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mature content whoops

Niall was clearly confused with what had happened the past week. His plans of frustrating Emily off back home just made him frustrated. She wasn't jealous or even angry - she was just oblivious to his real reasons. That made Niall worried, what was her plan? Was she in this for his money? Or was she in it just for the sake of making him frustrated? Good gracious, understanding girls were never on his list of achievements.

It had been a week since the truth was revealed and Niall always had Brittany over. Emily wasn't arrogant or bitchy, and she cooked for everyone. He was doubtful at first because Emily might've poisoned the dishes or any stuff like that but who was he to push cheesy lasagna and onion soup? Food literally won over everything.

His plan wasn't working and it made him worry about his own feelings. Why was he busy thinking about Emily when this was a perfect chance for him to grasp the fact that nothing could get in the way of him and Brittany? Right?

Fuck. It was like Brittany didn't have the spark that she used to have. It was like there was a border being broken and all of her flaws were in view. Everything made sense to why people doubted how their relationship could work. Niall finally saw Brittany for who she was, and it honestly surprised Niall too.

Why was his thoughts so intense in the fitting room? Good lord.

"Is this okay enough, your highness?" Niall's sarcasm was dripping from his words, because Brittany kept nagging about not having enough clothes for the frat party that was being held at her college, or ex-college - since she dropped out because it was too boring for her. She had assured Niall had to dress up as well, since it was a 'special' occasion, and he couldn't help but feel annoyed.

Emily suddenly appeared in his thoughts again. He couldn't help but compare how different Brittany and Emily were. According to Niall's observations, Emily was simple and didn't fuss about needing new clothes for certain occasions. She just wore old clothes again and they weren't as glamorous as Brittany's either. They were casual and Niall approved. It was like looking at her wearing those kind of clothes changed his whole perspective on dressing up. He liked it just the way it was.

For fucks sake Niall, get a grip of yourself.

Niall woke up from the trance he was in because he felt a pair of hands with long manicured nails pricking him under the polo shirt he was trying on. "Yes, baby." Brittany breathed in his ear, her hands gripping harder onto his torso.

"Brit, stop it." Niall tried to scold, they were in public after all.

"You look so lickable," she purred again and as bad as Niall wanted to barf in his mouth - this was what he fell for. "It's the least I could do for buying me thousands worth of stuff." He felt her tongue on the crevices of his neck and his breath hitched in his throat slightly.

As soon as Brittany palmed him through his jeans, he found himself falling for it. Who couldn't resist it anyways? "Yeah, sure. I kinda like the sound of that." his breathing deepened as she pushed him back into the dressing room that was occupied with his previously worn white t-shirt and brown boots.

Niall watched as Brittany adjusted her lime green dress, making it lower down slightly and her breasts were on full view. They were large and fake, since he had spent quite a lot on them with his own money. He frowned at the thought of how his money was simply wasted since Emily's were most likely to be real. His eyes widened at how sudden his thoughts had changed, and looked down to see Brittany on her knees and slipping her hands into the skinny jeans that he had tried on.

Brittany pulled down his jeans, and stood up again only to slip the dress over her head. She slipped her hands under his shirt again, before slipping it off making the both of them standing in only their undergarments in the locked dressing room.

"Brittany," Niall called out, almost breathless at how her lips were kissing down his body, teasing along the waistbands of his Hilfiger boxers. She was practically kneeling in front of him and he couldn't help but tug her hair in his fist while she did so.


"What if they have cameras in here? Or if someone hears us?" Niall worried, slowly finding a way out of this awful feeling in the pit of his stomach.

"Well, I guess we both have to stay quiet don't we? I'm horny, and you should be too." She purred before kissing Niall's lips and hooking her fingers under the elastic of his boxers and pulling it down, pushing his legs further apart. She quickly stood up, soon planting kisses all over his neck and he couldn't help but moan at the sexual tension that had risen in the small space that they were trapped in.

Brittany tugged at Niall's hands and brought them to her lower part. His eyes widened at how wet she was but soon understood what she was gesturing for him to do. She was the horniest person alive, truthfully speaking.

He quickly rubbed his fingers back and forth over her bundle of nerves and she closed her eyes at the sensation that Niall was amazing at. Brittany let out a moan, and her head falling back against the wall, making her breasts bounce out of her lacy bra.

How would Emily's moan sound like?

Shit. Focus on Brittany, will you? Niall thought to himself. This was insane.

"Do you like that babe?" Niall teased, running his fingers over her sensitive area slightly faster, not even allowing Brittany to answer him. It was better if this was done quickly, he couldn't handle having the thoughts of Emily in his head again.

Brittany just nodded, and Niall groaned as her excitements spilled over his fingers and he couldn't help but wipe them off at the dress that belonged to Brittany. He wasn't quite fond of the odor of her cum that was quite a turn off for him.

"You ready for me?" Niall asked, and she nodded before trailing her nails over his torso over and over again. It wasn't like he was that eager - he just wanted this to be over and done with, not wanting Emily to haunt his thoughts again, since he was previously wondering if her cum was as sweet as the fragrance that lingered in her wardrobe.

He pumped his length a few times with his hand that wasn't holding onto Brittany's body, before gripping her thigh from underneath and he lifted it up slightly. This way, Niall had easier access to her entrance, and Brittany gripped onto his shoulders before he eased his way into her.

Niall stood still, wanting her to give him some kind of signal so he could move. She slowly grinded further and gasped as he slid completely in her, stretching her walls completely. They had always had sex, since Brittany was always horny - every single day. Niall found her quite different as days passed, maybe she had loosened up a bit around him - it felt kind of easier as he entered her. She wasn't so tight anymore anyways.

Maybe Emily was?

Niall placed his hands over Brittany's mouth since she was certainly a screamer, and he wasn't going to embarrass himself with any audible moans of hers erupting through the store. He rocked his hips against hers, and began to pick up speed as he found a steady rhythm.

"Come on Brit," he grunted, wanting her to cum quickly. He just didn't feel the need to cum anymore, he didn't want to if it was because of her. Brittany moaned against his palm and he picked up his pace, pushing her completely over the edge as he felt her walls clench against his throbbing dick.

Niall quickly pulled himself out of her, making her frown as she tried to catch her breath. He quickly grabbed his boxers before slipping them on - not wanting Brittany to question his absence of orgasming. He got dressed as Brittany watched his every move and Niall decided to pass her the dress she came in with so she would get the picture that Niall wanted to leave.

This was simply disgusting, he was disgusted with himself. He wasn't sure what Emily did to attract his attention, but it was surely working since Brittany felt like nothing compared to her.

Good lord, this was really happening.

thnks for reading xx

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