then its the second to last class I just lose it. All day I was getting tripped. Im not having it now.

I look up at the person who tripped me. The one and only Mr. Styles. I huff and stand and I turn to walk away but he grabs my arm and turns me. "We should go on a date." He smirks running his hand up and down my arm. Is this some sort of game? I dont know.

I push his hand off with Louis voice in the back of my head reminding of him. Of his tricks and sceams. He stares at me and his smirk grows wider. He steps toward me. Each step I take back and my back hits the wall. My breathing hitches in my throat. "Come on Sam....I know u cant resist" he says his face getting closer and closer. I dont dare look away from his eyes. He licks his lips placing his hand on the side of my head leaning his body onto mine.

He looks to my lips then back to my eyes and I get ready to kiss him. I get on my tippy toes and our lips are closer now. The bell rings making me jump. He stands up straight and looks at me. "Tonight. Ill pick you up. Text me your dorm room number. See you then" he smirks walking away. This isnt real.

I just watch him until he disappears into the crowd. I look down letting out a breathe I didnt know I was holding. I shake my head and goes to my next class.


Eva is sitting on her bed when I get into the door. I throw my bag on the floor and I lay on my bed. I look at the time. I dont know if this is a joke or not. I grab my phone and I sit up. And I text Harry.

Is this a joke???

I wait and he responds minutes later.

No. Whats ur dorm number??

I sigh and rub my face and I respond.


He doesnt reply back until a hour later.

Be ready by 6.

I look at the time and its 4 pm. Ok I have time. I look at Eva and shes asleep.

I get up and I look through the closet. I have nothing good to wear. I go into Evas closet and I pick out a romper and A pear of flats. I put them on and I rush to my makeup bag and I apply my make up and I look at the clock. If I hurry I can curl my hair.

I grab the curling Iron and I go to the bathroom. I finish curling my hair just in time. I run into the room and i put the curling Iron away and slip onthe flats. I spray some perfume and I check myself. This better be good for him.

I sit and wait. And I wait. Its now 6:30? Where is he?

I finally hear a knock and I stand immediatly and I open the door after taking a deep breathe. I see him. Hes wearing that flowery flannel and his usual jeans. His hair is messy but pushed back. Fuck. I try not to stare to long and adjust my eyes to the floor. "Um hi...." I say. He chuckles "ready?" He says and I nod grabing my phone and going out the door.

We walk down the hall in silence amd out the door into his car. He owns a blacl Lincoln. His car is suprisingly clean and smells like a hint of mint. He starts the car and drives. I stare out the window as we head to whereever were going.

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