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I woke up today late for my first class and that NEVER ever happens. And on top of that I almost fell asleep in my third class. I couldnt fall asleep last night because someone was running through my mind and that someone is Harry. 

I already called in early for my fourth class and I grabbed my work and left before class started. So here I am staring at the ceiling. And of course once I decide to skip the rest of my classes and lay down to take a nap, Im not tired anymore. I groan as I sit up and stare at the door. I get up and grab my keys leaving the room. I dont really know where I want to go but Ill figure it out. 

As I drive down the street I see a few cars in the driveway. I park on the street and I go to the door and knock. A guy with piercings all over his face answers. "uh, um hi Im looking for Harry is he here?" he moves aside so I can walk in. I look at him as he tells me Harrys in his room. I nod and climb the stairs finding the door Im looking for. I knock softly and wait. 


I hear a light knock at the door. Im in the middle of reading my stupid english class assigned book. I put the book down and head to the door. I open it and see Sam standing at the door. Why is she always bothering me? I fucked her, now what does she want? I roll my eyes. "what are you doing here?" my voice hints at annoyence. "um well, I dont know....I was wondering what your up to" she looks down at her shoes then up at me. "um Im doing my homework." I try to close the door but she stops it. "can I come in?" I huff and move out of the way to let her in. I cant believe im doing this.

She walks in sitting on my bed and looks around. I close the door and sits back at the desk. As I pick up my book she walks over looking at the books that line my shelf. I peer my eyes over the book looking at her from head to toe. Shes wearing these really tight jeans that snug her ass really nicely. And to top it off shes wearing a ramones tank top and her belly is peeking out. I bit my lip. Oh fuck I want to fuck her again. 

She looks at me and I look down  and she puts her hands on her hips. "your actually doing work?" and I nod. I put down the book and look up at her. "fine what do you wanna do?". Just then we hear a knock at the door and I get up and open the door seeing Zayn at the door. "yeah?" "me and Louis are going out, is your friend gonna come if you go?" I look back at her and see her looking down at her phone.

"no" I look back at Zayn and Sam comes by us. "wait what about me?" Zayn looks at her then back at me. "do you wanna go out with me, Harry and some other people?" She hesitates to answer and I open my mouth to speak for her but she already decides. "yeah sure" she goes past me and stands in the hall and I groan. She isnt gonna like this. 

We all head down stairs and waits for everyone to show up. Louis shows up with a girl thats way out of his league. And following the girl is Skyler. I fucked her twice and she wasnt bad. Skyler makes her way over to me hugging me and kissing my neck. And she also knows how to turn me on. I pull away and smirk at her. I see Sam shooting daggers toward her. Then she switches her gaze to Louis who is looking at her. Wait, am I missing something here?

Once everyones here we all head to the bar and grill up the street. And we all huddle into a booth and table. I look at Skyler and see her staring at me. I look away and watch Sam and Louis sneek looks to each other. We order our foos and wait for it to come. Zayn talks about the bag of weed he just got and Skyler and her slutty friend just stays quiet. 

Our food comes and I eat and watch Sam pick at her burger. She makes a disgusted face and I look to Louis as he still looks at Sam. "um Louis can I talk to you....privatley?" he nods and we go towards the entrance. "whats up?" I look towards Sam as she trys to be sneaky and looks over here. "do you know Sam?" Louis nods "we met at the party, she was pretty fucked up." I nod "did um anything happen?" he hesitates to answer, "well we fucked" I look at him jealousy hitting me square in the face but I pretend im fine. "oh" is all I say heading back to the table and I watch Sam still pick at her burger. 

By the time we leave its already 7. Zayn left to go straighten some things out with some guy. I watch Sam and Louis exchange numbers right in front of me. I go inside without saying goodbye and head up stairs. I hear foot steps follow me and I see Sam look at me. "go home" she shakes her head and follows me into my room. "I mean it, go I have shit to do." "but I-" I interrupt her "GO!" I raise my voice making her jump and she quickly goes down the stairs. I slam the door and fall back on the bed. I dont really know whats my problem. And I really dont know why Im mad. 

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