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Setting down the plater of drinks, I smile at the people huddled around the table. Walking off, I go back behind the counter. I've applied for a job at the diner down the street. Just a little ways from the coffee shop.

I need some cash on me, I'd hate to keep asking from my mom. She has been my resource for money as long as I can remember. She insists on supplying money for me for another year but I really don't think that's necessary. 

I go to a table, a group of people that just left it, and I start to clean the plates and garbage off of it. Going into the kitchen, I put the plates in the sink for Martha to clean. She's such a sweet lady.

Going back out, I see new people at a table. One looking all too familiar. Going to it, I smile.

"Hi Niall" he looks up at me and smiles. "Well hi. You work here?" I nod slightly and Niall shrugs and leans back.

I don't know when it was but Niall changed. For the worse. He just got himself another tattoo. And I'd hate to complain about it. It's his choice and all but, I can't look at Niall any other way but to the way he was.

I scribble down on my notepad to what Niall and his friends want. As I'm about to head back into the kitchen, the little jingle sounds at the door and none other than Harry and his slut walk through the door.

Quickly, I fumble into the door and peak through it. I watch as he walks over to Nialls table and sits next to him.

Watching as he talks with Niall, I quickly disappear into the door when I notice he starts to look around for something or someone. Fucking Niall just had to tell him, didn't he.

Leaning against the wall, I close my eyes and my hand finds its way to the necklace that has never left my neck. I take deep breathes as John, one of the Chiefs, walk past with a worried look. I tell him quickly that I'm fine as I let off the wall.

Ok, I've avoided him for some time now. And I'm not ready to be anywhere near him. But God forbid me, I have to man the fuck up. It can't be that bad.

With a nod of my head, I start to head out and I stop myself. Wait, I can't show him, I still fucking wear this necklace. Taking it off, I place it in the little pouch in my aprin. Fixing my shirt, I let down my hair and I ruffle it up. Ok. Let's do this.

Stepping out, I walk over to the table, keeping an eye on the one person who I've been avoiding. Slowly as I approach the table, I come into view of all of them and as I do, he looks up at me.

"What-" I clear my throat "What can I get you?" I ask him. He looks through the menu one last time and looks up at me.

"I'd like a u-" his voice cracks and I advert my eyes to Taylor and Niall who are both smirking at us. What the fuck.

"I'd like an um round the house eggs. Over easy. With bacon and um hashbrowns" he closes the menu and looks up at me. "And a glass of water" he hands me the menu and gives no trace of a smile. Taking Taylor's order, I take her menu and walk off.

Going into the door, I lean against the wall taking a deep breathe. He didn't seem to care but he did sound, nervous?


As she stood in front of me, my nerves got the best of me. "What-" she pauses and clears her throat "What can I get you?" I don't dare look up as I can feel her eyes set on me. Looking through the menu, I quickly pick something out. She's very distracting.

"I'd like a u-" just then my voice cracks and I clentch my jaw. Great now I'm embarassing myself.

"I'd like an um round the house eggs. Over easy. With bacon and um hashbrowns. I close the menu "and a glass of water" I say as I hand her the menu staring up at her. I was too weak to smile. Too frozen to speak.

She looked so good. My eyes run down her body as she takes Taylor's order. My eyes stop at her cleavage. That's when I noticed, the necklace is gone. My face falls even more and I watch as she walks away.

"She's not wearing the necklace Niall" Niall looks over at me and shrugs. "Maybe she took it off for a reason" I stare down at the table. Suddenly,  I feel sick.

"She's over me" I mumble. Sitting back, I stare at the wall. I've missed her being that close to me. I haven't spoken to her since the hospital.


As she brings the food, I look up at her as she looks at me then away. God she looks so good.

"Thank you" I mumble as she nods her head slightly. She asks if we would like anything else but I tell her we dont.

She walks away and looks back at me before going into the door. I start to eat, thinking on why it's like this. How did it get this way?

When I look back, I see her leaning over the counter, kissing Louis. I scoff and I turn back around and Taylor looks back then at me.

"You should go over there" she nudges me. "I'm not going anywhere" I snap at her. "They are happily dating and blah blah blaahhh" I huff and I drop my fork, making a loud clank noise.

After finishing my food, I stand and I go over to her, slapping down a 5 dollar bill, looking to Louis then to her. "Here's your tip" I say not so in a nice way as I walk myself out the door.

I need to go have a smoke and a damn drink. She Pisses me off.

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