epilogue - the end

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The shop was packed, a table set in the middle of it with some drinks and food served by the side. People were all over, chatting with each other or either roaming the shop that was filled with other books provided.

"This really means a lot to me, Mr. Parker." Emily said to her boss, well ex-boss now. Having the shop rented for her was absolutely amazing and it definitely made her happy with how many people were gathered around, including people that she knew and people she didn't. The more the merrier, honestly.

Mr. Parker smiled, "It's the least I could do for you and your husband. You helped me a lot with the shop, and I couldn't be more proud for you." Emily blushed at the compliment, she had never got used to them even after all this. "You did great, Emily."

As she watched Mr. Parker walk away to his family, Emily's eyes roamed her surroundings and she was content. The past year had been such a surreal achievement for her, and it couldn't have happened without encouragement from her loved ones, especially Niall.

Not having enough courage to send her poems to a publishing company, she finally gained an idea of posting them online with Niall's help. Having set up her own blog, she happily resided in typing her poems down and posting them for the whole world to see. It had took her two months before her writings were soon achieving 20 reposts or more, and she was happy to share them with a group of people who were into the same things as her.

Appreciating all of the people who reposted her work, she connected to them personally through messages and she was blessed with such love and adoration. Not having many friends in real life, she soon contacted her cyber friends and they had such a mutual understanding with each other, Emily found herself content and slowly overpowering her insecurities.

Soon, she found herself gaining followers and reposts, before she finally found out that the small group of friends that she had met online were spreading the word about her poetry and it had seemed to attract so many attention. Finally reaching 9k followers on her blog, she was personally messaged by a publishing company from America, and she wasn't going to deny the offer.

After five months of connection with the people in America, her book was finally published throughout America and the United Kingdom, and not forgetting her hometown, Ireland. The book launch was held in the book store that she had once worked in, and it wouldn't have happened without her husband, and her best friends; Harry and Gabriella.

Looking around the shop, her eyes landed on her handsome husband standing with Zayn, a guy she met online who was one of the 20 people that had been there for her from the very beginning. They had all came down to Mullingar to celebrate her book launch, and she wouldn't have been any happier than this.

Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted once she found herself lightly tapped on the shoulder, and she was met with a pair of loving blue eyes. Her heart soared at how tears were slowly forming in their eyes.

"Awh, Maura, please don't cry," Emily said, pulling her in a small hug. Ben hugged the pair, and Emily found herself tearing up slightly at how emotional all of this was. Diana's death was proven to not be an obstacle for her; it even made her stronger than before.

"I-It's just so beautiful, honey," Maura paused after pulling away from the small huddle they had, "Your mother would've been so proud of you, even though she wouldn't want her profile to be in it, but I'm so glad you did." Maura's voice croaked slightly, "You described her perfectly."

Emily smiled faintly, "Thank you Maura, thank you Ben. It really means a lot for me, she means a lot to us, doesn't she? I know she's watching us from up there, I know she is."

Maura reached up slightly to plant a small kiss on her forehead. "Thank you Emily, for Niall I mean. That boy is such a handful," she chuckled with a loving look on her face.

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