Chapter 2: Yeah Dude Get Rekt

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(The dance October does in this chapter is the same dance you'll see in the video at 8 minutes and 30 seconds in this Jacksepticeye video called Shower With Your Dad Simulator. I love these dance moves.)

~October's POV~
I finally got released from the infirmary yesterday night. I woke up a soft bed. So this is what a bed feels like. Us Omegas don't get beds. We are deemed unworthy of them. And other luxury items as well. To weak, stupid, pathetic, etc. etc. You know, the whole nine yards. Yeah, anyway. I'm terrified of Alpha Ke'Yon. I know he tells me not to call him by his title due to him being my mate, it's just habit. I got beaten and/or raped every time I called a higher ranking wolf by their actual name without saying their rank first. And I don't want to get hit again. I sighed.

Alpha Ke'Yon bought me an iPhone 6 yesterday night before the Apple Store closed. Siri has become a friend of mine. As least she won't hurt or get mad at me. You know? Being she's inside a phone and all. Yeah. I figured out how to use YouTube. And I've been watching this Irish YouTuber named Jacksepticeye. I've memorized some of his dance moves. Like the one that I really like which is in his Shower With Your Dad Simulator video. I watched the whole thing. Then when I feel like breaking it down I skip to around the 8 minutes and 30 seconds mark where he starts dancing. I've memorized this dance. So that's what I'm doing right now. Hehehe. I made sure no one can see me and my door is closed. The volume was loud on my phone so I didn't hear the door open. I just finished with the hand thing he was doing before he went back to commentating. I looked up and I saw Alpha Ke'Yon standing there. I froze. Listening to Jacksepticeye talk in the background.
"What are you doing?" Alpha Ke'Yon asked.
"Uh-Uh... I was... D-Dancing with Jacksepticeye. He-He's an Irish YouTuber. And uh I didn't know you were standing there. I'm sorry... Alpha Ke'Yon. I won't do it again." I said.

"How many times must I tell you? We are equal. There's no need for formalities between us. I am just Ke'Yon to you. No Alpha is needed to come out of your mouth when you talk to me. I'm not going to punish you. Same goes with Beta Turner and Delta Maximus. Your can call Delta Maximus just plain old Max. He hates being called by his actual first name. He cringes and storms out of the room like the five-year-old he is. No one here will hurt you. They know the consequences if they do. I've forewarned them all. As for you, you are my mate. I would like you to do some stuff I say if it's in means of protecting you. But other than that, I have no reason to command you. Just make suggestions." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
"Oh. I just have a habit of that." I said.
"Well that's a habit I'mma break." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
"Oh, okay." I said.
"Don't be nervous." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
"It's s little hard not to be nervous. You know? The big bad scary Alpha is standing in front of me. Oops! I di-didn't mean it like that!" I shouted.
Stupid, stupid idiot!
"I didn't mean to shout." I said.
"Don't apologize. You were just voicing what you were taught." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
"Oh." I said.
"My sister, DeShawn, wants to take you shopping. Those clothes have seen better days." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
I looked at my outfit. It was all torn and dirty and disgusting. Just like me.
"Don't look at yourself like that." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
"Huh?" I asked.
"You looked at your outfit and then your face got all sad. Don't compare yourself to clothes. DeShawn told me that you have roughly 3 hours." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
"Okay then. I've never seen the outside world. I've only seen a cell and the pack house that I used to live at." I said.
"You can see more than just that. I'll show you as much as you want to see." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
That made me happy.

"I like our mate." My wolf, Liam, said.
"I'm uncertain. I'm still scared. He's worked up quite a bad reputation for himself and his pack." I said.
"So? I'd like him to touch us all over." Liam said.
"Okay, ew! Your horny dog." I said.
"What? It's true. Once we go into heat, neither of us will be able to resist the other. And that is what we want." Liam said.
"Gross!" I shouted.
"Oh just wait and see." Liam said.
Then he retreated to the back of my mind before I could reply to him. Ugh. I shook my head.
"Talking with your wolf I presume?" Alpha Ke'Yon asked.
"Yeah. He's... He's something else." I said.
"So's mine." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
"Really?" I asked.
"Mine's been saying some, uh... Inappropriate things to me. And I'm ignoring them." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
"Like? And mind just did too." I said.
"Oh let's see... Where to begin? Hmm... Okay, then. That he wants to mark you as soon as humanly and wolfingly possible. 'Wolfingly' isn't a work but I'mma use it. Um... Uh... That he wants me to take you right here, right now." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
"Okay. My wolf just told me that he wants you to touch us all over as he put it. And that as was we, evidently, want." I said.
He looked at me.

His Submissive Omega (boyxboy) Old VersionWhere stories live. Discover now